Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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It is largely the “traditional” churches that are interested in“so” CCM, and by using it they are the ones that are indanger of being influenced and changed. When “traditional”churches borrow Townend’s “so” CCM, the contemporarychurches are in no danger of being “traditionalized,” but thetraditional churches are most definitely in danger of beingcontemporarized.e second observation is that Townend is committed toserious heresy. He states that God is not vengeful, whereas theBible plainly, repeatedly, and forcefully states that God isvengeful. e Psalmist says that God will “execute vengeanceupon the heathen” (Psa. 149:7). e prophets warn of thecoming of the “day of the Lord’s vengeance” (Isa. 34:8; Jer.46:10; Mic. 5:15; Nahum 1:2). It was God’s holy vengeancethat fell upon Christ, and it is His vengeance that will fallupon every sinner outside of Christ. e apostle Paul saidthat Christ will exercise God’s vengeance on all who obey notthe gospel (2 ess. 1:8).One concerned pastor wrote:“Keith and Kristyn Getty advertise themselves as ‘ModernHymn Writers’ and are deceiving many into the Rock Genre bythis very innocent title and the more conservative Praise SoRock music. But the fact is, that they are not modern hymnwriters because they are putting out Rock Music which is notspiritual at all but carnal and thereby fulfilling the desires ofthe flesh and not the spirit (spiritual part of us yielding to theHoly Spirit).”e frightful thing is that the average independent Baptistpastor and the people in charge of music in the typicalindependent Baptist church don’t have the foggiest idea thatthey are being manipulated and that they are walking on aBRIDGE that leads to a place they say they are against, whichis full blown CCM and its enticing philosophy of “don’t be sostrict and uptight; relax; enjoy life; live the grace.”Townend says that God loves electric guitars and drums(“Stuart Townend: e Journey Gets Stronger,”372, April 7, 2011). He is referring toelectric guitars and drums used to create rock music. is is apresumptuous statement that is not supported by the Bible.Did he have a revelation about this?In July 2012, Townend joined the Gettys and RomanC a t h o l i c M a t t M a h e r o n N e w s o n g C a f e o ey played and discussed “ePower of the Cross,” which was co-written by Getty-Townend. e 10-minute program promoted ecumenicalunity, with Maher/Townend/Getty entirely one in the spiritthrough the music. Major doctrinal differences are someaningless that they are not even mentioned. Spiritualabominations such as papal supremacy, the mass, infantbaptism, baptismal regeneration, and Mariolatry wereentirely ignored. Jude 3 was despised and Romans 16:17completely disobeyed for the sake of building the one-worldchurch through contemporary Christian music.Townend has one foot in the world even while he singsabout the glories of a holy God. He shamelessly lists asmusical influences rockers such as Eminem and BernieTaupin. As Jeff Royal comments,“Stuart Townend, who co-writes songs with Keith Getty,has no warning for the musical influences he list. BernieTaupin for example, co-wrote many songs for homosexualElton John and was a reason for his success. Vile rapperEminem has done untold harm to youth and yet no warningwhatsoever.”In his 2013 studio album Monument to Mercy, Townend“tips his hat to the influence of Paul McCartney and theBeatles.”No rock group has had a greater anti-God influence onmodern society than the Beatles. e Beatles have shakentheir fist at Almighty God and His holy laws since the daythey formed their band.373

It is largely the “traditional” churches that are interested in“so” CCM, and by using it they are the ones that are indanger <strong>of</strong> being influenced and changed. When “traditional”churches borrow Townend’s “so” CCM, the contemporarychurches are in no danger <strong>of</strong> being “traditionalized,” but thetraditional churches are most definitely in danger <strong>of</strong> beingcontemporarized.e second observation is that Townend is committed toserious heresy. He states that God is not vengeful, whereas theBible plainly, repeatedly, and forcefully states that God isvengeful. e Psalmist says that God will “execute vengeanceupon the heathen” (Psa. 149:7). e prophets warn <strong>of</strong> thecoming <strong>of</strong> the “day <strong>of</strong> the Lord’s vengeance” (Isa. 34:8; Jer.46:10; Mic. 5:15; Nahum 1:2). It was God’s holy vengeancethat fell upon Christ, and it is His vengeance that will fallupon every sinner outside <strong>of</strong> Christ. e apostle Paul saidthat Christ will exercise God’s vengeance on all who obey notthe gospel (2 ess. 1:8).One concerned pastor wrote:“Keith and Kristyn Getty advertise themselves as ‘ModernHymn Writers’ and are deceiving many into the Rock Genre bythis very innocent title and the more conservative Praise SoRock music. But the fact is, that they are not modern hymnwriters because they are putting out Rock Music which is notspiritual at all but carnal and thereby fulfilling the desires <strong>of</strong>the flesh and not the spirit (spiritual part <strong>of</strong> us yielding to theHoly Spirit).”e frightful thing is that the average independent Baptistpastor and the people in charge <strong>of</strong> music in the typicalindependent Baptist church don’t have the foggiest idea thatthey are being manipulated and that they are walking on aBRIDGE that leads to a place they say they are against, whichis full blown CCM and its enticing philosophy <strong>of</strong> “don’t be sostrict and uptight; relax; enjoy life; live the grace.”Townend says that God loves electric guitars and drums(“Stuart Townend: e Journey Gets Stronger,”372

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