Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Some of the elders of Wimber’s church called for a meetingto discuss the Frisbee phenomena, but the same confusionbroke out to silence the protestors.“All of a sudden, I’m seeing this guy next to me, this Ph.D. inMicrobiology, begin to shake and he’s begun to shake underthe presence of God. e presence of God’s coming. So I beginto stand up. e power of God knocks this guy down and hebegan to roll under my feet on the ground, screaminghysterically. e power of God came down on everybody in theroom. And it was just absolutely mind-boggling” (JohnRuttkay, quoted in Frisbee: e Life and Death of a HippyPreacher).Frisbee had a leather jacket with a picture of “Jesus” on theback that he used to “impart the spirit.” e transference ofthe spirit is a pagan practice but it has been a major elementof Pentecostalism from its inception. Usually hands are usedas the transference agent, but Benny Hinn oen uses hisjacket or his breath to transfer the spirit, and RodneyHoward-Browne has used a towel and other things.Wimber interpreted all of this as the power of the HolySpirit, but it was a deceiving spirit. e apostles and earlychurch leaders didn’t fall down and shake and speak inmeaningless gibberish, but the practitioners of paganreligions do those very things under the power of the devil.Under his new “signs and wonders” emphasis, Wimber’schurch experienced massive growth and kids “startedbaptizing friends in hot tubs and swimming pools aroundtown.”It was at this point that Wimber le the Calvary Chapelsand joined Kenn Gulliksen and the Vineyard ChristianFellowship. Wimber soon became the leader of theFellowship.Wimber had bought into the “latter rain” end-time miraclerevival heresy and the new prophecy movement, and he andFrisbee traveled together to spread their “signs and wonderspower evangelism” to South Africa and Europe.186

“John would speak and Lonnie would minister. ey were thedynamic duo. Lonnie got up there and he’d wave his leathercoat and the power of God would come and people would befalling all over these old pews in these Baptist churches. AndLonnie would start climbing over the pews and start layinghands on people saying, ‘Speak in tongues! Speak in tongues!’And he’d hit them in the forehead and they’d instantly begin tospeak in tongues. So I was blown away by that...” (Steve Zarit,Vineyard church member, quoted in Frisbee: e Life andDeath of a Hippy Preacher).In one service in South Africa, Frisbee asked the childrenfrom 12 years old and under to come forward, and they allfell down “slain” (“Lonnie Frisbee in South Africa,” Friesbee died in 1993 of AIDS. His wife, who haddivorced him twenty years earlier, said, “At the end of themarriage he told me that he had been staying late in some gaybars” (Connie Bremer-Murray, Lonnie’s ex-wife, SpecialFeatures section of Frisbee: e Life and Death of a HippyPreacher).(For more about Lonnie Friesbee, see the entry on “CalvaryChapel.”)Wimber played a huge role in the spread of charismaticheresy throughout evangelicalism. He yoked up with C. PeterWagner at Fuller eological Seminary and taught a coursecalled “Signs and Wonders and Church Growth.”Wagner traveled deeper and deeper into charismaticdeception, eventually believing that he was one of the latterday apostles.When Wimber met Paul Cain in December 1988, he wasconvinced that the man was a genuine prophet of Godbecause Cain told him secrets of his life that no man couldhave known and because Cain foretold that a mildearthquake would hit the day he arrived. (A mild earthquakeis NOT an uncommon event in southern California!) WhenWimber accepted Cain into the Vineyard he did so with no187

Some <strong>of</strong> the elders <strong>of</strong> Wimber’s church called for a meetingto discuss the Frisbee phenomena, but the same confusionbroke out to silence the protestors.“All <strong>of</strong> a sudden, I’m seeing this guy next to me, this Ph.D. inMicrobiology, begin to shake and he’s begun to shake underthe presence <strong>of</strong> God. e presence <strong>of</strong> God’s coming. So I beginto stand up. e power <strong>of</strong> God knocks this guy down and hebegan to roll under my feet on the ground, screaminghysterically. e power <strong>of</strong> God came down on everybody in theroom. And it was just absolutely mind-boggling” (JohnRuttkay, quoted in Frisbee: e <strong>Life</strong> and Death <strong>of</strong> a HippyPreacher).Frisbee had a leather jacket with a picture <strong>of</strong> “Jesus” on theback that he used to “impart the spirit.” e transference <strong>of</strong>the spirit is a pagan practice but it has been a major element<strong>of</strong> Pentecostalism from its inception. Usually hands are usedas the transference agent, but Benny Hinn oen uses hisjacket or his breath to transfer the spirit, and RodneyHoward-Browne has used a towel and other things.Wimber interpreted all <strong>of</strong> this as the power <strong>of</strong> the HolySpirit, but it was a deceiving spirit. e apostles and earlychurch leaders didn’t fall down and shake and speak inmeaningless gibberish, but the practitioners <strong>of</strong> paganreligions do those very things under the power <strong>of</strong> the devil.Under his new “signs and wonders” emphasis, Wimber’schurch experienced massive growth and kids “startedbaptizing friends in hot tubs and swimming pools aroundtown.”It was at this point that Wimber le the Calvary Chapelsand joined Kenn Gulliksen and the Vineyard ChristianFellowship. Wimber soon became the leader <strong>of</strong> theFellowship.Wimber had bought into the “latter rain” end-time miraclerevival heresy and the new prophecy movement, and he andFrisbee traveled together to spread their “signs and wonderspower evangelism” to South Africa and Europe.186

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