Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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says that both sides of the issue are Christians and that he andhis church have affiliations with both “camps.” He even said,“We’re all saying the same thing.”ey also use the term “three DIMENSIONS of one God.”e two largest Oneness denominations are the UnitedPentecostal Church and United Apostolic Churches.Oneness theology was rejected from the Assemblies of Godin the 1920s as false and cultic.In addition to Geron Davis, other Oneness Pentecostalcontemporary praise musicians include Mark Carouthers,Joel Hemphill (“He’s Still Working on Me”), Lanny Wolfe(“Greater Is He at Is in Me”), Dottie Rambo (‘Beyond theLamb” and “If at Isn’t Love”), and Phillips, Craig and Dean.Davis wrote “In the Presence of Jehovah” and “HolyGround.” e latter is one of the best-selling contemporarypraise songs. Barbra Streisand, who is not a Christian,included the song on her 1997 New Age inspirational album“Higher Ground.” She says that she first heard “HigherGround” at Clinton’s mother’s funeral in 1994 and that it was“an electrifying moment.” Streisand applied the lyrics to herNew Age philosophy that “God is everywhere “and “everysquare inch of this planet is holy ground.” When asked howhe felt about Streisand being electrified by “Holy Ground,”Davis replied:“e presence of God has the same effect on everybody. Itdoesn’t matter how powerful, how wealthy, how well knownyou are. When you come into God’s presence, friend, we're allon level ground” (Phil Christensen, “Holy Ground by GeronDavis,”’s gross lack of spiritual discernment is evident in thathe didn’t mention anything about the necessity of being bornagain in order to have a personal relationship with God, andhe did not warn that the devil is the god of this world andappears as an angel of light (2 Cor. 4:4; 11:14-15).72

If we consider the lyrics to “Holy Ground,” the reason forits broad appeal becomes obvious.“As I walked through the door/ I sensed His presence/ And Iknew this was the place/ Where love abounds/ For this is thetemple, Jehovah God abides here/ And we are standing in Hispresence/ on Holy Ground./ We are standing on holy ground/And I know that there are angels all around/ Let us praise Jesusnow/ We are standing in His presence on holy ground/ In Hispresence there is joy beyond measure/ At His feet, peace ofmind can still be found/ If you have a need, I know He has theanswer/ Reach out and claim it/ For you are standing on holyground.”In light of the incredibly vague message, it is not surprisingthat this contemporary worship song is popular amongecumenical Protestants, theological modernists, RomanCatholics, even New Agers. And the doctrinal vagueness isnot limited to a few contemporary worship songs. It is one ofthis genre’s hallmarks. We must recall that “Holy Ground” isthe No. 2 best-selling contemporary praise song. ere areexceptions, of course, but New Agey vagueness tends to bethe rule.Dc Talkdc Talk was formed in 1987 by three students at JerryFalwell’s Liberty University: Toby Mckeehan (TobyMac),Michael Tait, and Kevin Smith. e name dc Talk is areference to their home town, Washington, D.C. ey helpedpopularize “Christian rap.”ough they disbanded in 2000, they have been called “themost popular overtly Christian act of all time” (Encyclopediaof Contemporary Christian Music) and “Christian music’sbiggest group of all time” (“Interview: Newsboys Lead SingerMichael Tait,” Christian Post, Dc. 13, 2011). e group’sinfluence has been massive. ey were the first Christian rockband to win a Dove Award, and they were one of the firstcontemporary Christian bands to perform on late-night73

If we consider the lyrics to “Holy Ground,” the reason forits broad appeal becomes obvious.“As I walked through the door/ I sensed His presence/ And Iknew this was the place/ Where love abounds/ For this is thetemple, Jehovah God abides here/ And we are standing in Hispresence/ on Holy Ground./ We are standing on holy ground/And I know that there are angels all around/ Let us praise Jesusnow/ We are standing in His presence on holy ground/ In Hispresence there is joy beyond measure/ At His feet, peace <strong>of</strong>mind can still be found/ If you have a need, I know He has theanswer/ Reach out and claim it/ For you are standing on holyground.”In light <strong>of</strong> the incredibly vague message, it is not surprisingthat this contemporary worship song is popular amongecumenical Protestants, theological modernists, RomanCatholics, even New Agers. And the doctrinal vagueness isnot limited to a few contemporary worship songs. It is one <strong>of</strong>this genre’s hallmarks. We must recall that “Holy Ground” isthe No. 2 best-selling contemporary praise song. ere areexceptions, <strong>of</strong> course, but New Agey vagueness tends to bethe rule.Dc Talkdc Talk was formed in 1987 by three students at JerryFalwell’s Liberty University: Toby Mckeehan (TobyMac),Michael Tait, and Kevin Smith. e name dc Talk is areference to their home town, Washington, D.C. ey helpedpopularize “Christian rap.”ough they disbanded in 2000, they have been called “themost popular overtly Christian act <strong>of</strong> all time” (Encyclopedia<strong>of</strong> <strong>Contemporary</strong> Christian Music) and “Christian music’sbiggest group <strong>of</strong> all time” (“Interview: Newsboys Lead SingerMichael Tait,” Christian Post, Dc. 13, 2011). e group’sinfluence has been massive. ey were the first Christian rockband to win a Dove Award, and they were one <strong>of</strong> the firstcontemporary Christian bands to perform on late-night73

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