Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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god, etc. -- it is obvious that we are dealing with “anotherspirit” rather than the Spirit of God who is the holy Spirit ofTruth and Righteousness (John 4:23; 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1John 4:6).“For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness andrighteousness and truth” (Ephesians 5:9).We have provided extensive documentation of thesecharges in this Directory as well as in “Biblical Separatismand Its Collapse among Fundamental Baptists,” which is alsoavailable as a free eBook at the Way of Life web site. (See theFree eBook tab.) e video presentation “e Foreign Spiritof Contemporary Worship Music” also documents theapostasy of this movement. is presentation, which ispacked with audio and video clips, is available as a DVD oran eVideo download from the Way of Life online catalog Christian Worship music is sweepingthrough all denominations from Roman Catholic tofundamental Baptist. ere is something deeply andinherently wrong with music that is comfortable in the midstof the most wretched heresy and apostasy. And that is exactlywhere Contemporary Christian Worship is most at is where it was birthed, and it is frolicking happy in themidst of the most radical kinds of ecumenical disobedience,such as the yoking together of Roman Catholics andLutherans and Methodists and Baptists at conventions likeNew Orleans ‘87 and Indianapolis ’90, and St. Louis 2000. Iattended these conferences with media credentials for OTimothy magazine, and they represent gross disobedience tothe Word of God. Roman Catholic priests conductedcontemporary praise masses, glorified Mary as the Queen ofHeaven, exalted the pope as the “vicar of Christ,” and saidthat no one can go to Heaven except through purgatory. YetCCW smiles broadly at such things in its “let’s keep itpositive,” doctrinally-tolerant ecumenical stance, and isperfectly comfortable in that environment. (See Charismatic2

Confusion, which is a report on these conferences. It isavailable as a free 250-page eBook at the Way of Life website.)Contemporary worship music is at home in LaughingRevival meetings where people laugh hysterically during thepreaching, stagger around like drunks, are “glued” to thefloor, and give false prophecies of a latter rain miracle revival.e music itself feeds the charismatic-ecumenical mysticalexperience. e sensual pulsing, skipping, tripping, bodyjerkingsyncopated dance rhythms, the electronicmodulation, the reverb and echo and feedback, theunresolving chord sequences, the pounding drums, thesensual vocal styles, the dramatic rise and fall of the soundlevel, and the repetition create an atmosphere in whichcharismatic seekers experience an emotional high, arehypnotized to receive an unscriptural message, and areprepared for “signs and wonders” phenomena.Whatever is operating in the charismatic-ecumenicalmovement, it is definitely “another spirit” when testedScripturally (2 Corinthians 11:4), and contemporary praisemusic is that spirit’s vehicle.Once we establish that CCM represents “another spirit,” it iseasy to see that it has no place whatsoever in a Bible-believingchurch. God has commanded His people to "touch not theunclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17). He has commandedthem to come out of end-time Babylon:“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out ofher, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that yereceive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).Contemporary worship music is a dangerous bridge both tothe world and to the “broader church” with all of its ancientand end-time heresies.3

Confusion, which is a report on these conferences. It isavailable as a free 250-page eBook at the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> website.)<strong>Contemporary</strong> worship music is at home in LaughingRevival meetings where people laugh hysterically during thepreaching, stagger around like drunks, are “glued” to thefloor, and give false prophecies <strong>of</strong> a latter rain miracle revival.e music itself feeds the charismatic-ecumenical mysticalexperience. e sensual pulsing, skipping, tripping, bodyjerkingsyncopated dance rhythms, the electronicmodulation, the reverb and echo and feedback, theunresolving chord sequences, the pounding drums, thesensual vocal styles, the dramatic rise and fall <strong>of</strong> the soundlevel, and the repetition create an atmosphere in whichcharismatic seekers experience an emotional high, arehypnotized to receive an unscriptural message, and areprepared for “signs and wonders” phenomena.Whatever is operating in the charismatic-ecumenicalmovement, it is definitely “another spirit” when testedScripturally (2 Corinthians 11:4), and contemporary praisemusic is that spirit’s vehicle.Once we establish that CCM represents “another spirit,” it iseasy to see that it has no place whatsoever in a Bible-believingchurch. God has commanded His people to "touch not theunclean thing” (2 Corinthians 6:17). He has commandedthem to come out <strong>of</strong> end-time Babylon:“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out <strong>of</strong>her, my people, that ye be not partakers <strong>of</strong> her sins, and that yereceive not <strong>of</strong> her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).<strong>Contemporary</strong> worship music is a dangerous bridge both tothe world and to the “broader church” with all <strong>of</strong> its ancientand end-time heresies.3

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