Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

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Anti-ChristBono has repeatedly worn upside down crosses in hisconcerts, which are satanic anti-christ emblems. He hasdisplayed the inverted cross while singing the Beatles’ song“Helter Skelter.” He has worn it while singing the RollingStones’ vile song “Sympathy for the Devil” (Joseph Schimmel,e Submerging Church, DVD, 2012).Bono has aggressively promoted the movies of the occultistKenneth Anger. When Bono was considering establishingZooTV to rival MTV, he envisioned it “as a window for theworld to see the films of Kenneth Anger” (Bill Flanagan, U2:At the End of the World, 1996, p. 477). Bono told Detailsmagazine, “Part of America’s dilemma is its TV because as amirror it’s a pretty distorted one. I mean, where can you seeKenneth Anger films in the United States?” (“Turning Moneyinto Light, Details magazine, Feb. 1, 1994). Anger, ahomosexual who has “Lucifer” tattooed into his chest, wrotethe foreword to Anton LaVey’s books e Devil’s Notebookand Satan Speaks. Anger exalts the occultist and moralpervert Aleister Crowley in the movie Lucifer Rising:Invokation of My Demon Brother. He promotes Crowley’svision of a New Age world order called the age of Horus.Anger’s movie Invocation of My Demon Brother starred LaVeyand Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones.Anger joined Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page guitarist in trying toexorcise Crowley’s former residence in Scotland of what theybelieved to be “a headless man’s ghost.”No Christ-loving, Bible-believing man would promote thework of Kenneth Anger, and I’m sure he would agree withthat statement.Bono even transformed himself into the devil in theZooTV tour during the early 1990s. e devil, which hecalled MacPhisto, was an aging rocker who had sold his soulfor fame. at certainly sounds like Bono.Other quotations demonstrate that U2’s “spirituality” is notbased on the Bible:390

“Bono dislikes the label ‘born-again Christian’--and he doesn’tgo to church either. [He says,] ‘I’m a very, very badadvertisement for God...’” (U2: e Rolling Stone Files).“A U2 concert aims to raise people’s sense of their own worth.‘It’s a celebration of me being me and you being you,’ as Bonoonce put it. e music soars and swirls but never bludgeons. ...‘I want people to leave our concerts feeling positive, a bit morefree,’ says Bono” (Steve Turner, Hungry for Heaven, p. 28). Acelebration of me is exactly what rock & roll is at its mostfundamental level, and it is a fulfillment of 2 Timothy 3:2. “Formen shall be lovers of their own selves...”“I believe that it’s a woman’s right to choose [an abortion].Absolutely” (Bono, Mother Jones magazine, May/June 1989).Beware When the World Loves YouU2 is exalted as “the biggest band in the world,” and theyare praised by everyone from Christianity Today to RollingStone. e world loves U2, and that brings some Scriptures tomind.“If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: butbecause ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out ofthe world, therefore the world hateth you” (John 15:19).“I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them,because they are not of the world, even as I am not of theworld” (John 17:14).“ey are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, andthe world heareth them” (1 John 4:5).“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth inwickedness” (1 John 5:19).e world loves U2 because U2 is of the world, and theworld recognizes its own. e love that Bono sings about isthe world’s love. U2’s philosophy is the world’s philosophy.U2’s lifestyle is the world’s lifestyle.Consider this line from the song “Vertigo” -- “A feeling is somuch stronger than a thought.”391

Anti-ChristBono has repeatedly worn upside down crosses in hisconcerts, which are satanic anti-christ emblems. He hasdisplayed the inverted cross while singing the Beatles’ song“Helter Skelter.” He has worn it while singing the RollingStones’ vile song “Sympathy for the Devil” (Joseph Schimmel,e Submerging Church, DVD, 2012).Bono has aggressively promoted the movies <strong>of</strong> the occultistKenneth Anger. When Bono was considering establishingZooTV to rival MTV, he envisioned it “as a window for theworld to see the films <strong>of</strong> Kenneth Anger” (Bill Flanagan, U2:At the End <strong>of</strong> the World, 1996, p. 477). Bono told Detailsmagazine, “Part <strong>of</strong> America’s dilemma is its TV because as amirror it’s a pretty distorted one. I mean, where can you seeKenneth Anger films in the United States?” (“Turning Moneyinto Light, Details magazine, Feb. 1, 1994). Anger, ahomosexual who has “Lucifer” tattooed into his chest, wrotethe foreword to Anton LaVey’s books e Devil’s Notebookand Satan Speaks. Anger exalts the occultist and moralpervert Aleister Crowley in the movie Lucifer Rising:Invokation <strong>of</strong> My Demon Brother. He promotes Crowley’svision <strong>of</strong> a New Age world order called the age <strong>of</strong> Horus.Anger’s movie Invocation <strong>of</strong> My Demon Brother starred LaVeyand Mick Jagger and Keith Richards <strong>of</strong> the Rolling Stones.Anger joined Led Zeppelin Jimmy Page guitarist in trying toexorcise Crowley’s former residence in Scotland <strong>of</strong> what theybelieved to be “a headless man’s ghost.”No Christ-loving, Bible-believing man would promote thework <strong>of</strong> Kenneth Anger, and I’m sure he would agree withthat statement.Bono even transformed himself into the devil in theZooTV tour during the early 1990s. e devil, which hecalled MacPhisto, was an aging rocker who had sold his soulfor fame. at certainly sounds like Bono.Other quotations demonstrate that U2’s “spirituality” is notbased on the Bible:390

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