Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Bono’s passion in recent years has been AIDS and povertyin Africa. He has petitioned Western governments to cancelthe debts of African nations and to increase foreign aid.While Bono does call upon African leaders to “practicedemocracy, accountability, and transparency,” he does not tiethis in with foreign aid and does not put the blame of Africa’sAIDS and poverty problem where it truly belongs, which isgovernment corruption, pagan religion, and its corollary, thelack of moral character and immorality. If the entire wealth ofAmerica, the United Kingdom, and Europe were transferredto Africa tomorrow, it would not result in significant andlasting change unless these factors were first addressed, andBono’s plan does not significantly address them nor requireany such radical systemic change. Instead, Bono puts thelargest part of the blame for Africa’s ills upon the unfair tradepractices of and lack of aid by Western nations and an allegedlack of compassion on the part of Christians.Speaking before Wheaton College in December 2002, Bonosaid, “Christ talks about the poor [and says] ‘whatever youhave done to least of these brothers of mine, you've done tome.’ In Africa right now, the least of my brethren are dying inshiploads and we are not responding. We’re here to sound thealarm” (Christianity Today, Dec. 9, 2002). Bono thus grosslymisapplies Christ’s statement in Matthew 25:40, applying it tothe unsaved in general rather than to the nation Israel. is isthe Fatherhood of God heresy that Mother Teresa also held,that all men are the children of God regardless of whetherthey have faith in Christ. Further, if Matthew 25:40 is areference to the unsaved in general, the apostles and earlyChristians failed miserably, for there is no record that theyattempted to relieve the social ills of the Roman Empire ingeneral. In fact, the context of Matthew 25:32-46 isimmediately following the return of Christ at the end of theTribulation, and it describes how Christ will judge thenations on the basis of how they treated His people the Jews,388

which will be so viciously persecuted during that period.Compare Revelation 7:4-14.Universalism and a False ChristBono’s christ is a false one. He says he is “attracted to peoplelike Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Christ, to pacifism” (U2:e Rolling Stone Files, p. xxviii). e Lord Jesus Christ of theBible is not a pacifist. He is not anything like the adulterousMartin Luther King or the Hindu Gandhi. Christ did instructHis people not to resist evil in the sense of taking up arms forreligious causes. When persecuted, we are to endure it (1 Cor.4:12); but Christ did not teach pacifism. Christ’s forerunner,John the Baptist, warned soldiers to be content with theirwages, but he did not rebuke them for carrying arms assoldiers (Lk. 3:14). Before his death, Christ instructed hisfollowers to provide swords for themselves (Lk. 22:32-38).Christ said he came not to send peace but a sword (Mt.10:34). In fact, the Lord Jesus Christ will return on a whitehorse to make war with his enemies (Rev. 19:11-16). eChrist of the Bible is no pacifist and He did not establish apacifist movement.When asked by Mother Jones magazine if he believed thatJesus is the only way and if that excludes other people fromheaven, Bono replied: “I don’t accept that. I don’t accept thatfundamentalist concept. I believe--what is it? ‘e way is asnarrow as the eye of the needle,’ and all that--But I thinkthat’s just to keep the fundamentalists out. I never reallyaccepted the whole ‘born again’ tag” (“Bono Bites Back,”Mother Jones magazine, May 1989).For their Vertigo Tour in 2005, U2 promoted “Coexist” asan icon for world peace. Bono wore a “coexist” headband thatfeatured the cross of Christianity, the crescent moon of Islam,and the star of David of Judaism and he led the crowds inshouting, “Jesus, Jew, Muhammad, it's true; all sons ofAbraham.”389

Bono’s passion in recent years has been AIDS and povertyin Africa. He has petitioned Western governments to cancelthe debts <strong>of</strong> African nations and to increase foreign aid.While Bono does call upon African leaders to “practicedemocracy, accountability, and transparency,” he does not tiethis in with foreign aid and does not put the blame <strong>of</strong> Africa’sAIDS and poverty problem where it truly belongs, which isgovernment corruption, pagan religion, and its corollary, thelack <strong>of</strong> moral character and immorality. If the entire wealth <strong>of</strong>America, the United Kingdom, and Europe were transferredto Africa tomorrow, it would not result in significant andlasting change unless these factors were first addressed, andBono’s plan does not significantly address them nor requireany such radical systemic change. Instead, Bono puts thelargest part <strong>of</strong> the blame for Africa’s ills upon the unfair tradepractices <strong>of</strong> and lack <strong>of</strong> aid by Western nations and an allegedlack <strong>of</strong> compassion on the part <strong>of</strong> Christians.Speaking before Wheaton College in December 2002, Bonosaid, “Christ talks about the poor [and says] ‘whatever youhave done to least <strong>of</strong> these brothers <strong>of</strong> mine, you've done tome.’ In Africa right now, the least <strong>of</strong> my brethren are dying inshiploads and we are not responding. We’re here to sound thealarm” (Christianity Today, Dec. 9, 2002). Bono thus grosslymisapplies Christ’s statement in Matthew 25:40, applying it tothe unsaved in general rather than to the nation Israel. is isthe Fatherhood <strong>of</strong> God heresy that Mother Teresa also held,that all men are the children <strong>of</strong> God regardless <strong>of</strong> whetherthey have faith in Christ. Further, if Matthew 25:40 is areference to the unsaved in general, the apostles and earlyChristians failed miserably, for there is no record that theyattempted to relieve the social ills <strong>of</strong> the Roman Empire ingeneral. In fact, the context <strong>of</strong> Matthew 25:32-46 isimmediately following the return <strong>of</strong> Christ at the end <strong>of</strong> theTribulation, and it describes how Christ will judge thenations on the basis <strong>of</strong> how they treated His people the Jews,388

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