Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Note that Warren does not warn his readers that the heartis deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jeremiah17:9). What a gross, inexcusable omission! While it is truethat you can trust your desires to some extent when you are amature Christian and you are delighting in God andimmersed in His Word and obeying Him (Psa. 37:4), howmany of the readers of e Purpose Driven Life are in thatcondition? A great many of the millions of readers of thisbook are doubtless complete unbelievers or nominalChristians or novices or carnal and worldly, and to teachthem that what they love to do is God’s will is frightful heresy.Many are professional sports fanatics, for example. Others arerock & roll fanatics. Others are fanatics about modernfashion trends. Are they fanatic about such things becausethat is the way that God made them? No, they are fanaticabout such things because they are conformed to the worldand walk in the way of sinners (Psalm 1:1; Romans 12:2).ere are many things that professing Christians are giedfor and effective at that are NOT God’s will!Again, we see that when Rick Warren’s theology isexamined by God’s Word it is about self-fulfillment, but it ispresented under the guise of worshipping and serving God.Every Strange Bible VersionIn e Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren uses 15 differentBible versions, including two Roman Catholic ones (e NewAmerican Bible and the New Jerusalem Bible). His favoritesare the “dynamic equivalency” versions such as the LivingBible, the New Living Bible, Today’s English Version, theContemporary English Version, and e Message. e latterseems to be his most favorite.As a result, it is oen impossible to know exactly whatScripture he is quoting because it is so strangely paraphrasedand wildly inaccurate.On page 20, Warren quotes 1 Corinthians 2:7 from eMessage:286

“God’s wisdom ... goes deep into the interior of his purposes ...It’s not the latest message, but more like the oldest--what Goddetermined as the way to bring out his best in us.”In the King James Bible, this says:“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even thehidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world untoour glory.”It is obvious that e Message is not a translation in anysense of the word; it is a presumption. It is not God’s thoughtsbut man’s. It is almost childish, not because it is simple butbecause it is ridiculous.Warren claims to have quoted more than 1,000 Scripturesin e Purpose Driven Life, but most of the quotations aresimilar to the previous examples and have no right to becalled Scripture.When I visited a service at Saddleback Church in 2003, Iobserved that only a few people were carrying Bibles into theauditorium. e reason became clear when I saw themultiplicity of versions that were used in the preaching. Itwould be impossible to follow along in one’s Bible. e resultis that the people do not bring their own Bibles and do nottherefore carefully test the preaching. How could they, whenany biblical statement they would attempt to examine hasdozens of contradictory variations in various versions?God Loves All Kinds of MusicIn chapter 8 of e Purpose Driven Life, Warren becomes aprophet, saying:“God loves all kinds of music because he invented it all--fastand slow, loud and so, old and new. You probably don’t like itall, but God does! ... Christians oen disagree over the style ofmusic used in worship, passionately defending their preferredstyle as the most biblical or God-honoring. But there is nobiblical style! ... God likes variety and enjoys it all. ere is nosuch thing as ‘Christian’ music; there are only Christian lyrics.287

“God’s wisdom ... goes deep into the interior <strong>of</strong> his purposes ...It’s not the latest message, but more like the oldest--what Goddetermined as the way to bring out his best in us.”In the King James Bible, this says:“But we speak the wisdom <strong>of</strong> God in a mystery, even thehidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world untoour glory.”It is obvious that e Message is not a translation in anysense <strong>of</strong> the word; it is a presumption. It is not God’s thoughtsbut man’s. It is almost childish, not because it is simple butbecause it is ridiculous.Warren claims to have quoted more than 1,000 Scripturesin e Purpose Driven <strong>Life</strong>, but most <strong>of</strong> the quotations aresimilar to the previous examples and have no right to becalled Scripture.When I visited a service at Saddleback Church in 2003, Iobserved that only a few people were carrying Bibles into theauditorium. e reason became clear when I saw themultiplicity <strong>of</strong> versions that were used in the preaching. Itwould be impossible to follow along in one’s Bible. e resultis that the people do not bring their own Bibles and do nottherefore carefully test the preaching. How could they, whenany biblical statement they would attempt to examine hasdozens <strong>of</strong> contradictory variations in various versions?God Loves All Kinds <strong>of</strong> MusicIn chapter 8 <strong>of</strong> e Purpose Driven <strong>Life</strong>, Warren becomes aprophet, saying:“God loves all kinds <strong>of</strong> music because he invented it all--fastand slow, loud and so, old and new. You probably don’t like itall, but God does! ... Christians oen disagree over the style <strong>of</strong>music used in worship, passionately defending their preferredstyle as the most biblical or God-honoring. But there is nobiblical style! ... God likes variety and enjoys it all. ere is nosuch thing as ‘Christian’ music; there are only Christian lyrics.287

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