Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Corinthians 10:31), and He certainly is not glorified bycursing and immorality.Young also defended listening to the vulgar rock singerDavid Wilcox: “I don’t see any immorality in songs like ‘BoobJob.’ If anything, he’s looking down on stuff like that. If youlook at the Bible, it’s not a cute little book with sweet littlestories. It’s one of the most graphic, dirtiest, gross, powerful,dark, yet enlightening books” (Ibid.). is is amazing. Wewonder what kind of Bible Cliff Young has. I’ve been studyingthe Bible for 25 years and have never found it to be graphic orgross or dirty or dark. Whenever the Bible deals withanything touching on immorality, it does so in a sensitive andholy manner so that the reader’s thoughts are not is certainly not the way that the rock world deals withimmorality.e anti-fundamentalist attitude of Caedmon’s Call isevident:“It’s amazing how we can get caught up in these things. ‘Did hesay that? I can’t believe he said that!’ Especially in the Baptistchurch we’re in, our whole idea of Biblical holiness is, ‘Don’tdrink; don’t smoke; don’t cuss.’ True Biblical holiness is a lotmore than that. … the whole CHRISTIAN SUBCULTURE INTHE BIBLE BELT THAT SAYS, ‘DON’T DO THIS. DON’TDO THAT. You can’t talk about that.’ at kind of thing is nodifferent from Jesus’ day [the Pharisees]. I’ve been in theirposition. I was a Pharisee for many years” (Cliff Young, Ibid.).is statement is a mockery of biblical absolutes. It isimpossible to take the Bible seriously without striving to beholy in every area of life, without applying biblical precepts toeverything the Christian does, without guarding the tongue.e New Testament is filled with commandments—with do’sand don’ts—with things the Christian can and cannot do. Ithas many commandments against drunkenness and cussing.e very appearance of evil is to be avoided (1 ess. 5:21).e attitude expressed by Cliff Young of Caedmon’s Call is asmokescreen for rebellion against biblical holiness. He speaks26

of Baptist churches whose “whole idea of biblical holiness” isdon’t drink, smoke, or cuss. I have attended, preached in, andstudied Baptist churches for 25 years and I don’t know of onewhich limits its doctrine of holiness to a simplistic group ofcommandments like that. e rebel only hears that part,though. Young thinks that Phariseeism is requiringcommandments. at was not the Pharisee’s problem. ePharisee’s root problem was self-righteousness, pride, and therejection of God’s righteousness in Jesus Christ. e Biblebelievingfundamentalists that I know (and I know thousandsof them) are not self-righteous. ey know that they haveabsolutely no righteousness in themselves, that in their fleshdwelleth no good thing. ey are not Christ rejecters; theyare Christ lovers. ey know that apart from Jesus Christ theyare nothing. Zero. ey know that holiness is not external; itis the indwelling Spirit of God. To label the Bible-believingfundamentalist a Pharisee is a vicious slander.Cliff Young also said in the interview that being forced tolisten only to Christian music as he was growing up “hurt mywalk and my effectiveness as a Christian” (Ibid.). To listenonly to wholesome music is injurious! To be separated fromvile secular rock music is injurious! What unscripturalnonsense.In a 2001 interview with Echo magazine, Young condemned“Christian-cultural-Bible-Belt-legalism” which says, “Stayaway from this and stay away from that.”Caedman’s Call does not believe there should be aseparation between Christian and secular music:“We don’t really believe in a split between Christian andmainstream music. I think there are Christians and non-Christians and the music they write reflects the kind of peoplethey are” (Biography, Caedman’s Call web site, amazing statement reminds me of the warning in theWord of God about the apostate priests of old. ey “put nodifference between the holy and profane” (Ezekiel 22:26).27

<strong>of</strong> Baptist churches whose “whole idea <strong>of</strong> biblical holiness” isdon’t drink, smoke, or cuss. I have attended, preached in, andstudied Baptist churches for 25 years and I don’t know <strong>of</strong> onewhich limits its doctrine <strong>of</strong> holiness to a simplistic group <strong>of</strong>commandments like that. e rebel only hears that part,though. Young thinks that Phariseeism is requiringcommandments. at was not the Pharisee’s problem. ePharisee’s root problem was self-righteousness, pride, and therejection <strong>of</strong> God’s righteousness in Jesus Christ. e Biblebelievingfundamentalists that I know (and I know thousands<strong>of</strong> them) are not self-righteous. ey know that they haveabsolutely no righteousness in themselves, that in their fleshdwelleth no good thing. ey are not Christ rejecters; theyare Christ lovers. ey know that apart from Jesus Christ theyare nothing. Zero. ey know that holiness is not external; itis the indwelling Spirit <strong>of</strong> God. To label the Bible-believingfundamentalist a Pharisee is a vicious slander.Cliff Young also said in the interview that being forced tolisten only to Christian music as he was growing up “hurt mywalk and my effectiveness as a Christian” (Ibid.). To listenonly to wholesome music is injurious! To be separated fromvile secular rock music is injurious! What unscripturalnonsense.In a 2001 interview with Echo magazine, Young condemned“Christian-cultural-Bible-Belt-legalism” which says, “Stayaway from this and stay away from that.”Caedman’s Call does not believe there should be aseparation between Christian and secular music:“We don’t really believe in a split between Christian andmainstream music. I think there are Christians and non-Christians and the music they write reflects the kind <strong>of</strong> peoplethey are” (Biography, Caedman’s Call web site, amazing statement reminds me <strong>of</strong> the warning in theWord <strong>of</strong> God about the apostate priests <strong>of</strong> old. ey “put nodifference between the holy and pr<strong>of</strong>ane” (Ezekiel 22:26).27

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