Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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atmosphere separate from this present wicked world, whereinthe holy God of the Bible can be worshipped in spirit andtruth. It encourages dancing but not spiritual conviction. Itcreates a carnal, mystical atmosphere whereby the fleshexhibits itself and demonic delusions are easily promoted.e music used to create the sensual, immoral atmosphere ofa bar or nightclub cannot be sanctified unto the Lord. eattempt to do so is a great spiritual blindness and delusion.Aer nearly 40 years of prayer and Bible study andmeditation on this topic, I am more than ever convinced thatContemporary Christian Music is one of the devil’s chief toolsfor building the end-time apostate Christianity.Wimber’s Vineyard churches have been in the forefront ofspreading rock music throughout the world and into everydenomination. is music and the sensual “worship”experience associated with it create an atmosphere in whicherror such as “the drunken spirit” or “spirit slaying” and“unintelligible mutterings” and “holy laughter” and “holyshaking” can easily arise. It also creates an environment inwhich heresy is not critically evaluated and thus is allowed tospread.Vineyard music has gone around the world. I haveencountered it on my travels to England, Ireland, Singapore,Korea, Australia, the Philippines, and other places. I obtaineda Vineyard tape that was produced in India and was sold in abookstore in Kathmandu, Nepal.One of the themes of the Vineyard music is ecumenicalunity. Vineyard worship leader David Ruis’ song “BreakDividing Walls” is an example. It says, “We will breakdividing walls; we will be one. We will break dividing wallsbetween the Baptist and the Methodist, between theEpiscopalian and the Presbyterian, between the Pentecostaland the Charismatic; the walls are coming down between alldenominations.”408

Wimber’s Radical EcumenismJohn Wimber led the way in bringing the ecumenicalphilosophy into the Vineyard churches. In his zeal for finding“signs and wonders” in church history aer the days of theapostles, Wimber praised the Roman Catholic Church forbelieving in miracles and did not warn that these “miracles”are scripturally bogus and are performed in the context of afalse gospel.In his book Power Evangelism: Signs and Wonders Today(1995), Wimber mentioned the following Catholic “saints” ina positive light: Pope Gregory the Great, St. Francis, St.Dominic, St. Benedict, and Ignatius of Loyola. He did notgive any warning about the false faith-works gospel preachedby these “saints” that has sent multitudes to hell, and he didnot cast any doubt upon the wild-eyed mythical aspects of theCatholic stories that surround these individuals.ST. BENEDICT OF NURSIA (c. 480-547), called the “fatherof the Western monks,” was one of the founders of Catholicmonasticism with its unscriptural and unholy doctrine that“celibacy” is holier than marriage. According to the CatholicEncyclopedia Benedict performed miracles, deliveredprophecies, and even astral projected his spirit so that heaccompanied the monks on their journeys. His first miraclewas alleged to have been the “healing” of an earthenwaresieve that his nurse had broken. It is said that on one occasionwhen some monks tried to poison Benedict the cup“miraculously shattered as he made the sign of the cross overthe vessel prior to raising it to his lips.” Pope Urban VIII saidthat Benedict “merited while still in this mortal life, to seeGod Himself and in God all that is below him.” All of this isunscriptural nonsense, and anyone that exalts “St. Benedict”as an example of continuing “signs and wonders” in thechurches aer the days of the apostles needs his headexamined.GREGORY THE GREAT (A.D. 590-604) was “the first ofthe proper popes” and with him begins “the development of409

atmosphere separate from this present wicked world, whereinthe holy God <strong>of</strong> the Bible can be worshipped in spirit andtruth. It encourages dancing but not spiritual conviction. Itcreates a carnal, mystical atmosphere whereby the fleshexhibits itself and demonic delusions are easily promoted.e music used to create the sensual, immoral atmosphere <strong>of</strong>a bar or nightclub cannot be sanctified unto the Lord. eattempt to do so is a great spiritual blindness and delusion.Aer nearly 40 years <strong>of</strong> prayer and Bible study andmeditation on this topic, I am more than ever convinced that<strong>Contemporary</strong> Christian Music is one <strong>of</strong> the devil’s chief toolsfor building the end-time apostate Christianity.Wimber’s Vineyard churches have been in the forefront <strong>of</strong>spreading rock music throughout the world and into everydenomination. is music and the sensual “worship”experience associated with it create an atmosphere in whicherror such as “the drunken spirit” or “spirit slaying” and“unintelligible mutterings” and “holy laughter” and “holyshaking” can easily arise. It also creates an environment inwhich heresy is not critically evaluated and thus is allowed tospread.Vineyard music has gone around the world. I haveencountered it on my travels to England, Ireland, Singapore,Korea, Australia, the Philippines, and other places. I obtaineda Vineyard tape that was produced in India and was sold in abookstore in Kathmandu, Nepal.One <strong>of</strong> the themes <strong>of</strong> the Vineyard music is ecumenicalunity. Vineyard worship leader David Ruis’ song “BreakDividing Walls” is an example. It says, “We will breakdividing walls; we will be one. We will break dividing wallsbetween the Baptist and the Methodist, between theEpiscopalian and the Presbyterian, between the Pentecostaland the Charismatic; the walls are coming down between alldenominations.”408

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