Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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In an interview with Joseph Schimmel, Chris Row ofShalom Fellowship, Bono’s former pastor in Ireland, said thatBono, Evans, and Mullen chose rock & roll over the Bible. Hesaid that when Bono flew him to Los Angeles to perform hismarriage, he wasn’t allowed to go backstage at a U2 concertbecause they didn’t want him to see the things that went onthere (Schimmel, e Submerging Church, 2012, DVD).ere is no evidence in U2’s lives, music, or performancesthat they honor the Word of God. ey have been at the heartand soul of the wicked rock & roll scene for over threedecades. ey are one of the most popular rock & roll bandsalive today and this certainly would not be the case if theywere striving to obey the Bible and live holy lives to the gloryof Jesus Christ and if they were preaching absolute truth, thereality of heaven and hell, and salvation only through Christ’satonement.To the contrary, their lives have been anything but holy andtheir message anything but Scriptural.U2’s Christianitye members of U2 don’t support any denomination orchurch. In fact, they rarely attend church, “preferring to meettogether in private prayer sessions” (U2: e Rolling StoneFiles, p. 21). Sundays find them in a pub rather than in a pew.ey are “not rabid Bible thumpers” (Ibid., p. 14). In the song“Acrobat,” Bono sings, “I’d join the movement/ If there wasone I could believe in ... I’d break bread and wine/ If there wasa church I could receive in.”One church Bono does attend from time to time is GlideMemorial United Methodist in San Francisco. “When he’s inthe area Bono is a frequent worshipper at Glide...” (Flanagan,U2 at the End of the World, p. 99). Bono attended GlideMemorial during a special service to honor Bill Clinton’s1992 presidential election. Speaking at a meeting connectedwith the 1972 United Methodist Church QuadrennialConference, Cecil Williams, pastor of the Glide Memorial380

Methodist Church, said, “I don’t want to go to no heaven ... Idon’t believe in that stuff. I think it’s a lot of - - - - [vulgarity].”A Jewish rabbi is on William’s staff. Williams was the GrandMarshall of the San Francisco Gay Pride parade and thechairman of his board was a homosexual. He has been“marrying” homosexuals since 1965 and says, “I have notmarried a single couple at Glide who weren’t already livingtogether” (Williams, speaking at the Centenary UnitedMethodist Church, St. Louis, quoted in Blu-Print, April 25,1972). Long ago William’s church replaced the choir with arock band, and its “celebrations” have included immoraldancing and even complete nudity. Aer attending a serviceat Glide Memorial, a newspaper editor wrote, “e service, inmy opinion, was an insult to every Christian attending andwas the most disgusting display of vulgarity andsensuousness I have ever seen anywhere.”is is U2’s type of Christianity.e book Bono on Bono: Conversations with MichkaAssayas (Hodder & Stoughton, 2005) contains a wide-ranginginterview with a music reporter that extended over a longperiod of time. Nowhere in this 337-page book does Bonogive a scriptural testimony of having been born again,without which Jesus said no man can see the kingdom ofheaven.Bono says that he believes Jesus is the Messiah and that Hedied on the cross for his sins and that “he is holding out forgrace,” but Bono’s “grace” is a grace that does not result inradical conversion and a new way of life; it is a grace withoutrepentance; it is a grace that does not produce holiness.Nowhere does he warn his myriads of listeners to turn toChrist before it is too late and before they pass out of this lifeinto eternal hell.In fact, the only thing he says about heaven or hell is thatboth are on earth. “I think, rather like Hell, Heaven is onEarth. at’s my prayer ... that’s where Heaven for meis...” (Bono on Bono, p. 254). It sounds like Bono has been381

In an interview with Joseph Schimmel, Chris Row <strong>of</strong>Shalom Fellowship, Bono’s former pastor in Ireland, said thatBono, Evans, and Mullen chose rock & roll over the Bible. Hesaid that when Bono flew him to Los Angeles to perform hismarriage, he wasn’t allowed to go backstage at a U2 concertbecause they didn’t want him to see the things that went onthere (Schimmel, e Submerging Church, 2012, DVD).ere is no evidence in U2’s lives, music, or performancesthat they honor the Word <strong>of</strong> God. ey have been at the heartand soul <strong>of</strong> the wicked rock & roll scene for over threedecades. ey are one <strong>of</strong> the most popular rock & roll bandsalive today and this certainly would not be the case if theywere striving to obey the Bible and live holy lives to the glory<strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ and if they were preaching absolute truth, thereality <strong>of</strong> heaven and hell, and salvation only through Christ’satonement.To the contrary, their lives have been anything but holy andtheir message anything but Scriptural.U2’s Christianitye members <strong>of</strong> U2 don’t support any denomination orchurch. In fact, they rarely attend church, “preferring to meettogether in private prayer sessions” (U2: e Rolling StoneFiles, p. 21). Sundays find them in a pub rather than in a pew.ey are “not rabid Bible thumpers” (Ibid., p. 14). In the song“Acrobat,” Bono sings, “I’d join the movement/ If there wasone I could believe in ... I’d break bread and wine/ If there wasa church I could receive in.”One church Bono does attend from time to time is GlideMemorial United Methodist in San Francisco. “When he’s inthe area Bono is a frequent worshipper at Glide...” (Flanagan,U2 at the End <strong>of</strong> the World, p. 99). Bono attended GlideMemorial during a special service to honor Bill Clinton’s1992 presidential election. Speaking at a meeting connectedwith the 1972 United Methodist Church QuadrennialConference, Cecil Williams, pastor <strong>of</strong> the Glide Memorial380

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