Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77, 023507 (2008)

Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77, 023507 (2008) Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D 77, 023507 (2008)

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IV. Effective equation of state for the universe and thefinite-time future singularities in non-local gravityNo. 26Non-local gravityproduced by quantum effects[Deser and Woodard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 111301 (2007)]・ It is known that so-called matter instability occurs in F(R) gravity.[Dolgov and Kawasaki, Phys. Lett. B 573, 1 (2003)]This implies that the curvature inside matter sphere becomesvery large and hence the curvature singularity could appear.[Arbuzova and Dolgov, Phys. Lett. B 700, 289 (2011)]It is important to examine whether there exists the curvaturesingularity, i.e., “the finite-time future singularities”in non-local gravity.

A. Non-local gravity< Action >g =det(g ö÷ )f : Some function: Metric tensorNo. 27Λ : Cosmological constantNon-local gravityBy introducing two scalar fields and , we find・By the variation of the action in thefirst expression over ø , we obtain(or )Substituting this equation into the action in thefirst expression, one re-obtains the starting action.: Covariant derivative operator: Covariant d'Alembertian: Matter LagrangianQ: Matter fields

IV. Effective equation of state for the universe and thefinite-time future singularities in non-local gravityNo. 26Non-local gravityproduced by quantum effects[Deser and Woodard, <strong>Phys</strong>. <strong>Rev</strong>. Lett. 99, 111301 (2007)]・ It is known that so-called matter instability occurs in F(R) gravity.[Dolgov and Kawasaki, <strong>Phys</strong>. Lett. B 573, 1 (2003)]This implies that the curvature inside matter sphere becomesvery large and hence the curvature singularity could appear.[Arbuzova and Dolgov, <strong>Phys</strong>. Lett. B 700, 289 (2011)]It is important to examine whether there exists the curvaturesingularity, i.e., “the finite-time future singularities”in non-local gravity.

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