Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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arking like a dog or squawking like a chicken as a powerfulprophetic spirit came on her. Also, as this prophetic anointingcame on her, she started getting phone numbers of completestrangers and calling them up on the telephone andprophesying over them… en angels started showing up inthe church’” (P.J. Miller, “Lakeland Revival: Todd Bentley, BobJones, and Some ings to Consider,” May 8, 2008, Bentley was eventually discredited as an alcoholic andan adulterer, so it is possible that both Jones and Bentley weresimply lying and there is no Emma. If she does exist, she is ademon, as angels are never referred to in Scripture in femaleterms and “Emma” preaches word-faith, prosperity gospelheresies.In 1991 Bob Jones’ tapes were removed from the VineyardMinistries International product catalog aer he admitted to“a moral failure” (Lee Grady, “Wimber Plots New Course forVineyard,” Charisma, Feb. 1993, p. 64). Jones was using his“prophetic anointing” to induce women to disrobe so theycould “stand naked before the Lord in order to receive aword.” As for 2012, Jones has his own “prophetic ministry”based in Mississippi, and he continues to travel and“prophesy” at charismatic churches and conferences.Paul Cain (b. 1929) is the most renowned of the “newprophets.” He claims that the “Angel of the Lord” first visitedhim when he was eight years old and that he has experiencedcountless visions and revelatory dreams and angelicvisitations since then.He began conducting healing campaigns at age 18 and wasone of the prominent names in the Pentecostal “HealingRevival” of the late 1940s and 1950s, which we describe in thebook e Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements: e Historyand Error. Cain was an associate of William Branham and onat least one occasion took over a meeting for Branham. In1954, he purchased an 8,000-seat gospel tent from Jack Coe’s182

ministry and toured the country. He also had large meetingsin Switzerland and Germany.While in his early 20s, Cain said the “Angel of the Lord”called him to a celibate unmarried life. He said that he wasdriving his Lincoln Continental in southern California in the1950s when “the Lord,” dressed as a monk, appeared in thepassenger seat. In the ensuing conversation, “the Lord”indicated to him that he should cut off his marriageengagement with a young woman and live celibately.“Aer the Lord had finished discussing some other matterswith him Paul felt it was a good opportunity to raise thequestion of his recent engagement to be married. So he told theLord about it and asked: ‘What do you think of it, Lord? ... Youdon't seem very pleased. Don't you want me to be married?’e Lord looked at him again and repeated soly, ‘I walkedalone.’ ‘Lord,’ said Paul, ‘if you don't want me to be married Iam willing to give up the idea but you will have to dosomething about my feelings.’ e Lord replied by simplyplacing his hand upon him. To Paul it felt as though fire passedright through his body. From that day to this, he says, he hasnever experienced any further sexual desire. at was Paul'sinitiation into celibacy” (David Pytches, Some Said itundered, p. 40-41).is was obviously a demonic visitation, as it is a doctrineof demons to forbid marriage (1 Timothy 4:1-3). Cain evenclaims that he ran three red lights while talking with themonk-robed “angel” and that he was pulled over by apoliceman for this infraction of the law.Like William Branham before him, Cain has the gi ofclairvoyance and knows details of stranger’s lives. is hasconvinced many of his authenticity as a “prophet.” In reality,it is an occultic gi.“Paul’s mother, grandmother, and great grandmother had allbeen born with the gi of seeing. His great-grandmotherwould sometimes see things in broad daylight and ask herfriend or family if they could see them too. If they said they183

arking like a dog or squawking like a chicken as a powerfulprophetic spirit came on her. Also, as this prophetic anointingcame on her, she started getting phone numbers <strong>of</strong> completestrangers and calling them up on the telephone andprophesying over them… en angels started showing up inthe church’” (P.J. Miller, “Lakeland Revival: Todd Bentley, BobJones, and Some ings to Consider,” May 8, 2008, Bentley was eventually discredited as an alcoholic andan adulterer, so it is possible that both Jones and Bentley weresimply lying and there is no Emma. If she does exist, she is ademon, as angels are never referred to in Scripture in femaleterms and “Emma” preaches word-faith, prosperity gospelheresies.In 1991 Bob Jones’ tapes were removed from the VineyardMinistries International product catalog aer he admitted to“a moral failure” (Lee Grady, “Wimber Plots New Course forVineyard,” Charisma, Feb. 1993, p. 64). Jones was using his“prophetic anointing” to induce women to disrobe so theycould “stand naked before the Lord in order to receive aword.” As for 2012, Jones has his own “prophetic ministry”based in Mississippi, and he continues to travel and“prophesy” at charismatic churches and conferences.Paul Cain (b. 1929) is the most renowned <strong>of</strong> the “newprophets.” He claims that the “Angel <strong>of</strong> the Lord” first visitedhim when he was eight years old and that he has experiencedcountless visions and revelatory dreams and angelicvisitations since then.He began conducting healing campaigns at age 18 and wasone <strong>of</strong> the prominent names in the Pentecostal “HealingRevival” <strong>of</strong> the late 1940s and 1950s, which we describe in thebook e Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements: e Historyand Error. Cain was an associate <strong>of</strong> William Branham and onat least one occasion took over a meeting for Branham. In1954, he purchased an 8,000-seat gospel tent from Jack Coe’s182

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