Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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television (Jay Leno, 1993). eir album “Jesus Freak” sold85,000 copies the first week, the highest first-week sales ofany Christian release to that time. eir 1998 albumSupernatural debuted at No. 4 on the Billboard 200 charts,which was unprecedented for a “Christian” album.Toby wears two ear rings and has long hair. eirinterviews contain offensive and vulgar words such as“crappy” and “freaking.” e Bible says we should use only“sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is ofthe contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to sayof you” (Titus 2:8).Toby McKeehan and Michael Tait began their careertogether by performing the rap song “Heavenbound” before8,000 enthusiastic Liberty students, and Kevin Smith joinedthem soon thereaer.e three met at the charismatic Heritage USA whenFalwell was attempting to rescue the PTL Club aer JimBakker was arrested. e origin of this rock group, therefore,is related to the compromise of Jerry Falwell in associatingwith the worldly/unscriptural PTL Club.In 1991 Falwell stated: “During Toby, Michael, and Kevin’stenure at Liberty University, it was obvious to me that Godhad great plans for these three young men and their powerfulprogram...” (Calendar magazine, Spring/Summer 1991, p. 8).Terry Watkins observes, “at’s quite a statement by BrotherFalwell, considering that Kevin was kicked out of Liberty fora ‘drinking’ problem!”e group was praised in the June 1996 issue of Falwell’sNational Liberty Journal: “is year’s top artists are LibertyUniversity’s own dc Talk, whose Jesus Freak CD experiencednever-before-seen sales figures for gospel music.” In April1996 the hard-rocking dc Talk drew the largest concert crowdin the history of Falwell’s university.74

In an interview with CCM Magazine about their 1998album, Supernatural, the members of dc Talk described theirobjective in these words:“’We are not ministers,’ says McKeehan. ‘DC TALK IS ABUSINESS, but in the midst of our business, we pray that Godministers to people through our lives. Max adds, ‘DC TALK ISAN ENTERTAINMENT GROUP. But when you dig deep intowhat we do or you dig into what we say, therein lies where theHoly Spirit interacts with the people” (emphasis added) (AprilHefner, “Supermen,” CCM Magazine, October 1998, p. 38).Michael Tait admits that he loves the “look at me” aspect ofrock. “I’ve always wanted to be the front guy of a band ofguitar-toting, drum-slinging rock ‘n’ rollers because mypersonality is one of such flamboyancy and energy. Rock ‘n’roll embodies and exudes all of that” (CCM Magazine, May2001, p. 43). Kevin Max also admits that they are selfpossessedwith their music, just like secular rockers: “As aperformer, you’re constantly neurotic about what you looklike, how you’re performing on stage, what you come off liketo the public” (Ibid., p. 44).Some of dc Talk’s musical role models are the Beatles,David Bowie, and e Police, all of which are wicked secularrock groups. Kevin Smith said that he listens to mostlysecular rock music (Flint Michigan Journal, March 15, 1996,p. B19). dc Talk opened its “Jesus Freak” concerts with theBeatles’ song “Help.” ey also performed other secular rocksongs at their concerts, including the drug-inspired “PurpleHaze” by Jimi Hendrix. ey also covered “All Apologies” bythe rock group Nirvana, formerly led by Kurt Cobain. TerryWatkins notes: “Kurt Cobain is one of the worstANTICHRIST blasphemers since John Lennon. Kurt Cobaindecorated his home with blood-splattered baby dolls hangingby their necks! e inside of Nirvana’s album In Utero, whichis the album dc Talk got ‘All Apologies’ from, has pictures ofchopped up babies! Cobain ran around his neighborhoodspray-painting, ‘ABORT CHRIST’ and ‘GOD IS GAY.’75

In an interview with CCM Magazine about their 1998album, Supernatural, the members <strong>of</strong> dc Talk described theirobjective in these words:“’We are not ministers,’ says McKeehan. ‘DC TALK IS ABUSINESS, but in the midst <strong>of</strong> our business, we pray that Godministers to people through our lives. Max adds, ‘DC TALK ISAN ENTERTAINMENT GROUP. But when you dig deep intowhat we do or you dig into what we say, therein lies where theHoly Spirit interacts with the people” (emphasis added) (AprilHefner, “Supermen,” CCM Magazine, October 1998, p. 38).Michael Tait admits that he loves the “look at me” aspect <strong>of</strong>rock. “I’ve always wanted to be the front guy <strong>of</strong> a band <strong>of</strong>guitar-toting, drum-slinging rock ‘n’ rollers because mypersonality is one <strong>of</strong> such flamboyancy and energy. Rock ‘n’roll embodies and exudes all <strong>of</strong> that” (CCM Magazine, May2001, p. 43). Kevin Max also admits that they are selfpossessedwith their music, just like secular rockers: “As aperformer, you’re constantly neurotic about what you looklike, how you’re performing on stage, what you come <strong>of</strong>f liketo the public” (Ibid., p. 44).Some <strong>of</strong> dc Talk’s musical role models are the Beatles,David Bowie, and e Police, all <strong>of</strong> which are wicked secularrock groups. Kevin Smith said that he listens to mostlysecular rock music (Flint Michigan Journal, March 15, 1996,p. B19). dc Talk opened its “Jesus Freak” concerts with theBeatles’ song “Help.” ey also performed other secular rocksongs at their concerts, including the drug-inspired “PurpleHaze” by Jimi Hendrix. ey also covered “All Apologies” bythe rock group Nirvana, formerly led by Kurt Cobain. TerryWatkins notes: “Kurt Cobain is one <strong>of</strong> the worstANTICHRIST blasphemers since John Lennon. Kurt Cobaindecorated his home with blood-splattered baby dolls hangingby their necks! e inside <strong>of</strong> Nirvana’s album In Utero, whichis the album dc Talk got ‘All Apologies’ from, has pictures <strong>of</strong>chopped up babies! Cobain ran around his neighborhoodspray-painting, ‘ABORT CHRIST’ and ‘GOD IS GAY.’75

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