Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

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It is important to emphasize that there was not a completebreak between the Vineyard churches and the LaughingRevival. In a letter dated December 15, 1995, Gary Best, thenational director <strong>of</strong> the Vineyard churches in Canada, sent aletter to Arnott to encourage him aer the separationoccurred. He said: “I made it absolutely clear that this actionwas ‘release and recognition <strong>of</strong> a different calling’ rather than‘expulsion.’ ere is a difference between ‘withdrawingendorsement and support’ and opposition. John Wimber issimply saying that to operate under his authority they need t<strong>of</strong>ollow his direction otherwise they need to establish theirown. We were and are not ‘drawing a line in the sand’ andforbidding any Vineyard pastors or people from participatingin TAV events or activities.”In May 1997, John Wimber told audiences in England thathis relationship with John Arnott was better than ever(Charisma, May 1997).For more about Wimber and the Vineyard see “JohnWimber” in this <strong>Directory</strong>.e author <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Directory</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Contemporary</strong> <strong>Worship</strong><strong>Musicians</strong> witnessed John and Carol Arnott’s ministry at St.Louis 2000, which we attended with press credentials. Arnottspoke for a few minutes, then invited pastors to come forwardif they “felt they would die if they did not soon receive atouch from God.” He told them to say to God, “Why not meand why not now; I take it in the name <strong>of</strong> Jesus.” About 40 or50 went forward, and John Arnott and his wife laid hands onthem. Most <strong>of</strong> them fell on the floor. One continued standingbut he started shaking almost violently and remained like thatfor a long time until Carol Arnott laid hands on him and he,too, fell to the floor. Aer laying hands on the pastors andwhile most <strong>of</strong> them were still on the floor, Arnott continueddelivering his message to the crowd in his quiet manner; butas he was speaking his wife roamed around laying hands onpeople and “ministering” to those who were on the floor. Itwas very confusing, to say the least. Some people were276

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