Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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“I am also feeling the presence of Mary becoming important inmy life. ... I feel that she really does love me and intercedes toGod on my behalf ” (Contemporary Christian Music Magazine,November 1984, p. 47).John Michael Talbot has become a very effective bridgebetween darkness and light.(For more about Contemplative Prayer see “ContemplativeMysticism,” which is available in print and eBook formatsfrom Way of Life Literature.)ird Dayis Christian “southern rock” group has had 17 No. 1songs on the “Christian charts” and has received five DoveAwards. e single from their 2002 album, “Come Together,”achieved crossover success by charting on the secularBillboard Top 200.Michael Herman of Christianity Today asked the membersof ird Day to “name a musician you’d pay to see inconcert.” All five members of the band named secularrockers. Tai named U2; Brad, the Cars; David, Phil Collins;Mac, Tom Petty; and Mark, George Harrison (“Guy Talk”interview posted at Christianity Today web site, Feb. 26,2002).One of the themes of CCM is ecumenical unity, and that isevident in ird Day’s “Come Together” album. e words tothe title song say, “I know that there will come a day, whenthe Lord will call His own away; to a place that He has madefor all of us, but until the day of His return; there’s a lessonthat we’ve got to learn; we are brothers and we’re sisters; weare one.”In an interview with in February 2002,ird Day vocalist Mac Powell focused on the unity theme ofthe Come Together album. Typically, Powell gave no warningof false doctrine or end-time apostasy, no reminder that there364

are false christs and false gospels and false spirits, and noadmonition to obey the Bible’s command to separate fromerror. Instead, he gave an unscriptural call for unconditionalunity among professing Christians. (See “False Christs andFalse Gods” in this Directory of Contemporary WorshipMusicians.)In 1997, ird Day’s Tai Anderson joined Roman CatholicKathy Troccoli and 40 other CCM artists to record Love OneAnother, a song with an ecumenical theme: “Christians fromall denominations demonstrating their common love forChrist and each other.” e song talks about tearing down thewalls of denominational division. e broad range ofparticipants who joined Troccoli in recording “Love OneAnother” demonstrates the ecumenical agenda ofContemporary Christian Music.During the February 18, 2002, premier show for their ComeTogether Tour, ird Day took the stage to the strains of theNew Age Beatles song “Come Together” (press release,Nashville, April 24). is was to announce the Michael W.Smith/ird Day “Come Together and Worship” tour, whichwas certain to rake in millions of dollars, while at the sametime breaking down even more extensively the walls ofseparation between sound and unsound churches. We believeit is blasphemy to associate the worship of a thrice holy Godwith the wicked, anti-christ Beatles in any mannerwhatsoever.ird Day performed for the Roman Catholic Youth Rallyin 2011, which featured Pope Benedict XVI and a Catholicmass during which a piece of bread allegedly became Jesus.TobyMacTobyMac performed for the Roman Catholic Youth Rally in2011, which featured Pope Benedict XVI and a Catholic massduring which a piece of bread allegedly became Jesus.365

are false christs and false gospels and false spirits, and noadmonition to obey the Bible’s command to separate fromerror. Instead, he gave an unscriptural call for unconditionalunity among pr<strong>of</strong>essing Christians. (See “False Christs andFalse Gods” in this <strong>Directory</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contemporary</strong> <strong>Worship</strong><strong>Musicians</strong>.)In 1997, ird Day’s Tai Anderson joined Roman CatholicKathy Troccoli and 40 other CCM artists to record Love OneAnother, a song with an ecumenical theme: “Christians fromall denominations demonstrating their common love forChrist and each other.” e song talks about tearing down thewalls <strong>of</strong> denominational division. e broad range <strong>of</strong>participants who joined Troccoli in recording “Love OneAnother” demonstrates the ecumenical agenda <strong>of</strong><strong>Contemporary</strong> Christian Music.During the February 18, 2002, premier show for their ComeTogether Tour, ird Day took the stage to the strains <strong>of</strong> theNew Age Beatles song “Come Together” (press release,Nashville, April 24). is was to announce the Michael W.Smith/ird Day “Come Together and <strong>Worship</strong>” tour, whichwas certain to rake in millions <strong>of</strong> dollars, while at the sametime breaking down even more extensively the walls <strong>of</strong>separation between sound and unsound churches. We believeit is blasphemy to associate the worship <strong>of</strong> a thrice holy Godwith the wicked, anti-christ Beatles in any mannerwhatsoever.ird Day performed for the Roman Catholic Youth Rallyin 2011, which featured Pope Benedict XVI and a Catholicmass during which a piece <strong>of</strong> bread allegedly became Jesus.TobyMacTobyMac performed for the Roman Catholic Youth Rally in2011, which featured Pope Benedict XVI and a Catholic massduring which a piece <strong>of</strong> bread allegedly became Jesus.365

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