Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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ferns out of the flower basket and waving them in the air andlaying some of them as if before the Lord as she praised theLord in the dance across the auditorium in front of theplatform. THE HEAD OF THE CONFERENCE STARTED TOSTOP HER BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT TOLD HIM NOT TO,FOR IT WAS OF GOD. Within a few minutes most of THEAUDIENCE WAS PRAISING GOD WITH LEGS SWINGINGAND BODIES MOVING IN RHYTHMIC PRAISE TOGOD” (Hamon, Prophets and the Prophetic Movement, Vol. 2,1990, pp. 117, 118).Word-Faith heretic Kenneth Copeland also says thatcontemporary praise is part of the “great restoration,”referring to the alleged latter rain miracle revival.“And in these last days, that praise and worship will come as agreat restoration to the church. IT WILL, IN FACT, GO OUTEVEN FURTHER THAN A RESTORED TRUTH INTO THEREALM OF TRUTH THAT HAS NOT YET BEENREVEALED. For there is a depth of praise and worship that theChurch doesn't even know and has not walked inyet” (Copeland, “e Power of Praise,” Voice of Victory,Summer 1989).e fact that contemporary praise music is at the heart andsoul of the charismatic movement and all of its heresiesshould be a loud warning to Bible-believers who are temptedto mess around with it and “adapt” it for their churches. isDirectory of Contemporary Worship Musicians documents thefact that nearly ALL of the influential CCM musicians arecommitted to the charismatic ecumenical heresies that arebuilding the one-world church.Rick Joyner’s worship services are sometimes reminiscentof an African tribal dance or a voodoo ceremony, withmultiple drums pounding, people wailing and stuttering andmoaning, jumping and shaking. It is said of voodoo that “thedrummer is the life and soul of every ceremony” and thedrummers play their music “with a fierce passion which isoccasionally frenzied.” at is exactly what we see in Proschled“worship” services.262

e false spirit of the latter rain praise music was evident inthe 1996 Heart of David Conference on Worship & Warfare,sponsored by Rick Joyner’s Morning Star ministries. Itconcluded with the praise team singing the sensual Beatlessong “I Want to Hold Your Hand” as if God were singing tobelievers. Joining Kevin Prosch as worship leaders wereLeonard Jones and Suzy Wills. ey claim that when theysang the Beatles song, God signified His pleasure withmiraculous signs. Here is Prosch’s description:“en, on a ‘Holy Ghost whim,’ I asked Leonard Jones to leadan old Beatles’ song, ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand,’ in which hehad changed some of the words to make it like a message fromthe Lord. As soon as he started, it seemed like the roof wouldcome off of the building. When he finished, ‘the sound of manywaters’ again filled the hall, but it was even louder than before.A holy fear began to fill the place. ere was a presence of theLord like I had never felt in a meeting before. I looked atChristine Potter and Susy Wills, who were dancing near thecenter of the stage, and I have never seen such a look of terroron the faces of anyone. An intense burning, like a nuclear firethat burns from the inside out, seemed to be on the stage.Christine started pulling at her clothes as if she were on fire,and Susy dove behind the drums. en a cloud appeared in thecenter of the stage, visible to everyone, and a sweet smell likeflowers filled the arena. When the cloud had moved away (itseemed to move to the rear of the stage as it disappeared),some of the children who had been dancing at the front beganto pull up tiles from the floor to see if there was a fire under it.Some asked if we had a smoke machine. We did not, and wedid not do anything to cause that cloud of smoke. As RayHughes explained later, when the Lord received an offering Hewould oen consume it with fire, and then it would go up insmoke. We believe that this was just a token of encouragementfrom the Lord that the offering of worship had beenreceived. ... I confess that I love the kind of supernaturalmanifestations that we have been having. I oen pray that wewill see His glory visibly manifested in our meetings. ... Wemust go higher. Until we look like Jesus and do the works He263

e false spirit <strong>of</strong> the latter rain praise music was evident inthe 1996 Heart <strong>of</strong> David Conference on <strong>Worship</strong> & Warfare,sponsored by Rick Joyner’s Morning Star ministries. Itconcluded with the praise team singing the sensual Beatlessong “I Want to Hold Your Hand” as if God were singing tobelievers. Joining Kevin Prosch as worship leaders wereLeonard Jones and Suzy Wills. ey claim that when theysang the Beatles song, God signified His pleasure withmiraculous signs. Here is Prosch’s description:“en, on a ‘Holy Ghost whim,’ I asked Leonard Jones to leadan old Beatles’ song, ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand,’ in which hehad changed some <strong>of</strong> the words to make it like a message fromthe Lord. As soon as he started, it seemed like the ro<strong>of</strong> wouldcome <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the building. When he finished, ‘the sound <strong>of</strong> manywaters’ again filled the hall, but it was even louder than before.A holy fear began to fill the place. ere was a presence <strong>of</strong> theLord like I had never felt in a meeting before. I looked atChristine Potter and Susy Wills, who were dancing near thecenter <strong>of</strong> the stage, and I have never seen such a look <strong>of</strong> terroron the faces <strong>of</strong> anyone. An intense burning, like a nuclear firethat burns from the inside out, seemed to be on the stage.Christine started pulling at her clothes as if she were on fire,and Susy dove behind the drums. en a cloud appeared in thecenter <strong>of</strong> the stage, visible to everyone, and a sweet smell likeflowers filled the arena. When the cloud had moved away (itseemed to move to the rear <strong>of</strong> the stage as it disappeared),some <strong>of</strong> the children who had been dancing at the front beganto pull up tiles from the floor to see if there was a fire under it.Some asked if we had a smoke machine. We did not, and wedid not do anything to cause that cloud <strong>of</strong> smoke. As RayHughes explained later, when the Lord received an <strong>of</strong>fering Hewould oen consume it with fire, and then it would go up insmoke. We believe that this was just a token <strong>of</strong> encouragementfrom the Lord that the <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>of</strong> worship had beenreceived. ... I confess that I love the kind <strong>of</strong> supernaturalmanifestations that we have been having. I oen pray that wewill see His glory visibly manifested in our meetings. ... Wemust go higher. Until we look like Jesus and do the works He263

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