Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Christian Union meeting, he believed, was not good enoughfor him. But instead of seeking out some orthodox Christianswho promote sound doctrine to point him in the rightdirection, like so many immature, misguided seekers he goesin search of sensational “pyrotechnics”. From the presentwriter’s experience of this kind of complaint, that “particularlydrab Christian Union meeting at college” could easily havebeen made up of godly youngsters singing hymns in the oldstyleand bowing quietly in prayer before the Lord (without thealmost mandatory trance-induced arm-waving and gibberishkind of “tongues-speaking” one finds among most universityand college Christian Unions today). is is considered dulland boring in the kind of circles where CCM is extolled, andespecially among carnal youngsters who have been processedon the easy-believist conveyor belt of evangelism.e housegroup scene has always been a pastoral minefield,and if you go down that pathway you are far more likely towind up in a cult rather than a sound assembly!Fourthly, the account of being “filled with the Holy Spirit” isdecidedly suspect. Christians are certainly instructed to “go onbeing filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18) throughout theirChristian lives; but it is so typical of the sensation-seeking,crisis-loving evangelicals of today to highlight one incident astheir supposed “baptism in the Spirit”. And is it not strangethat what Kendrick describes as “a real watershed” in hisChristian experience should occur entirely as an incidentalexperience while he happened to be “brushing his teeth”?Frankly, we find it hard to credit the fact that in a seriousinterview, designed to display the testimony of the work ofGod in his life and his faith in the Son of God, we should readsuch a flippant narrative. is is entirely in keeping with thesuperficial nature of the New Style of Worship as a whole; andthe question must be asked here: Is it right for churches toworship God from a hymnbook of which almost 10% of thesongs were written by a man whose testimony would not evenobtain membership for him in our churches? (Mission Praisecontains 8.5% of Graham Kendrick songs. Songs of Fellowshipcontains 10%.)204

Surely there is a clear connection between the truncated“Christianity” of this “conversion” experience, and that whichthe New Style of Worship is promoting in churches today. isis a plain example of “easy believism”, with a subsequentpsycho-religious catharsis masquerading as an “infilling of theSpirit”. Such phenomena form the undergirding theologywhich governs the style and content of the New Style ofWorship songs, which are deliberately manipulative of a bogusspiritual experience. A person who has had a superficial“conversion” experience will always spend his or her timeseeking a more profound “second blessing”. Consequently, inplace of the simple desire for reverential praise of the TriuneGod, we find that the search for an ever-greater “high” alsobecomes the goal of worship. Hence, these songs are oen usedto bring a person into what is known as an “altered state ofconsciousness” (Alan Morrison, “e New Style of Worship andthe Great Apostasy,” Diakrisis International).Kilpatrick, BobBob Kilpatrick (b. 1952) is the author of popularcontemporary worship songs such as “Lord Be Glorified,”“God Is Good,” “I Will Not Be Ashamed,” “Sold Out andRadical,” and “Here Am I (Send Me to the Nations).”His musical output “is a mix of folk, gospel and progressiverock.” Since the 1990s he has produced for Randy Stonehill,Phil Keaggy, Sara Groves, and other contemporaryecumenical rockers.His 2003 album ink Pray Groove pays tribute to hisworldly musical influences. “He sends up his own song byperforming it in the style of Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, ande Beatles” (Wikipedia).Kilpatrick is an ordained Pentecostal minister whopromotes such heresies as gibberish tongues and healingguaranteed in the atonement. He was the third inductee intothe Assemblies of God Hall of Honor.205

Surely there is a clear connection between the truncated“Christianity” <strong>of</strong> this “conversion” experience, and that whichthe New Style <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worship</strong> is promoting in churches today. isis a plain example <strong>of</strong> “easy believism”, with a subsequentpsycho-religious catharsis masquerading as an “infilling <strong>of</strong> theSpirit”. Such phenomena form the undergirding theologywhich governs the style and content <strong>of</strong> the New Style <strong>of</strong><strong>Worship</strong> songs, which are deliberately manipulative <strong>of</strong> a bogusspiritual experience. A person who has had a superficial“conversion” experience will always spend his or her timeseeking a more pr<strong>of</strong>ound “second blessing”. Consequently, inplace <strong>of</strong> the simple desire for reverential praise <strong>of</strong> the TriuneGod, we find that the search for an ever-greater “high” alsobecomes the goal <strong>of</strong> worship. Hence, these songs are oen usedto bring a person into what is known as an “altered state <strong>of</strong>consciousness” (Alan Morrison, “e New Style <strong>of</strong> <strong>Worship</strong> andthe Great Apostasy,” Diakrisis International).Kilpatrick, BobBob Kilpatrick (b. 1952) is the author <strong>of</strong> popularcontemporary worship songs such as “Lord Be Glorified,”“God Is Good,” “I Will Not Be Ashamed,” “Sold Out andRadical,” and “Here Am I (Send Me to the Nations).”His musical output “is a mix <strong>of</strong> folk, gospel and progressiverock.” Since the 1990s he has produced for Randy Stonehill,Phil Keaggy, Sara Groves, and other contemporaryecumenical rockers.His 2003 album ink Pray Groove pays tribute to hisworldly musical influences. “He sends up his own song byperforming it in the style <strong>of</strong> Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, ande Beatles” (Wikipedia).Kilpatrick is an ordained Pentecostal minister whopromotes such heresies as gibberish tongues and healingguaranteed in the atonement. He was the third inductee intothe Assemblies <strong>of</strong> God Hall <strong>of</strong> Honor.205

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