Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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pastor, the “saint’s” ministry was characterized by “signs andwonders.”e growing emphasis on Catholic spirituality inevangelical and charismatic circles is dangerous in theextreme, but it is the outgrowth of the ecumenical philosophywhich has torn down the walls of separation between manyProtestants and Baptists and the Roman Catholic Church.Aer the sermon, the Vineyard speaker gave an invitationfor the people to come forward to receive personal ministryby the workers. He first led the congregation in repeatingsilently to themselves, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy onme.” He said, “Receive his presence that is coming upon you.”He said, “Holy Spirit, I pray for your merciful presence to reston each of us.” e people were urged to pray, “Lord Jesus,have mercy on me a sinner,” but the gospel of the death,burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ was never given.ere was no explanation of why sinners can receive mercyor what sin is or what it means to receive mercy. Nothing wasclarified; all was vague spirituality. A visiting Roman Catholicwould have interpreted the invitation within the context ofhis sacramental gospel and would doubtless have “receivedJesus” again just as he has been taught to do repeatedly, butwithout coming to the once-for-all confidence and surety ofbiblical salvation.Many people went forward, but I did not observe thetraditional charismatic phenomena such as spirit slaying andshaking. ose were typical at the Anaheim Vineyard in the1990s, but it appears that such things are no longer the normfor regular Sunday services. ere weren’t any signs andcertainly no wonders that day.For more about Wimber and the Vineyard see “David Ruis”in this Directory.Worship CentralSee “Alpha Course” and “Tim Hughes” in this Directory.418

Wyse, EricEric Wyse’s “Wonderful, Merciful Savior” is included inMajesty Music’s new Rejoice Hymns. Wyse taught at LibertyUniversity’s Center for Worship in October 2011.Wyse served as organist at St. Bartholomew’s EpiscopalChurch in Nashville from 1993 to 2001, when he was namedmusic director. is church’s 2012 Summer Movie Nightsfeatures such filthy fare as the R-rated film “Knocked Up,”which “follows the repercussions of a drunken one-nightstand that results in an unintended pregnancy.” e churchalso hosts Jazzercise classes in its gym.As a producer and consultant, Wyse has worked withecumenical rockers such as Keith and Kristyn Getty, AmyGrant, and CeCe Winans.Wyse is a one-world church builder who sees music as amajor aspect of this endeavor. One of the web sites mosthighly recommended by Wyse is, whichpromotes such things as handmade Franciscan-inspiredrosaries, the blogs of apostate emerging church leaders ShaneClaiborne and Scott McKnight, and the Merton Institute forContemplative Living, which is dedicated to the philosophyof the Buddhist-Catholic monk omas Merton.In his blog Wyse published a statement by Steven Harmonpromoting ecumenical relations with the Roman CatholicChurch. Note the following from Wyse’s web site:“In a previous post I expressed my my appreciation for theBaptist-produced Celebrating Grace Hymnal (2010) in light ofthe implications for receptive ecumenism of the Baptistpractice of hymn singing that I noted in my 2010 LourdesCollege Ecumenical Lecture (subsequently published as ”HOWBAPTISTS RECEIVE THE GIFTS OF CATHOLICS ANDOTHER CHRISTIANS” in Ecumenical Trends 39, no. 6, June2010, pp. 1/81-5/85). BAPTIST HYMNALS ARE ARGUABLYTHE MOST SIGNIFICANT ECUMENICAL DOCUMENTSPRODUCED BY BAPTISTS. ey implicitly recognize hymnwriters from a wide variety of traditions throughout the history419

pastor, the “saint’s” ministry was characterized by “signs andwonders.”e growing emphasis on Catholic spirituality inevangelical and charismatic circles is dangerous in theextreme, but it is the outgrowth <strong>of</strong> the ecumenical philosophywhich has torn down the walls <strong>of</strong> separation between manyProtestants and Baptists and the Roman Catholic Church.Aer the sermon, the Vineyard speaker gave an invitationfor the people to come forward to receive personal ministryby the workers. He first led the congregation in repeatingsilently to themselves, “Jesus, Son <strong>of</strong> David, have mercy onme.” He said, “Receive his presence that is coming upon you.”He said, “Holy Spirit, I pray for your merciful presence to reston each <strong>of</strong> us.” e people were urged to pray, “Lord Jesus,have mercy on me a sinner,” but the gospel <strong>of</strong> the death,burial, and resurrection <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ was never given.ere was no explanation <strong>of</strong> why sinners can receive mercyor what sin is or what it means to receive mercy. Nothing wasclarified; all was vague spirituality. A visiting Roman Catholicwould have interpreted the invitation within the context <strong>of</strong>his sacramental gospel and would doubtless have “receivedJesus” again just as he has been taught to do repeatedly, butwithout coming to the once-for-all confidence and surety <strong>of</strong>biblical salvation.Many people went forward, but I did not observe thetraditional charismatic phenomena such as spirit slaying andshaking. ose were typical at the Anaheim Vineyard in the1990s, but it appears that such things are no longer the normfor regular Sunday services. ere weren’t any signs andcertainly no wonders that day.For more about Wimber and the Vineyard see “David Ruis”in this <strong>Directory</strong>.<strong>Worship</strong> CentralSee “Alpha Course” and “Tim Hughes” in this <strong>Directory</strong>.418

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