Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Emergents such as Brian McLaren and Rob Bell are boldlyand brashly rejecting the God of their grandparents. ey arenot just rejecting some doctrines their Christiangrandparents believed; they are rejecting the God that theirgrandparents worshiped.Bell’s God is not the thrice holy Lawgiver who hates sin.In Love Wins there is a photo of a painting that hung on awall in Bell’s grandmother’s house. It depicts heaven as ashining city on the far side of a dark, burning, fearsomechasm. Bridging the chasm is a cross upon which people arewalking toward safety. When Bell asked his sister if sheremembered the painting, she replied, “Of course, it gave usall the creeps.”As well it should if you haven’t been saved! e paintingdepicts the truth of the gospel. ere is a heaven and there isa hell and only through regenerating faith in Christ’s crosscan hell be escaped.Bell has plainly rejected the doctrine of heaven and hell thathis grandparents held:“Are there other ways to think about heaven, other than as thatperfect floating shiny city hanging suspended there in the airabove that ominous red and black realm with all that smokeand steam and hissing fire? I say yes, there are” (Love Wins,Kindle location 357-368).But Bell has gone even further. He has rejected the God hisgrandparents worshipped.Bell claims that the God who would allow multitudes to goto eternal hell is not great or mighty (Love Wins, location1189-1229). He calls the preaching of eternal hell “misguidedand toxic,” a “cheap view of God,” and “lethal” (location47-60, 2154-2180). He implies that this God is not a truefriend and protector; he says there is something wrong withthis God and calls Him “terrifying and traumatizing andunbearable” (location 1273-1287, 2098-2113). He even saysthat if an earthly father acted like the God who sends people68

to hell “we could contact child protection servicesimmediately” (location 2085-2098).It is obvious that Bell wants nothing whatsoever to do withthe God worshiped by his grandparents.Bell’s god is more akin to New Age panentheism than theGod of the Bible. He describes God as “a force, an energy, abeing calling out to us in many languages, using a variety ofmethods and events” (Love Wins, location 1710-1724).“ere is an energy in the world, a spark, an electricity thateverything is plugged into. e Greeks called it zoe, the mysticscall it ‘Spirit,’ and Obi-Wan called it ‘the Force’” (Love Wins,location 1749-1762).Bell also worships a false christ. His Jesus is“supracultural ... present within all cultures ... refuses to beco-opted or owned by any one culture ... He doesn’t even statethat those coming to the Father through him will even knowthat they are coming exclusively through him ... there is onlyone mountain, but many paths. ... People come to Jesus in allsorts of ways ... Sometimes people use his name; other timesthey don’t” (Love Wins, location 1827-1840, 1865-1878,1918-1933).It is not surprising, then, that Bell recommends that hisreaders sit at the feet of Ken Wilber, who believes in thedivinity of man.“For a mind-blowing introduction to emergence theory anddivine creativity, set aside three months and read Ken Wilber’sA Brief History of Everything” (Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis, p. 192).e god described in Love Wins is the very same goddepicted in the novel e ShackBy leading worship at Mars Hill Bible Church at a servicedesigned to honor Bell’s life and ministry, David Crowder puthis stamp of approval upon these heresies and demonstratedthat he serves a “different spirit” (2 Cor. 11:3-4).In October 2010 the David Crowder Band hosted theFantastical Church Music Conference at Baylor University,69

to hell “we could contact child protection servicesimmediately” (location 2085-2098).It is obvious that Bell wants nothing whatsoever to do withthe God worshiped by his grandparents.Bell’s god is more akin to New Age panentheism than theGod <strong>of</strong> the Bible. He describes God as “a force, an energy, abeing calling out to us in many languages, using a variety <strong>of</strong>methods and events” (Love Wins, location 1710-1724).“ere is an energy in the world, a spark, an electricity thateverything is plugged into. e Greeks called it zoe, the mysticscall it ‘Spirit,’ and Obi-Wan called it ‘the Force’” (Love Wins,location 1749-1762).Bell also worships a false christ. His Jesus is“supracultural ... present within all cultures ... refuses to beco-opted or owned by any one culture ... He doesn’t even statethat those coming to the Father through him will even knowthat they are coming exclusively through him ... there is onlyone mountain, but many paths. ... People come to Jesus in allsorts <strong>of</strong> ways ... Sometimes people use his name; other timesthey don’t” (Love Wins, location 1827-1840, 1865-1878,1918-1933).It is not surprising, then, that Bell recommends that hisreaders sit at the feet <strong>of</strong> Ken Wilber, who believes in thedivinity <strong>of</strong> man.“For a mind-blowing introduction to emergence theory anddivine creativity, set aside three months and read Ken Wilber’sA Brief History <strong>of</strong> Everything” (Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis, p. 192).e god described in Love Wins is the very same goddepicted in the novel e ShackBy leading worship at Mars Hill Bible Church at a servicedesigned to honor Bell’s life and ministry, David Crowder puthis stamp <strong>of</strong> approval upon these heresies and demonstratedthat he serves a “different spirit” (2 Cor. 11:3-4).In October 2010 the David Crowder Band hosted theFantastical Church Music Conference at Baylor University,69

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