Pizzazz MSM Book A.pdf - Kenton County School District

Pizzazz MSM Book A.pdf - Kenton County School District

Pizzazz MSM Book A.pdf - Kenton County School District

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- -00$0%hi% E What is the Titleof This Picture?Do each exercise below and find your answer in the coded title. Eachtime the answer appears, write the letter of the exercise above it.C O D E D TITLE: ---------ET.=5.3auY9,GIf a computer printer can print @ The bell in a college tower rings @ Pat can type at an average@A I2. 590 lines per minute, how many 156 times every day. How many speed of 185 words in 5 minutes.n lines can the printer print in 5 times does the bell ring in a At this rate, how many words9,9.4minutes? week? can Pat type in half an hour?

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