Assuring the Empire of the Future: The 1798 Fete de la Liberte

Assuring the Empire of the Future: The 1798 Fete de la Liberte

Assuring the Empire of the Future: The 1798 Fete de la Liberte


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lis a Venise, Florence, Naples, Turin et<br />

Bologne, Paris, Year 11 (1803); Notice <strong>de</strong>s<br />

tableaux, dont plusieurs ont eti recueillis i<br />

Parma et i Venise, Paris, Year 13 (1805).<br />

46 Notice ... Lombardie, Year 6 (<strong>1798</strong>) (cited n.<br />

45).<br />

47 Notice <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Galerie <strong>de</strong>s Antiques du Musee<br />

Napoleon. Notice <strong>de</strong>s statues, bustes et bas-<br />

reliefs, <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> galerie <strong>de</strong>s antiques du Musee<br />

Napoleon, ouverte pour <strong>la</strong> premiere fois le 18<br />

brumaire an 9, Paris, Year 11, p. 4. Gould has<br />

quite accurately titled his study <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Louvre<br />

during this period Trophy <strong>of</strong> Conquest (cited n.<br />

1).<br />

48 Gazette <strong>de</strong> France, 18 Brumaire Year 9 (No-<br />

vember 7, 1800), p. 191, and Notice ... Galerie<br />

<strong>de</strong>s antiques (cited n. 47), pp. 119-21.<br />

49 Hautecoeur (cited n. 9), p. 82; <strong>the</strong> suggestion<br />

came from Cambaceres.<br />

50 Gazette <strong>de</strong> France, 2 Fructidor Year 11 (Au-<br />

gust 20, 1803), p. 1323.<br />

51 Statues, bustes, bas-reliefs, bronzes, et autres<br />

antiquites, peintures, <strong>de</strong>ssins, et objets cu-<br />

rieux, conquis par <strong>la</strong> Gran<strong>de</strong> Armee, dans les<br />

annees 1806 et 1807, dont l'exposition a eu lieu<br />

le 14 octobre 1807, premier anniversaire <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

bataille d'lIna, Paris, 1807. <strong>The</strong> Revolutionary<br />

calendar was abolished in 1805.<br />

52 On Napoleon's bust, see: Saunier (cited n. 1),<br />

p. 40; on museum commissions, see: L. Lanzac<br />

<strong>de</strong> Laborie, Paris sous Napoleon: Spectacles et<br />

musees, Paris, 1913, p. 237; and Blumer,<br />

"Commission" (cited n. 1), p. 249, n. 1; <strong>the</strong><br />

works were never completed.<br />

53 Lanzac <strong>de</strong> Laborie (cited n. 52), p. 287.<br />

54 See: Milizia, De I'art <strong>de</strong> voir dans les beaux-<br />

arts; Traduit <strong>de</strong> l'italien <strong>de</strong> Milizia suivi <strong>de</strong>s<br />

institutions propres a les faire fleurir en<br />

France et d'un etat <strong>de</strong>s objets d'arts dont ses<br />

musees ont ete enrichis par <strong>la</strong> guerre <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

liberte. Par le General Pommereul, Paris, Year<br />

6. pp. 314-15; A. H. Tail<strong>la</strong>ndier, Documents<br />

biographiques sur P.C.F. Daunou, Paris, 1847,<br />

pp. 133-34. Daunou was commissioner in<br />

Rome to oversee confiscation <strong>of</strong> libraries. On<br />

removal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> frescoes, see: Marie Louise<br />

Blumer, "La Mission <strong>de</strong> Denon en Italie<br />

(1811)," Revue <strong>de</strong>s etu<strong>de</strong>s Napoleoniennes<br />

(November-December 1934), pp. 237-57.<br />

55 I am grateful to John Stephens Crawford for<br />

his advice on this monument. See: Massi-<br />

miliano Pavan, "<strong>The</strong> Horses <strong>of</strong> San Marco in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Neo-C<strong>la</strong>ssical and Romantic Epochs," in<br />

<strong>The</strong> Horses <strong>of</strong> San Marco, Venice, exh. cat.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Royal Aca<strong>de</strong>my, London, 1977-79, pp.<br />

111-15.<br />

56 Notice <strong>de</strong>s tableaux <strong>de</strong>s ecoles primitives <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Italie, <strong>de</strong> l'Allemagne, et <strong>de</strong> plusieurs autres<br />

tableaux <strong>de</strong> differentes ecoles, exposes dans le<br />

Grand Salon du Musie Royal, ouvert le 25<br />

juillet 1814, Paris, 1814. Napoleon abdicated<br />

on April 6, Louis XVIII was installed on June<br />

4, so <strong>the</strong> show actually opened un<strong>de</strong>r <strong>the</strong><br />

restored monarchy.<br />

57 Most French accounts insist that <strong>the</strong> 1814-15<br />

recuperation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> plun<strong>de</strong>r was illegal. See:<br />

Eugene Miintz, "Les Invasions <strong>de</strong> 1814-1815<br />

et <strong>la</strong> spoliation <strong>de</strong> nos mus6es," La Nouvelle<br />

Revue, 115 (April 1897), pp. 703-16; 117<br />

(July-August 1897), pp. 193-207, 420-39;<br />

Saunier (cited n. 1), pp. 85-185; Hautecoeur<br />

(cited n. 9), p. 89. For <strong>the</strong> fate <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Italian<br />

paintings, see: Marie-Louise Blumer, "Cata-<br />

logue <strong>de</strong>s peintures transport6es d'Italie en<br />

France <strong>de</strong> 1796 a 1814," Bulletin <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Societe<br />

<strong>de</strong> l'histoire <strong>de</strong> l'art francais, 1936, pp. 244-<br />

348; for <strong>the</strong> Belgian, see: Piot (cited n. 5); for<br />

<strong>the</strong> Spanish, see: Ilse Hempel Lipschutz, Span-<br />

ish Painting and <strong>the</strong> French Romantics, Cam-<br />

bridge, MA, 1972.<br />

58 In his first <strong>of</strong>ficial speech he quickly (and<br />

erroneously) announced that France would<br />

keep <strong>the</strong> art; see: Le Moniteur universel (cited<br />

n. 10); for a discussion <strong>of</strong> French attempts to<br />

keep <strong>the</strong> art, see: Miintz, "Invasions" (cited n.<br />

57); Saunier (cited n. 1), pp. 85-95, 168-76.<br />

59 Saunier (cited n. 1), pp. 168-76; Miintz, "Inva-<br />

sions" (cited n. 57), 117 (July-August 1897),<br />

p. 438.<br />

60 Miintz, "Invasions" (cited n. 57), 117 (July-<br />

August 1897), pp. 204-6.<br />

61 Miintz, "Annexations" (cited n. 1), 10 (1896),<br />

p. 502.<br />

62 Saunier (cited n. 1), pp. 151-52; Jean Chate-<br />

<strong>la</strong>in, Dominique Vivant Denon et le Louvre <strong>de</strong><br />

Napoleon, Paris, 1973, p. 249; Lanzac <strong>de</strong><br />

Labordie (cited n.52), pp. 426-28; Miintz, "In-<br />

vasions" (cited n. 57), 117 (July-August<br />

1897), pp. 204, 207.<br />

63 Lavallee (who succee<strong>de</strong>d Denon in <strong>the</strong> Louvre)<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> a chart <strong>of</strong> returned art, given in Saunier<br />

(cited n. 1), p. 161; it shows Prussia, 119<br />

paintings, 375 works <strong>of</strong> sculpture; Austria, 323<br />

paintings, 16 sculptures; Spain, 284 paintings;<br />

Ne<strong>the</strong>r<strong>la</strong>nds, 210 paintings, etc. Blumer, "Cat-<br />

alogue" (cited n. 57), pp. 347-48, shows that <strong>of</strong><br />

506 paintings seized in Italy, only 249 were<br />

returned. Piot (cited n. 5), pp. 16-63, states<br />

that <strong>of</strong> 271 pictures taken in Belgium, only 100<br />

were returned.<br />

64 Stendhal, Histoire <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> peinture en Italie,<br />

Geneva, 1969, vol. 2, pp. 338-39; only 16 <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

100 Tolentino works were paintings. For a<br />

virtually i<strong>de</strong>ntical mo<strong>de</strong>rn <strong>de</strong>fense, see: Saunier<br />

(cited n. 1), p. 135; Miintz, "Invasions" (cited<br />

n. 57), 117 (July-August 1897), p. 193; Haute-<br />

coeur (cited n. 9), p. 89.<br />

65"Lord Liverpool to Lord Castlereagh, Fife<br />

House, August 3, 1815," in Correspon<strong>de</strong>nce,<br />

Despatches, and O<strong>the</strong>r Papers <strong>of</strong> Viscount<br />

Castlereagh, Second Marquess <strong>of</strong> London<strong>de</strong>r-<br />

ry, ed. Charles William Vane, Marquess <strong>of</strong><br />

London<strong>de</strong>rry, 3rd series, vol. 2, p. 453.<br />

66 For an account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> event and <strong>the</strong> period, see:<br />

William St. C<strong>la</strong>ir, Lord Elgin and <strong>the</strong> Marbles,<br />

London, 1967.<br />

67 Ibid., pp. 202-7, 228; Miintz, "Invasions"<br />

(cited n. 7), 117 (July-August 1897), p. 438;<br />

Haskell and Penny (cited n. 1), p. 116.<br />

68 For ano<strong>the</strong>r episo<strong>de</strong> in this rivalry, see: E. A.<br />

Wallis Budge, <strong>The</strong> Rosetta Stone in <strong>the</strong> British<br />

Museum, NY, 1976.<br />

69"Lord Liverpool to Lord Castlereagh, Fife<br />

House, August 3, 1815," in Castlereagh (cited<br />

n. 65), vol. 2, p. 453.<br />

70 "Memorial <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Foreign Artists at Rome,<br />

addressed to Lord Castlereagh, Rome, 1815,"<br />

inCastlereagh (cited n. 65), vol. 2, pp. 462-63.<br />

71 Neufchateau (cited n. 32), vol. 1, p.29.<br />

Patricia Mainardi is Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Art<br />

History at Brooklyn College and <strong>The</strong><br />

Graduate Center <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> City University<br />

<strong>of</strong> New York. She received <strong>the</strong> 1988<br />

Charles Rufus Morey Awardfrom <strong>the</strong><br />

College Art Association for her book,<br />

Art and Politics <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Second <strong>Empire</strong>:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Universal Expositions <strong>of</strong> 1855 and<br />

1867.<br />

Summer 1989 163

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