Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Prosch’s charismatic error goes far beyond nonsensegibberish, spirit slaying, “holy laughter,” and “spiritualdrunkenness.” He is the worship leader for Rick Joyner ofMorningstar ministries, who claims to be an end-timeprophet. Joyner promotes the Latter Rain Manifest Sons ofGod heresy, which anticipates a revival of miracles whereby“anointed” believers will usher in the return of Christ. It isalso called Joel’s Army, Dominionism, the New Breed, andKingdom Now. In his books e Harvest and Mobilizing theArmy of God, Joyner claims that a great company of prophetsand apostles will be raised up with the spirit of Phineas totake rule; the appearances of angels will be common and theLord Himself will appear to councils of apostles; miracles willexceed the most spectacular ones recorded in Scripture, withthe “anointed ones” not only walking on water but also“walking on air.” All of this will supposedly occur before thereturn of Christ and the Millennium. (See the report “RickJoyner” at the Way of Life web site.)Joyner believes that contemporary charismatic praise musicis at the heart and soul of the end-time miracle revival. Hesays, “... a mighty army of Christian musicians will capturethe attention of a generation” to usher in the end-timerevival” (“e Prophetic Power of Music,” Charisma, August1992).Prosch is right in the middle of this dangerous heresy withhis sensual contemporary praise music. His song “Signs andWonders” says, “Signs and wonders, healings, deliverance iscoming. ... e kingdom of God is here.”Since the music is the product of such a hereticalenvironment, a Bible believer will discern immediately thatthe spirit that empowers this “praise” is “another spirit” (2Cor. 11:3-4) and is not the Spirit of the Lord, who is alwaysthe Spirit of Truth (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 4:6).Another supposed prophet musician pursuing the end-timemiracle revival is ROBERT GAY, worship leader for“prophet” Bill Hamon’s Christian International in Santa Rosa260

Beach, California. Gay’s Prophetic Praises Series waspublished by Integrity Music and Gay was a worship leaderfor Integrity. He says,“God is raising up anointed prophetic songwriters to bringforth THE WAR SONGS OF ZION IN ORDER THAT THECHURCH MAY BECOME THE FIGHTING ARMY THATHE HAS CALLED IT TO BE” (“Silencing e Enemy,”Charisma, October 1992).Gay’s album Roar, Oh Lion of Judah features a “prophecy”by Bill Hamon.Hamon, one of the alleged latter rain “apostles,” oenmentions contemporary praise in his books. He believes thatGod speaks new revelations and empowers the end-timemiracle “revival” through the sensual atmosphere of themusic. He says that contemporary praise music “can bring inthe prophetic mantle” (Hamon, Prophets, Pitfalls andPrinciples, p. 19). He considers contemporary worship as anelement of “spiritual warfare” used by “God’s propheticmarines” in bringing the kingdom of God to earth (Apostles,Prophets, and the Coming Move of God, p. 114). He says thatthrough the “manifest presence of God” created bycontemporary praise music God speaks revelation (e Dayof the Saints: Equipping Believers for eir Revolutionary Role,p. 343).Hamon, who was 77 years old in 2011, experienced thebeginning of the latter rain Manifest Sons of God movementin the 1950s. He says the wild, backbeat Pentecostal musicplayed an intimate part in that movement from its inception.“I was personally present at the Crescent Beach BibleConference in 1954 in British Columbia, when this type ofworship was birthed in the Latter Rain Movement. … econgregation of about eight hundred people had beenworshipping God for quite some time. As the worship loweredto a melodious murmur, suddenly A SISTER BEGAN TOPROPHESY, ‘e King is coming, the King is coming--go yeout to meet Him with dances and rejoicing.’ She started taking261

Prosch’s charismatic error goes far beyond nonsensegibberish, spirit slaying, “holy laughter,” and “spiritualdrunkenness.” He is the worship leader for Rick Joyner <strong>of</strong>Morningstar ministries, who claims to be an end-timeprophet. Joyner promotes the Latter Rain Manifest Sons <strong>of</strong>God heresy, which anticipates a revival <strong>of</strong> miracles whereby“anointed” believers will usher in the return <strong>of</strong> Christ. It isalso called Joel’s Army, Dominionism, the New Breed, andKingdom Now. In his books e Harvest and Mobilizing theArmy <strong>of</strong> God, Joyner claims that a great company <strong>of</strong> prophetsand apostles will be raised up with the spirit <strong>of</strong> Phineas totake rule; the appearances <strong>of</strong> angels will be common and theLord Himself will appear to councils <strong>of</strong> apostles; miracles willexceed the most spectacular ones recorded in Scripture, withthe “anointed ones” not only walking on water but also“walking on air.” All <strong>of</strong> this will supposedly occur before thereturn <strong>of</strong> Christ and the Millennium. (See the report “RickJoyner” at the <strong>Way</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Life</strong> web site.)Joyner believes that contemporary charismatic praise musicis at the heart and soul <strong>of</strong> the end-time miracle revival. Hesays, “... a mighty army <strong>of</strong> Christian musicians will capturethe attention <strong>of</strong> a generation” to usher in the end-timerevival” (“e Prophetic Power <strong>of</strong> Music,” Charisma, August1992).Prosch is right in the middle <strong>of</strong> this dangerous heresy withhis sensual contemporary praise music. His song “Signs andWonders” says, “Signs and wonders, healings, deliverance iscoming. ... e kingdom <strong>of</strong> God is here.”Since the music is the product <strong>of</strong> such a hereticalenvironment, a Bible believer will discern immediately thatthe spirit that empowers this “praise” is “another spirit” (2Cor. 11:3-4) and is not the Spirit <strong>of</strong> the Lord, who is alwaysthe Spirit <strong>of</strong> Truth (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 4:6).Another supposed prophet musician pursuing the end-timemiracle revival is ROBERT GAY, worship leader for“prophet” Bill Hamon’s Christian International in Santa Rosa260

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