Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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have bought into the shallow arguments that are used tojustify the merger of the holy Rock Jesus Christ with theunholy rock of this world.e leaven did its job. e CCM songs published byMaranatha in the 1970s, which were considered “edgy” at thetime, are the “old conservative hymns” of the contemporarypraise movement today. is is how the devil works. He usesthe tools of confrontation, compromise, and incrementalism.He was the inventor of Hegelian Dialectics, which has beenemployed to great effect by communists, humanists, liberaleducators, theological modernists, Christian rockers, andothers to tear down the old and replace it with the new. isis done by bringing incremental change through a process ofconfronting the existing paradigm (philosophy, doctrine,culture, position, etc.) with an alternative. At first thealternative seems shocking and wrong, but with persistenceon the part of the change agents, over time the newalternative is syncretized with the old paradigm to produce acompromise, which becomes the new accepted paradigm andthe new base line for another round of change. In this way,the targeted group (e.g., classroom, church, political party,nation) is carried along slowly but surely toward theobjective.e role played by Calvary Chapel and Maranatha Music inthe 1970s (whether by design or not) was similar to whatDick Clark’s American Bandstand did in the 1950s inbroadening the popularity of rock & roll by cleaning up its“bad boy” rebel stigma in the minds of parents. Clarkrequired the teenage rockers to dress conservatively in skirtsand dresses, suits and ties, and toned down the dance moves.Clark didn’t change the licentious rebel character of rock; hemerely cleaned up its image so it could leaven every sphere ofsociety. Dick Clark was simply having a good time andmaking money, but the god of this world was pulling thestrings.40

ough the decades, Maranatha Music has itself becomeever more radical in its use of rock & roll, ever morecharismatic, ever more ecumenical. Today its workshops havea large influence in cross-denominational education. Churchleaders from “ALL DENOMINATIONS” are welcome( By 2008, 120,000 “church gatekeepers”who attended workshops “looked to MaranathaMusic as the leading source of worship products andservices.” Maranatha not only spreads contemporary music, italso spreads the CCM heresies of non-judgmentalism,ecumenism, and “cultural liberalism.”(See also “Marsha Stevens” in this Directory.)Card, MichaelMichael Card (b. 1956) lists several theological modernistsand Roman Catholic authors as major influences with nowarning to the viewers about their heresies and false gospels.ese include Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Malcolm Muggeridge, F.F.Bruce, and Henri Nouwen. Bonhoeffer rejected suchdoctrines as Christ’s virgin birth, bodily resurrection, andsubstitutionary atonement. According to Bonhoeffer, it is a“cardinal error” to regard Christianity as a religion ofsalvation. As for Muggeridge, Card specifically mentions hisblasphemous book Jesus Rediscovered, in which he denied thevirgin birth, deity, and bodily resurrection of Christ. F.F.Bruce denied the eternal fire of Hell and promoted theannihilation heresy. Henri Nouwen was a liberal Catholicpriest who supported homosexuality and liberation theologyand held the heresy of universalism.Michael Card is radically ecumenical. In 1996, he producedan album (Brother to Brother) jointly with John MichaelTalbot, a Roman Catholic who prays to Mary and practicesyoga. Of this venture, Card testified: “Doing this project hasenabled us to become real friends. And along the way, the41

have bought into the shallow arguments that are used tojustify the merger <strong>of</strong> the holy Rock Jesus Christ with theunholy rock <strong>of</strong> this world.e leaven did its job. e CCM songs published byMaranatha in the 1970s, which were considered “edgy” at thetime, are the “old conservative hymns” <strong>of</strong> the contemporarypraise movement today. is is how the devil works. He usesthe tools <strong>of</strong> confrontation, compromise, and incrementalism.He was the inventor <strong>of</strong> Hegelian Dialectics, which has beenemployed to great effect by communists, humanists, liberaleducators, theological modernists, Christian rockers, andothers to tear down the old and replace it with the new. isis done by bringing incremental change through a process <strong>of</strong>confronting the existing paradigm (philosophy, doctrine,culture, position, etc.) with an alternative. At first thealternative seems shocking and wrong, but with persistenceon the part <strong>of</strong> the change agents, over time the newalternative is syncretized with the old paradigm to produce acompromise, which becomes the new accepted paradigm andthe new base line for another round <strong>of</strong> change. In this way,the targeted group (e.g., classroom, church, political party,nation) is carried along slowly but surely toward theobjective.e role played by Calvary Chapel and Maranatha Music inthe 1970s (whether by design or not) was similar to whatDick Clark’s American Bandstand did in the 1950s inbroadening the popularity <strong>of</strong> rock & roll by cleaning up its“bad boy” rebel stigma in the minds <strong>of</strong> parents. Clarkrequired the teenage rockers to dress conservatively in skirtsand dresses, suits and ties, and toned down the dance moves.Clark didn’t change the licentious rebel character <strong>of</strong> rock; hemerely cleaned up its image so it could leaven every sphere <strong>of</strong>society. Dick Clark was simply having a good time andmaking money, but the god <strong>of</strong> this world was pulling thestrings.40

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