Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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NewSong can partner with such organizations because theyare committed to the emerging kingdom building errorwhereby they think they are building the kingdom of God onearth by partnering with anyone of “sincerity.” It is thephilosophy that is promoted by Rick Warren in his P.E.A.C.E.program. Warren wants to enlist “one billion foot soldiers” toovercome the five “global giants” of “Spiritual Emptiness,Self-serving Leadership, Poverty, Disease and ignorance (orilliteracy).” e acronym PEACE gives the means ofovercoming these giants: Promote reconciliation, Equipservant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick, Educate thenext generation. Warren calls for partnering with any “man ofpeace.” He says: “e man of peace does not have to be aChristian believer. Could be a Muslim. Could beJewish” (Warren interview with Charlie Rose, Aug. 17, 2006).is is NewSong’s spiritually dangerous crowd.Nystrom, MartyMarty Nystrom is a graduate of Oral Roberts University,which is a radical Word-Faith Pentecostal institution. Hisbackground also includes association with the radicallycharismatic/ecumenical Christ For e Nations. (See “ChristFor e Nations” in this Directory.)Mystrom is a member of Overlake Christian Church inKirkland, Washington. He has a long-standing affiliation withIntegrity Music. His popular songs include “As David Did,”“As the Deer,” Forever Grateful,” “Enter His Gates,” “Come tothe Table,” “I Will Come and Bow Down,” “In Christ Alone,”and “More of You,” and “Times of Refreshing,” “We DrawNear.”Paris, TwilaTwila Paris grew up in a Christian home and, according toher testimony, placed her faith in Christ at age four. Fourteenof her singles have been No. 1 on Christian radio charts.242

Some of her songs contain a scriptural message. Consider,for example, “e Lamb of God” —“Your only son, no sin to hide/ But You have sent Him fromYour side/ To walk upon this guilty sod/ And to become theLamb of God/ Your gi of Love they crucified/ ey laughedand scorned Him as He died/ e humble King they named afraud/ And sacrificed the Lamb of God.Chorus: Oh Lamb of God, Sweet Lamb of God/ I love the HolyLamb of God/ Oh wash me in His precious blood/ My JesusChrist, the Lamb of God.“I was so lost, I should have died/ But You have brought me toYour side/ To be led by Your staff and rod/ And to be called theLamb of God.”e lyrics to many of her songs, though, are vague.Her music is eclectic and syncretistic. Some of her songsare lovely, with full orchestration, acoustic strings, no rocksyncopation. But there are rock songs on the same albums.For example, her rendition of “When the Roll Is Called UpYonder” is sung to a funky beat with heavy bass and constantsnare drum. e song “We Seek His Face” is sung to strongdisco style rock. Also many of her songs which begin withstrings or organ music seg into rock & roll.Of her 1993 album Beyond a Dream, Twila Paris said:“is album is very current. It talks about how to face what’sgoing on in the world, NOT FROM THE POINT OF MEBEING SOME SORT OF AN AUTHORITY, BUT FROM THESTRUGGLES THAT I’M GOING THROUGH and writing as Igo through them. It was also the biggest stretch for me so far,artistically. Brown and Paul had me singing like I’ve never sungbefore” ( is the standard CCM approach: non-judgmental, nonauthoritative,non-dogmatic. No wonder the world finds suchmusic popular. Can you imagine the Apostle Paul recordingan album which would be applauded by the world?243

NewSong can partner with such organizations because theyare committed to the emerging kingdom building errorwhereby they think they are building the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God onearth by partnering with anyone <strong>of</strong> “sincerity.” It is thephilosophy that is promoted by Rick Warren in his P.E.A.C.E.program. Warren wants to enlist “one billion foot soldiers” toovercome the five “global giants” <strong>of</strong> “Spiritual Emptiness,Self-serving Leadership, Poverty, Disease and ignorance (orilliteracy).” e acronym PEACE gives the means <strong>of</strong>overcoming these giants: Promote reconciliation, Equipservant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick, Educate thenext generation. Warren calls for partnering with any “man <strong>of</strong>peace.” He says: “e man <strong>of</strong> peace does not have to be aChristian believer. Could be a Muslim. Could beJewish” (Warren interview with Charlie Rose, Aug. 17, 2006).is is NewSong’s spiritually dangerous crowd.Nystrom, MartyMarty Nystrom is a graduate <strong>of</strong> Oral Roberts University,which is a radical Word-Faith Pentecostal institution. Hisbackground also includes association with the radicallycharismatic/ecumenical Christ For e Nations. (See “ChristFor e Nations” in this <strong>Directory</strong>.)Mystrom is a member <strong>of</strong> Overlake Christian Church inKirkland, Washington. He has a long-standing affiliation withIntegrity Music. His popular songs include “As David Did,”“As the Deer,” Forever Grateful,” “Enter His Gates,” “Come tothe Table,” “I Will Come and Bow Down,” “In Christ Alone,”and “More <strong>of</strong> You,” and “Times <strong>of</strong> Refreshing,” “We DrawNear.”Paris, TwilaTwila Paris grew up in a Christian home and, according toher testimony, placed her faith in Christ at age four. Fourteen<strong>of</strong> her singles have been No. 1 on Christian radio charts.242

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