Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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can perform first century apostolic miracles. We don’t faultpastors for wanting to see “something real” in the ministry ofGod’s Word and for desiring the power of God, butunscriptural wildfire is not the answer to the problem ofspiritual powerlessness.Arnott and his wife, Carol, were earnestly seeking a specialtouch from God, but, sadly, they were following theunscriptural charismatic prophecies and methodologiesinstead of relying strictly on Holy Scripture. ey werelooking in the wrong place. ey believed that God had toldthem to “hang around people that have an anointing,” butinstead of defining the Holy Spirit’s anointing biblically, theydefined it according to Pentecostal Word-Faith theology.In September 1992, they attended several of Benny Hinn’smeetings at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Aer Hinnprayed for them, Carol Arnott would be so drunk that shehad to be carried home and put to bed, but John was largelyunaffected. In June 1993, Arnott had Rodney Howard-Browne lay hands on him during a meeting in Texas, but hewas still unaffected.In November 1993, the Arnotts flew to Argentina to haveClaudio Friedzon lay hands on them. is occurred duringan Argentinean pastors’ conference organized by Luis Palau’sbrother-in-law, Ed Silvoso. is event is described as followsby Guy Chevreau, who worked with Arnott in Toronto.“John was standing with his hands up, posturing his opennessto the Lord, and Claudio looked at him and said, ‘Do you wantit?’ He said, ‘Yes. I really want it.’ en Claudio said, ‘en takeit!’ and he slapped John on both of his hands. John fell again.BUT THIS TIME HE DIALED DOWN A LOT OF THEANALYSIS and said, ‘I don’t care, I’m just going to take whatGod has to give.’ Something clicked in his heart at thatmoment” (emphasis added) (Chevreau, Catch the Fire, p. 24).is is a very significant testimony. Arnott had been unableto receive the “anointing” BECAUSE HE WAS ANALYZING278

IT BY THE BIBLE. When he finally stopped analyzing it, hebegan receiving the strange unscriptural experiences.In a message preached by Arnott entitled “Hard toReceive” (Shippensburg, PA: Holy Smoke Productions, 1997)he says that one of the chief reasons why many cannot“receive” the Holy Spirit’s (alleged) ministrations (such asslaying or drunkenness or rolling on the floor or maniacallaughter) is the “fear of deception.” Arnott claims that thisfear is used by the devil to keep people from receiving all thatthe Holy Spirit has for them, but in light of the NewTestament’s continual warnings, this is absolute nonsense.e Bible commands us to “prove all things…” (1 ess.5:21). Proverbs 14:15 tells us it is the foolish person whobelieves every word, whereas the prudent man is verycautious. Eight times in the New Testament the Christian iswarned to “be sober.” is means to be in control of one’s self,to be spiritually alert, to be on guard against deception, andthis is because there are great spiritual dangers. “Be sober, bevigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).is verse alone would keep me away from the charismaticmovement, which demands that I do the opposite of what theWord of God instructs me to do. e charismatic movementtells people to stop analyzing, to let go of their minds andmouths, to be open to strange experiences even if they cannotbe supported by the Bible, to throw caution to the wind andjust “receive, receive, receive.”Contemporary Praise Music by David Ruis and others wasan integral and essential part of the weird “Toronto Blessing.”e sensual pulsing, skipping, tripping, body-jerkingsyncopated dance rhythms, the electronic modulating, thereverb and echo and feedback, the unresolving chordsequences, the pounding drums, the sensual vocal styles, andthe dramatic rise and fall of the sound level, and therepetition create the atmosphere in which charismatic seekersexperience an emotional high and are hypnotized for the279

can perform first century apostolic miracles. We don’t faultpastors for wanting to see “something real” in the ministry <strong>of</strong>God’s Word and for desiring the power <strong>of</strong> God, butunscriptural wildfire is not the answer to the problem <strong>of</strong>spiritual powerlessness.Arnott and his wife, Carol, were earnestly seeking a specialtouch from God, but, sadly, they were following theunscriptural charismatic prophecies and methodologiesinstead <strong>of</strong> relying strictly on Holy Scripture. ey werelooking in the wrong place. ey believed that God had toldthem to “hang around people that have an anointing,” butinstead <strong>of</strong> defining the Holy Spirit’s anointing biblically, theydefined it according to Pentecostal Word-Faith theology.In September 1992, they attended several <strong>of</strong> Benny Hinn’smeetings at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. Aer Hinnprayed for them, Carol Arnott would be so drunk that shehad to be carried home and put to bed, but John was largelyunaffected. In June 1993, Arnott had Rodney Howard-Browne lay hands on him during a meeting in Texas, but hewas still unaffected.In November 1993, the Arnotts flew to Argentina to haveClaudio Friedzon lay hands on them. is occurred duringan Argentinean pastors’ conference organized by Luis Palau’sbrother-in-law, Ed Silvoso. is event is described as followsby Guy Chevreau, who worked with Arnott in Toronto.“John was standing with his hands up, posturing his opennessto the Lord, and Claudio looked at him and said, ‘Do you wantit?’ He said, ‘Yes. I really want it.’ en Claudio said, ‘en takeit!’ and he slapped John on both <strong>of</strong> his hands. John fell again.BUT THIS TIME HE DIALED DOWN A LOT OF THEANALYSIS and said, ‘I don’t care, I’m just going to take whatGod has to give.’ Something clicked in his heart at thatmoment” (emphasis added) (Chevreau, Catch the Fire, p. 24).is is a very significant testimony. Arnott had been unableto receive the “anointing” BECAUSE HE WAS ANALYZING278

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