Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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salvation by grace alone from Roman Catholicism. He learnedit from the Bible IN SPITE OF Rome, and Rome quicklycondemned him and tried to kill him. Rome’s Council ofTrent, which was responding to Luther, boldly cursed anyonewho says that salvation is by grace alone through faith aloneby the blood of Christ alone without works or sacraments,and Trent has never been rescinded. Any Catholic churchwhich preaches the true gospel that salvation has nothingwhatsoever to do with works or sacraments (and I don’t knowof any) is preaching contrary to what Roman Catholicismteaches in its official documents. e Catholic Church plainlystates that salvation is by grace PLUS works and sacraments.Not only does the Catholic Church deny the gospel of thegrace of Christ by its formal declarations, but in many otherways, as well. e all-sufficiency of Christ’s once-for-allatonement is denied by the Catholic mass, which alleges to bea continual re-offering of Christ’s sacrifice; by the Catholicpriesthood, which alleges to stand between the believer andChrist; by the Catholic sainthood, which alleges to mediatebetween men and God.Keaggy says he loves the Catholic liturgy, but it is contraryto the Bible. ere is no mass in the Bible. ere is no specialpriesthood in the New Testament church. ere are nosacraments in the New Testament Scriptures. Catholicsacraments are supposed to be channels of grace, but theordinances of true New Testament churches (believer’sbaptism and the Lord’s Supper) are not channels of grace butare symbols and simple reminders only.Keaggy discounts the importance of sound doctrine whenhe says that God does not see differences between churchesand denominations. e Lord Jesus Christ warned that therewould be many false teachers who would lead many astray(Mat. 7:15). He warned that as His return draws nearer, falseteachers would increase (Mat. 24:11,24). e Lord’s apostleslikewise warned of a great apostasy or turning away from thetrue New Testament faith, of the rise of many false teachers,196

of the creation of false churches (e.g., 1 Timothy 4; 2 Timothy3-4; 2 Peter 2; 1 John 2,4; Jude; Revelation 17). If God sees alldenominations as a part of His one body, where are the falseteachers? Where are the false churches? Where is the spirit ofantichrist?e following is from another interview:“I’m just pro-Jesus. I’ll go into any church where His name ishonored. I don’t know where it will take me. I just know thatChristians need to love each other” (Phil Keaggy, cited by DaveUbanski, “Fret Not,” CCM Magazine, Nov. 1998, p. 36).is sentiment is the recipe for the formation of theapostate one-world “church.” It sounds good to many, butKeaggy ignores the Bible’s warning that there are false christs(2 Cor. 11:3-4). e “Jesus” honored by many churches is anunscriptural Jesus, and the Bible warns that God’s people arenot to fellowship with these (2 John 10-11). Christian love isimportant, but the Bible says that true love is obeying God’scommandments (1 John 5:3). (See “False Christs and FalseGods” in this Directory of Contemporary WorshipMusicians.)In an interview with Religious Broadcasting, Keaggyfurther emphasized his ecumenical philosophy:“I think also the unity that is so necessary in the body of Christis important. I admire Charles Colson. He got a lot of flack forwriting the book, e Body, and being associated withCatholics. I was raised Catholic and my mother’s influence waspowerful in my life. I came to the Lord when she passed away.She sowed the seeds in my life for me to become a believer.ere are divisive voices out there. People who thrive ondisunity are the ones [to whom] you’ve got to say, ‘I’m notgoing to contend with this, I’m not going to argue, I’m justgoing to go about my business’” (“Saran E. Smitha andChristine Pryor, “Integrity Times Two: Michael Card and PhilKeaggy,” Religious Broadcasting, National ReligiousBroadcasters, July-August 1995).197

salvation by grace alone from Roman Catholicism. He learnedit from the Bible IN SPITE OF Rome, and Rome quicklycondemned him and tried to kill him. Rome’s Council <strong>of</strong>Trent, which was responding to Luther, boldly cursed anyonewho says that salvation is by grace alone through faith aloneby the blood <strong>of</strong> Christ alone without works or sacraments,and Trent has never been rescinded. Any Catholic churchwhich preaches the true gospel that salvation has nothingwhatsoever to do with works or sacraments (and I don’t know<strong>of</strong> any) is preaching contrary to what Roman Catholicismteaches in its <strong>of</strong>ficial documents. e Catholic Church plainlystates that salvation is by grace PLUS works and sacraments.Not only does the Catholic Church deny the gospel <strong>of</strong> thegrace <strong>of</strong> Christ by its formal declarations, but in many otherways, as well. e all-sufficiency <strong>of</strong> Christ’s once-for-allatonement is denied by the Catholic mass, which alleges to bea continual re-<strong>of</strong>fering <strong>of</strong> Christ’s sacrifice; by the Catholicpriesthood, which alleges to stand between the believer andChrist; by the Catholic sainthood, which alleges to mediatebetween men and God.Keaggy says he loves the Catholic liturgy, but it is contraryto the Bible. ere is no mass in the Bible. ere is no specialpriesthood in the New Testament church. ere are nosacraments in the New Testament Scriptures. Catholicsacraments are supposed to be channels <strong>of</strong> grace, but theordinances <strong>of</strong> true New Testament churches (believer’sbaptism and the Lord’s Supper) are not channels <strong>of</strong> grace butare symbols and simple reminders only.Keaggy discounts the importance <strong>of</strong> sound doctrine whenhe says that God does not see differences between churchesand denominations. e Lord Jesus Christ warned that therewould be many false teachers who would lead many astray(Mat. 7:15). He warned that as His return draws nearer, falseteachers would increase (Mat. 24:11,24). e Lord’s apostleslikewise warned <strong>of</strong> a great apostasy or turning away from thetrue New Testament faith, <strong>of</strong> the rise <strong>of</strong> many false teachers,196

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