Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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featuring Louie Giglio, Rob Bell, Israel Houghton, HillsongLondon, Matt Redman, Jars of Clay, Matt Maher, David Dark,Gungor, Derek Webb, among others.In his book Praise Habit: Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi,David Crowder is a proponent of the extremely dangerouspractice of contemplative prayer.It’s obvious that the world of contemporary worship musicis comfortable with every sort of heresy and is beingpropelled along by a foreign spirit toward the formation ofthe apostate one-world church.Davis, GeronGeron Davis (b. 1964) is committed to the “Jesus Only”doctrine that denies the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity. He isthe son of a United Pentecostal Church (UPC) minister andserved as music minister at e Pentecostals of Alexandria(UPC) before joining Christ Church in Nashville. is churchbaptizes in Jesus’ name only and uses Oneness language (Godis revealed in “manifestations” rather than Persons) but intrue emerging, ecumenical fashion, it leaves the question ofthe Trinity open (“Geron Davis and Kindred Souls,” Alpha &Omega Ministries, July 1, 2005).ere is a blending and merging of doctrine today, andContemporary Christian Music is at the forefront of this endtimephenomenon that is building the one-world church.e Oneness or Jesus Only Pentecostals hold the heresy ofmodalism. ey believe that God is a single Person who hasrevealed himself in three modes or forms or manifestationsor aspects or roles. He revealed Himself as Father or Jehovahin the Old Testament and as the Son in the incarnation and asHoly Spirit aer Jesus’ ascension. It is the idea that God wearsthree different hats and has three different functions in Hisvarious manifestations. is is in contrast to the Biblicaldoctrine of the Trinity, which is that the Godhead is70

composed of three co-equal, co-eternal, co-existentPERSONS: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is one in unity.“2 Peter 1:17 says there is a Person called the Father, and He’sGod. Acts 5:3-4 says there’s a Person called the Holy Spirit, andHe’s God. John 1:1 says there’s a Person called the Word andHe’s God. You’ve got three Persons, and Deuteronomy 6:4 saysthere’s only one God. e logical conclusion is that these threePersons, somehow, are one God” (Walter Martin).e term “elohim,” which is used in Deuteronomy 6:4 forGod, is a plural term. e verse literally says “Jehovah(singular) our Elohim (plural) is one.” As Jehovah, Godspeaks of Himself as singular, but as Elohim, He speaks ofHimself as plural, because there is also the Son and the HolySpirit.Oneness doctrine is the ancient heresy of Sabellianism,which was taught by Sabellius in Rome in the third centuryA.D. e heresy was accepted by Demetrius, Patriarch ofAlexandria, Egypt, a hotbed of theological error.Oneness Pentecostals will use the term Trinity and theytake offense when charged with denying the doctrine of theTrinity, but they redefine the term according to their hereticaldictionary. For example, T.D. Jakes, senior pastor of ePotter’s House, was ordained at a Greater EmmanuelApostolic Church, which is Oneness Pentecostal, and he hasremained in association with the Higher Ground AlwaysAbounding Assemblies, which also are Oneness in theology.Jakes claims to believe in the Trinity, but he defines itaccording to Oneness language. e Potter’s House statementof faith says, “We believe in one God, who is eternal in Hisexistence, Triune in His MANIFESTATIONS, being bothFather, Son and Holy Ghost.” In an appearance on theElephant Room dialogue in January 2012, Jakes againaffirmed that he prefers the term “manifestations” rather than“Persons.” In that forum he claimed to stand part waybetween traditional Trinitarian doctrine and Onenessdoctrine and he doesn’t believe in making an issue of it. He71

featuring Louie Giglio, Rob Bell, Israel Houghton, HillsongLondon, Matt Redman, Jars <strong>of</strong> Clay, Matt Maher, David Dark,Gungor, Derek Webb, among others.In his book Praise Habit: Finding God in Sunsets and Sushi,David Crowder is a proponent <strong>of</strong> the extremely dangerouspractice <strong>of</strong> contemplative prayer.It’s obvious that the world <strong>of</strong> contemporary worship musicis comfortable with every sort <strong>of</strong> heresy and is beingpropelled along by a foreign spirit toward the formation <strong>of</strong>the apostate one-world church.Davis, GeronGeron Davis (b. 1964) is committed to the “Jesus Only”doctrine that denies the Biblical doctrine <strong>of</strong> the Trinity. He isthe son <strong>of</strong> a United Pentecostal Church (UPC) minister andserved as music minister at e Pentecostals <strong>of</strong> Alexandria(UPC) before joining Christ Church in Nashville. is churchbaptizes in Jesus’ name only and uses Oneness language (Godis revealed in “manifestations” rather than Persons) but intrue emerging, ecumenical fashion, it leaves the question <strong>of</strong>the Trinity open (“Geron Davis and Kindred Souls,” Alpha &Omega Ministries, July 1, 2005).ere is a blending and merging <strong>of</strong> doctrine today, and<strong>Contemporary</strong> Christian Music is at the forefront <strong>of</strong> this endtimephenomenon that is building the one-world church.e Oneness or Jesus Only Pentecostals hold the heresy <strong>of</strong>modalism. ey believe that God is a single Person who hasrevealed himself in three modes or forms or manifestationsor aspects or roles. He revealed Himself as Father or Jehovahin the Old Testament and as the Son in the incarnation and asHoly Spirit aer Jesus’ ascension. It is the idea that God wearsthree different hats and has three different functions in Hisvarious manifestations. is is in contrast to the Biblicaldoctrine <strong>of</strong> the Trinity, which is that the Godhead is70

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