Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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a candle on a written page/ And from your guilt he said I couldbe free/ Maybe my love is all you need...”What does that mean? Anything and nothing. It is a vague“spirituality.” It is meaningless emotional mysticism. eimportant questions aren’t answered. What love? Whose love?What hope? What peace? What man? What type of guilt?Free in what way?If you believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, you can insert thegospel into these words, but if you are a westernized Hindu orBuddhist, you can insert your fanciful New Age beliefs intothe same words. Further, the song contains the poppsychology mumbo jumbo of healing of “childhood scars.”It appears that Prosch is singing about the same love thatthe Beatles sang about in their 1967 hit “All You Need isLove.” He uses the same phrases (“love is all you need” and“all you need is love”), but he even out does the Beatles invain, hypnotic repetition. e Beatles repeated this phrase 15times whereas Prosch repeats it 32 is the type of music that is building the one-worldchurch with all of its ancient and end-times heresies.e powerful and very sensual music--with its endlessvariety of addictive dance syncopations, its unresolvingchords, its repetition, its electronic modulation, and itssensual vocal stylings--creates a mystical atmosphere inwhich people are carried along by their emotions,ungrounded and untested by Scripture. It is a recipe forspiritual delusion (2 Cor. 11:4, 14-15; 1 Pet. 5:8), and webelieve it is one of the devil’s most effect tools in building theend-time one world church. (See “Transformative Power ofContemporary Praise Music” under the Articles Database atthe Way of Life web site --, MattMatt Redman is one the most influential names in thecontemporary worship movement. He supports the Worship266

Central training school sponsored by Alpha International, theradically ecumenical charismatic organization that wasbirthed from the “laughing revival” at Holy TrinityBrompton, London, England.e vision of Worship Central is “to encounter God,” whichis the unscriptural and very dangerous experiential-mysticalapproach of modern worship. ere is a Roman Catholic armof Alpha. Redman says, “Worship Central is a fantasticresource designed to upli and inform worship teamseverywhere” ( “Alpha Course” in this directory.)When asked, “Who are your musical influences?” Redmanreplied: “All sorts. But all time favorite must be the Beatles. Ilove it now that my five kids even get into theirmusic” ( reminds us that one of the reasons why we areopposed to Contemporary Christian Music is its blatantrefusal to separate from the world. God’s Word says thebeliever is not to be conformed to the world, is not to bespotted by the world, and is not to love the world (Romans12:2; James 1:27; 4:4; 1 John 2: 15-16). ContemporaryChristian musicians make no attempt to hide the fact thatthey love raunchy secular rock & roll and they have no shamefor doing so because it is perfectly acceptable in the crowd inwhich they run. When asked in interviews about theirmusical influences and their favorite music, invariably theylist secular rock musicians who flaunt God’s holy laws. It isobvious that Redman is rearing his children on secular rock& roll, and that they have a taste for the world even at veryyoung ages. e Bible says, “And have no fellowship with theunfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph.5:11). Are there any “unfruitful works of darkness” in rock &roll or rap or reggae or country-western and other forms ofpop music today? Indeed, that is an apt description of the vastmajority of it. “Unfruitful works of darkness” is a perfect267

a candle on a written page/ And from your guilt he said I couldbe free/ Maybe my love is all you need...”What does that mean? Anything and nothing. It is a vague“spirituality.” It is meaningless emotional mysticism. eimportant questions aren’t answered. What love? Whose love?What hope? What peace? What man? What type <strong>of</strong> guilt?Free in what way?If you believe the gospel <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ, you can insert thegospel into these words, but if you are a westernized Hindu orBuddhist, you can insert your fanciful New Age beliefs intothe same words. Further, the song contains the poppsychology mumbo jumbo <strong>of</strong> healing <strong>of</strong> “childhood scars.”It appears that Prosch is singing about the same love thatthe Beatles sang about in their 1967 hit “All You Need isLove.” He uses the same phrases (“love is all you need” and“all you need is love”), but he even out does the Beatles invain, hypnotic repetition. e Beatles repeated this phrase 15times whereas Prosch repeats it 32 is the type <strong>of</strong> music that is building the one-worldchurch with all <strong>of</strong> its ancient and end-times heresies.e powerful and very sensual music--with its endlessvariety <strong>of</strong> addictive dance syncopations, its unresolvingchords, its repetition, its electronic modulation, and itssensual vocal stylings--creates a mystical atmosphere inwhich people are carried along by their emotions,ungrounded and untested by Scripture. It is a recipe forspiritual delusion (2 Cor. 11:4, 14-15; 1 Pet. 5:8), and webelieve it is one <strong>of</strong> the devil’s most effect tools in building theend-time one world church. (See “Transformative Power <strong>of</strong><strong>Contemporary</strong> Praise Music” under the Articles Database atthe <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> web site -- way<strong>of</strong>, MattMatt Redman is one the most influential names in thecontemporary worship movement. He supports the <strong>Worship</strong>266

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