Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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did, we still have not arrived. ... At all of our conferences nowMANY ARE STARTING TO SEE ANGELS, AND DREAMSAND VISIONS AND PROPHECY ARE BEING RELEASED topeople. is is all wonderful, and we are asking for more of it.We expect to see more and greater miracles” (Kevin Prosch,“e Heart of David: Worship & Warfare,” April 1996,Conference Report).I can say on the authority of God’s Word that the “holyfear” they experienced was of the devil and not of God. istype of thing is the spirit of this world, and the fact thatcontemporary praise music is right in the middle of it is aloud warning to those who have ears to hear.Jesus rebuked those who lusted aer “signs,” saying, “Anevil and adulterous generation seeketh aer a sign” (Matthew12:39). is is a giant divine rebuke to the entire charismaticmovement, and those who tremble at God’s Words will takeheed!e repetition of the praise music is a major part of thecharismatic mysticism and the emotionalism that is mistakenfor a “tangible experience” with God. In Prosch’s song “Signsand Wonders,” the words “signs and wonders, healings,deliverance” are repeated at least 20 times and the words “thekingdom of God is here” are repeated at least 25 times. At theHeart of David conference, they sang Prosch’s “Praise theLord, Oh My Soul” for 20 minutes and they sang one song forover three hours! at must be the epitome of contemporarypraise repetition!Web reports of Prosch’s concerts in promotion of theReckless Mercy album are enlightening. One lady whoattended a concert with her husband said that the percussionsection summoned the crowd with the call, “Let’s rock!” Atleast she is honest. Rocking is what this stuff is all about. Takeaway the rock music, and the crowds would thin downquickly. is lady observed that Prosch’s band emulatedsounds “suggestive of Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, and others”and “have the power to move ya!” e announcer who came264

on before the band said that they were “just trying to expresstheir religious beliefs through the style of music that theyenjoy.” is sounds like 2 Timothy 4:3-4, which warns ofthose who worship God “aer their own lusts.”Prosch’s music is powerfully mystical and can have a deepemotional effect on listeners. In response to the YouTubevideo of “Praise the Lord, Oh My Soul” from 1996, onelistener said:“When I first heard his music, IT SWITCHED SOMETHINGON. It affirmed that GOD ISN’T CONFINED TO ...THEOLOGIES or traditions ... nor is God dull, or sterile, orconservative. But WILD, abundant, creative, loving, mercifuland BEYOND WORDS” ( that the effect of Prosch’s praise music is “beyondwords” and not confined to “theologies.” is means that itisn’t doctrinal. What this contemporary worshiper isdescribing is the mysticism of contemporary worship thatseeks an experience with “the wild” God beyond the Bible. Itis the charismatic heretical theme song of “Let’s not put Godin a box,” meaning that God isn’t restrained by Scripture.Prosch’s music, like much of the contemporary praisemusic, goes beyond theologies by means of its mysticalvagueness.Consider Prosch’s “Love Is All You Need” --“I went to the place where dead men pray/ Love forsaken, I wasso afraid/ When suddenly the leaves were around/ She saidwhere is hope? What is truth? And do you know peace? As wewalked through the graveyard of needles on the street/ Lordthey wouldn’t need this if only they could see/ Tell them love,love, love is, love is the key, baby/ Love is all you need/ All youneed is love/ Love is all you need/ All you need is love. ... I meta man who walked alone/ He wept upon those public roads/He placed his eyes upon my heart/ Saw that I had missed thestirring of the water/ He looked into my childhood scars/ Like265

on before the band said that they were “just trying to expresstheir religious beliefs through the style <strong>of</strong> music that theyenjoy.” is sounds like 2 Timothy 4:3-4, which warns <strong>of</strong>those who worship God “aer their own lusts.”Prosch’s music is powerfully mystical and can have a deepemotional effect on listeners. In response to the YouTubevideo <strong>of</strong> “Praise the Lord, Oh My Soul” from 1996, onelistener said:“When I first heard his music, IT SWITCHED SOMETHINGON. It affirmed that GOD ISN’T CONFINED TO ...THEOLOGIES or traditions ... nor is God dull, or sterile, orconservative. But WILD, abundant, creative, loving, mercifuland BEYOND WORDS” ( that the effect <strong>of</strong> Prosch’s praise music is “beyondwords” and not confined to “theologies.” is means that itisn’t doctrinal. What this contemporary worshiper isdescribing is the mysticism <strong>of</strong> contemporary worship thatseeks an experience with “the wild” God beyond the Bible. Itis the charismatic heretical theme song <strong>of</strong> “Let’s not put Godin a box,” meaning that God isn’t restrained by Scripture.Prosch’s music, like much <strong>of</strong> the contemporary praisemusic, goes beyond theologies by means <strong>of</strong> its mysticalvagueness.Consider Prosch’s “Love Is All You Need” --“I went to the place where dead men pray/ Love forsaken, I wasso afraid/ When suddenly the leaves were around/ She saidwhere is hope? What is truth? And do you know peace? As wewalked through the graveyard <strong>of</strong> needles on the street/ Lordthey wouldn’t need this if only they could see/ Tell them love,love, love is, love is the key, baby/ Love is all you need/ All youneed is love/ Love is all you need/ All you need is love. ... I meta man who walked alone/ He wept upon those public roads/He placed his eyes upon my heart/ Saw that I had missed thestirring <strong>of</strong> the water/ He looked into my childhood scars/ Like265

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