Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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(GALA) in Denver (“Turtle Creek Chorale’s 2012-2013Season,” reason for this is not difficult to discern. Typically,CCM musicians have been accepted as saved upon theflimsiest testimony of faith and have not been properly taughtand discipled. ey have fed their spiritual lives with aconstant diet of sensual music and have sought aeremotional highs and “signs and wonders” instead of walkingby faith. ey have played with the world, which is moredangerous than any poisonous snake, instead of walkingseparated lives.Larry Norman, the father of Christian rock, was notdiscipled properly and in fact cares little to nothing aboutchurch. When asked by Buzz magazine what church heattended, he refused to answer except to say, “I think it’sunimportant,” and, “I don’t like the question.” He said that hebelieves it is an “obsessive compulsion” to meet at regulartimes for church, which flies in the face of Hebrews 10:25 andthe example of the early Christians (Acts 2:42; 20:7).Consider the All Saved Freak Band, one of the earliestChristian rock groups, which was influential then andcontinues to exist today in a reincarnated edition. JoeMarkko, co-founder, had only been a professor of Christ outof the drug culture for three months when he formed theband in 1968. His mentor and fellow band member Larry Hillwas an Assemblies of God pastor who le the denominationto start a work among hippies on the authority of “somevisions.” Hill’s ministry fell apart when he fled Ohio to avoidprosecution for sexual abuse (John ompson, Raised byWolves: e Story of Christian Rock & Roll, Kindle location441).We could multiply these wretched examples almostendlessly. e spiritual foundation of ContemporaryChristian Music is frightfully unscriptural. With fewexceptions, it wasn’t created by mature spiritual people who38

had a solid testimony of salvation and who were grounded inScripture and committed to sound doctrine.Maranatha Music acted as a change agent to broadensupport for Christian rock in that the early “praise” music wassoer rock & roll. It was folk rock and rock ballads. Further,Calvary Chapel held to a more conservative theology,avoiding the extreme elements of Pentecostalism which werestill unacceptable to most churches at that time.In spite of Maranatha’s more “conservative” image,Christian rock was riding a wild and untamable spirit. Itsradicalness is seen in its association with the Roman CatholicChurch and the fact that it has become permeated with darkheresies and the most outlandish charismatic nonsense. (See“False Christs and False Gods” in this Directory ofContemporary Worship Musicians.) In order to gain a broaderfollowing, early CCM needed the more conservative imagethat Calvary Chapel and Maranatha Music provided. ecutting-edge hard Christian rockers of the 60s and 70s--suchas Larry Norman (whose debut album Upon is Rock wasbanned by Christian bookstores), Petra, and, ResurrectionBand--were too radical for most churches then. Barriers hadto be broken down.It is important to understand that the Calvary Chapel Jesushippies loved every sort of “Christian” rock even from theearliest days. Chuck Girard of Love Song says, “We wereamazed to see and hear the album ‘Upon is Rock’ by LarryNorman.” ey loved any type of “Christian” rock, butMaranatha published the “soer” stuff and thereby increasedthe contemporary music’s popularity and broke down thebarrier that existed widely in those days against using rock inChristian music. Even the soer rock was commonly rejectedby churches in the 1970s but the resistance was graduallybroken down through the process of incrementalism.rough the influence of the soer rock CCM, the leavenof Contemporary Christian Music spread and the vastmajority of churches are now addicted to rock of all types and39

(GALA) in Denver (“Turtle Creek Chorale’s 2012-2013Season,” reason for this is not difficult to discern. Typically,CCM musicians have been accepted as saved upon theflimsiest testimony <strong>of</strong> faith and have not been properly taughtand discipled. ey have fed their spiritual lives with aconstant diet <strong>of</strong> sensual music and have sought aeremotional highs and “signs and wonders” instead <strong>of</strong> walkingby faith. ey have played with the world, which is moredangerous than any poisonous snake, instead <strong>of</strong> walkingseparated lives.Larry Norman, the father <strong>of</strong> Christian rock, was notdiscipled properly and in fact cares little to nothing aboutchurch. When asked by Buzz magazine what church heattended, he refused to answer except to say, “I think it’sunimportant,” and, “I don’t like the question.” He said that hebelieves it is an “obsessive compulsion” to meet at regulartimes for church, which flies in the face <strong>of</strong> Hebrews 10:25 andthe example <strong>of</strong> the early Christians (Acts 2:42; 20:7).Consider the All Saved Freak Band, one <strong>of</strong> the earliestChristian rock groups, which was influential then andcontinues to exist today in a reincarnated edition. JoeMarkko, co-founder, had only been a pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Christ out<strong>of</strong> the drug culture for three months when he formed theband in 1968. His mentor and fellow band member Larry Hillwas an Assemblies <strong>of</strong> God pastor who le the denominationto start a work among hippies on the authority <strong>of</strong> “somevisions.” Hill’s ministry fell apart when he fled Ohio to avoidprosecution for sexual abuse (John ompson, Raised byWolves: e Story <strong>of</strong> Christian Rock & Roll, Kindle location441).We could multiply these wretched examples almostendlessly. e spiritual foundation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contemporary</strong>Christian Music is frightfully unscriptural. With fewexceptions, it wasn’t created by mature spiritual people who38

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