Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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his ashram in India in 1968. George Harrison went on to jointhe Hare Krishnas and died in the Hindu faith. Maharishideveloped TM from the Hindu Vedas. He called TM “a pathto God” and “the spontaneous flow of knowledge.”e Beatles have done more to further the devil’s programin these last days than any other music group. It isunconscionable for a Christian to pay homage to these peopleand to their demonically-inspired music, therebyencouraging Christian young people to think that rock & rollis innocent fun.“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as aroaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he maydevour” (1 Peter 5:8).e Beatles continue to exercise a vast influence, and youngpeople need to be warned to stay away from them and fromthe world of licentious rock and roll and pagan New Agephilosophy that the Beatles promoted.“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: forwhat fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?and what communion hath light with darkness? And whatconcord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he thatbelieveth with an infidel? And what agreement hath thetemple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the livingGod; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk inthem; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I willreceive you” (2 Cor. 6:14-17).Bickle, MikeSee International House of Prayer.BonoSee “U2.”20

Borden, TammyIn July 2012, Tammy Borden was one of the artists featuredat the 14th annual Lifest in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Christianrock’s one-world church building enterprise was in full steamat this event. Other popular groups and artists participatingwere Switchfoot, Newsboys, Underoath, Building 429, NormaJean, Steven Curtis Chapman, Casting Crowns, Love &Death, and Disciple. 15,000 enthusiastic fans gathered tocelebrate ecumenical unity through the sensual power of rock& roll. Participants could choose from three worship services,including a Catholic Mass led by Bishop David Ricken, whoofficially approves of the “Marian Apparitions” at the Shrineof Our Lady of Good Help in northern Wisconsin. eapparition appeared to Adele Brise in 1859 and said, “I amthe Queen of Heaven, who prays for the conversion ofsinners,” plainly identifying itself as a demon, since the onlyQueen of Heaven mentioned in Scripture is an idolatrousgoddess that was condemned by the prophet Jeremiah (Jer.7:18). at Christian rock is intimately associated with suchthings is clear evidence of its apostasy.Brown, BrentonBrenton Brown is the author of such popular contemporaryworship songs as “Everlasting God,” “Lord, Reign in Me,”“Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing),” “Holy,” “All Who Areirsty,” “Humble King,” and “Your Love Is Amazing.”He “cut his worship teeth in the Vineyard Church inEngland.” He was the worship pastor at Oxford Vineyard andthe coordinator of the Vineyard Worship Development Team,before moving to California in 2005. (See “John Wimber andthe Vineyard” in this Directory.)In October 2012, Brown joined hands with emergingheretic Leonard Sweet at the National Worship LeaderConference in San Diego. Sweet calls his universalist-tingeddoctrine New Light and “quantum spirituality” and “the21

Borden, TammyIn July 2012, Tammy Borden was one <strong>of</strong> the artists featuredat the 14th annual <strong>Life</strong>st in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Christianrock’s one-world church building enterprise was in full steamat this event. Other popular groups and artists participatingwere Switchfoot, Newsboys, Underoath, Building 429, NormaJean, Steven Curtis Chapman, Casting Crowns, Love &Death, and Disciple. 15,000 enthusiastic fans gathered tocelebrate ecumenical unity through the sensual power <strong>of</strong> rock& roll. Participants could choose from three worship services,including a Catholic Mass led by Bishop David Ricken, who<strong>of</strong>ficially approves <strong>of</strong> the “Marian Apparitions” at the Shrine<strong>of</strong> Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Good Help in northern Wisconsin. eapparition appeared to Adele Brise in 1859 and said, “I amthe Queen <strong>of</strong> Heaven, who prays for the conversion <strong>of</strong>sinners,” plainly identifying itself as a demon, since the onlyQueen <strong>of</strong> Heaven mentioned in Scripture is an idolatrousgoddess that was condemned by the prophet Jeremiah (Jer.7:18). at Christian rock is intimately associated with suchthings is clear evidence <strong>of</strong> its apostasy.Brown, BrentonBrenton Brown is the author <strong>of</strong> such popular contemporaryworship songs as “Everlasting God,” “Lord, Reign in Me,”“Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing),” “Holy,” “All Who Areirsty,” “Humble King,” and “Your Love Is Amazing.”He “cut his worship teeth in the Vineyard Church inEngland.” He was the worship pastor at Oxford Vineyard andthe coordinator <strong>of</strong> the Vineyard <strong>Worship</strong> Development Team,before moving to California in 2005. (See “John Wimber andthe Vineyard” in this <strong>Directory</strong>.)In October 2012, Brown joined hands with emergingheretic Leonard Sweet at the National <strong>Worship</strong> LeaderConference in San Diego. Sweet calls his universalist-tingeddoctrine New Light and “quantum spirituality” and “the21

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