Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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We believe this is true and it is one of the reasons whycontemporary praise music is so effective at transforming thecharacter of staunchly Bible-believing churches.Integrity’s Hosanna! Music worship albums include songsby ROBERT GAY, who records music from allegedprophecies given by charismatic latter rain “prophets.” Gayhas written hundreds of choruses, and many of them havebeen professionally recorded. His songs include “Mighty Manof War,” “No Other Name,” “On Bended Knee,” “More anEnough.” Gay was a worship leader at Integrity, and Integrityhas produced many of his “prophetic” songs. Gay claims thatthe Holy Spirit gives him visions for his songs, yet we knowthat these visions are not of God as they are not Scriptural.Gay is connected with “apostle” Bill Hamon’s (b. 1934)Christian International network of supposed propheticministries, which promotes the deception that God iscontinuing to give revelation through prophets and apostlestoday. Hamon holds the latter rain miracle-revival heresy thatGod will raise up new apostles who will operate in miracleworkingpower even exceeding that of the first-centuryapostles who will unite the churches and establish thekingdom of God. Hamon claims that the Laughing Revival(Toronto, Pensacola, Lakeland, Holy Trinity Brompton, etc.)and Promise Keepers are part of this restoration process(Hamon, Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God:God’s End-Time Plans for His Church and Planet Earth, 1997;e Day of the Saints, p. 129). Hamon says, “I refuse to beboxed in. But I may say certain things that you may try to boxme in, but I am not trying to propagate any particulareschatology” (“Battle of the Brides,” New Life Church, Nov.13, 1997). He doesn’t want to be tested by God’s Word.Integrity also publishes music by “prophet musician”KEVIN PROSCH who is closely associated with Rick Joynerof Morningstar ministries, a supposed latter rain prophet.Joyner promotes the Latter Rain Manifest Sons of God heresy,which anticipates a revival of end-time miracles whereby174

chosen believers will usher in the return of Christ. It is alsocalled Joel’s Army, Dominionism, the New Breed, andKingdom Now. In his books e Harvest and Mobilizing theArmy of God, Joyner claims that a great company of prophetsand apostles will be raised up with the spirit of Phineas totake rule; the appearances of angels will be common and theLord Himself will appear to councils of apostles; miracles willexceed the most spectacular ones recorded in Scripture, withthe “anointed ones” not only walking on water but also“walking on air.” All of this will supposedly occur before thereturn of Christ and the Millennium.Prosch is right in the middle of this dangerous heresy withhis “prophetic” contemporary praise music. A Bible believerwill discern immediately that the spirit that empowers this“praise” is “another spirit” (2 Cor. 11:3-4) and is not the Spiritof the Lord. (See “Kevin Prosch” in this Directory.)Integrity’s Hosanna! Music worship albums also includesongs of other key churches that have been captured by thestrange and very dangerous Laughing Revival movement.Another one of these is HILLS CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTRE.Hosanna published an album entitled “Shout to the Lord”which was recorded at this church in Sydney, Australia. It hasbecome hugely influential, being sung even in fundamentalBaptist churches. e worship leader at Hills Christian LifeCentre, DARLENE ZSCHECH, is a Pentecostal pastor.Many of the “praise” songs on this album are extremelyman centered. e lyrics to the songs oen present a theologyof “holding out faithful.”“I will never be the same again/ I’ve closed the door/ I willwalk the path/ I’ll run the race” (“I Will Never Be” from Shoutto the Lord).“I love you/ I need you/ ough my world may fall/ I’ll neverlet you go” (Jesus, Lover of My Soul” from Shout to the Lord).175

We believe this is true and it is one <strong>of</strong> the reasons whycontemporary praise music is so effective at transforming thecharacter <strong>of</strong> staunchly Bible-believing churches.Integrity’s Hosanna! Music worship albums include songsby ROBERT GAY, who records music from allegedprophecies given by charismatic latter rain “prophets.” Gayhas written hundreds <strong>of</strong> choruses, and many <strong>of</strong> them havebeen pr<strong>of</strong>essionally recorded. His songs include “Mighty Man<strong>of</strong> War,” “No Other Name,” “On Bended Knee,” “More anEnough.” Gay was a worship leader at Integrity, and Integrityhas produced many <strong>of</strong> his “prophetic” songs. Gay claims thatthe Holy Spirit gives him visions for his songs, yet we knowthat these visions are not <strong>of</strong> God as they are not Scriptural.Gay is connected with “apostle” Bill Hamon’s (b. 1934)Christian International network <strong>of</strong> supposed propheticministries, which promotes the deception that God iscontinuing to give revelation through prophets and apostlestoday. Hamon holds the latter rain miracle-revival heresy thatGod will raise up new apostles who will operate in miracleworkingpower even exceeding that <strong>of</strong> the first-centuryapostles who will unite the churches and establish thekingdom <strong>of</strong> God. Hamon claims that the Laughing Revival(Toronto, Pensacola, Lakeland, Holy Trinity Brompton, etc.)and Promise Keepers are part <strong>of</strong> this restoration process(Hamon, Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves <strong>of</strong> God:God’s End-Time Plans for His Church and Planet Earth, 1997;e Day <strong>of</strong> the Saints, p. 129). Hamon says, “I refuse to beboxed in. But I may say certain things that you may try to boxme in, but I am not trying to propagate any particulareschatology” (“Battle <strong>of</strong> the Brides,” New <strong>Life</strong> Church, Nov.13, 1997). He doesn’t want to be tested by God’s Word.Integrity also publishes music by “prophet musician”KEVIN PROSCH who is closely associated with Rick Joyner<strong>of</strong> Morningstar ministries, a supposed latter rain prophet.Joyner promotes the Latter Rain Manifest Sons <strong>of</strong> God heresy,which anticipates a revival <strong>of</strong> end-time miracles whereby174

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