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He speaks of his “brothers and sisters” in other religions,saying:“Christianity emphasizes the role of Jesus as the ultimateIncarnation of God to complete all that is good in otherfaiths” (“e Many Paths of Religion, and the One God ofFaith,” part 2, October 1999, is not what biblical Christianity emphasizes! BiblicalChristianity emphasizes that Jesus is the ONLY incarnation ofGod and the other religions are darkness and error. eprophet Isaiah said, “To the law and to the testimony: if theyspeak not according to this word, it is because there is NO lightin them” (Isa. 8:20), and the Lord Jesus said, “Verily, verily, Isay unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever camebefore me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hearthem” (John 10:7-8).Talbot has come to believe that Christianity and otherreligions find common ground through mystically“experiencing the Ultimate Reality.” He says:“It is on the level of spirit that we find mystical commonground. THE REALM OF SPIRIT, OR PURE SPIRITUALINTUITION BEYOND ALL IMAGES, FORMS, ORCONCEPTS, IS WHERE WE ALL BEGIN TO EXPERIENCETHE ULTIMATE REALITY BEYOND ALL THOUGHT,EMOTION, OR SENSUAL PERCEPTION. Yet, this ultimateexperience completes all else in a way that enlivens them all.We may call this Reality by different objective names, but theReality does not change. is realm of spirit is found inbreakthrough through the use of paradoxes beyond all logic,image, or form” (“e Many Paths of Religion, and the OneGod of Faith” Part 2).is is a pagan concept of God. e born again believer inJesus Christ does not experience the same spiritual “Reality”as those who are not born again. And the born again Biblebeliever does not try to encounter God apart from thinkingand concepts. Our knowledge of God is taught in the362

Scripture, and apart from this divine revelation we knownothing certain about God. What Talbot is describing is thepagan mysticism that foolishly and blindly tries to“experience” and “know” God directly apart from doctrine.Talbot says:“So it is true that no one comes to the Father except throughJesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life. But the mystics ofother faiths also share the Ultimate paradox that constitutesthis way. In this we find great compliment and commonground, while also believing in the uniqueness, and completionof all else in Jesus” (“e Many Paths of Religion, and the OneGod of Faith,” part 2).is is interfaith mystical gobblygook. In fact, the mysticsof other faiths share nothing with us and know nothing aboutGod, and I say that on the authority of the divine revelationgiven to John the “apostle of love.”“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth inwickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come, andhath given us an understanding, that we may know him that istrue, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son JesusChrist. is is the true God, and eternal life. Little children,keep yourselves from idols. Amen” (1 John 5:19-21).Talbot recommends Pierre Teilhard, who taught evolutionand the deification of man and denied that the Jesus of theBible is the only Christ. Talbot says, “Teilhard de Chardinbroke yet new ground with his Cosmic Christ, and ar e v o l u t i o n a r y m a r r i a g e b e t w e e n s c i e n c e a n dmysticism” (Come to the Quiet, p. 95).Talbot’s “contemplative” practices include prayers to Rome’smythical Mary. In his book Simplicity he says:“Personally, I have found praying the Rosary to be one of themost powerful tools I possess in obtaining simple, childlikemeditation on the life of Jesus Christ.”e Rosary is largely a prayer to Mary as the Queen ofHeaven. In 1984 Talbot said:363

He speaks <strong>of</strong> his “brothers and sisters” in other religions,saying:“Christianity emphasizes the role <strong>of</strong> Jesus as the ultimateIncarnation <strong>of</strong> God to complete all that is good in otherfaiths” (“e Many Paths <strong>of</strong> Religion, and the One God <strong>of</strong>Faith,” part 2, October 1999, is not what biblical Christianity emphasizes! BiblicalChristianity emphasizes that Jesus is the ONLY incarnation <strong>of</strong>God and the other religions are darkness and error. eprophet Isaiah said, “To the law and to the testimony: if theyspeak not according to this word, it is because there is NO lightin them” (Isa. 8:20), and the Lord Jesus said, “Verily, verily, Isay unto you, I am the door <strong>of</strong> the sheep. All that ever camebefore me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hearthem” (John 10:7-8).Talbot has come to believe that Christianity and otherreligions find common ground through mystically“experiencing the Ultimate Reality.” He says:“It is on the level <strong>of</strong> spirit that we find mystical commonground. THE REALM OF SPIRIT, OR PURE SPIRITUALINTUITION BEYOND ALL IMAGES, FORMS, ORCONCEPTS, IS WHERE WE ALL BEGIN TO EXPERIENCETHE ULTIMATE REALITY BEYOND ALL THOUGHT,EMOTION, OR SENSUAL PERCEPTION. Yet, this ultimateexperience completes all else in a way that enlivens them all.We may call this Reality by different objective names, but theReality does not change. is realm <strong>of</strong> spirit is found inbreakthrough through the use <strong>of</strong> paradoxes beyond all logic,image, or form” (“e Many Paths <strong>of</strong> Religion, and the OneGod <strong>of</strong> Faith” Part 2).is is a pagan concept <strong>of</strong> God. e born again believer inJesus Christ does not experience the same spiritual “Reality”as those who are not born again. And the born again Biblebeliever does not try to encounter God apart from thinkingand concepts. Our knowledge <strong>of</strong> God is taught in the362

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