Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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a universalist who believes that all people are the children ofGod. (For more about Schuller see “Evangelicals and RobertSchuller” at, beware of Jack Hayford and beware of thoseundiscerning Christian bookstores that sell his books. ereis great spiritual danger in the average Christian bookstoretoday.Hayford represents the spiritual deception and the greatdanger that is represented by the contemporary praisemovement.Hemphill, JoelJoel Hemphill is committed to “Jesus Only” doctrine, whichdenies the Trinity and baptizes only in Jesus’ name. He wrote“He’s Still Working on Me.”(For more about Oneness Pentecostal doctrine see “GeronDavis” in this Directory.)HillsongSee “Darlene Zschech.”Homosexuality and CCMIn e Gospel Sound, which first appeared in 1971, AnthonyHeilbut said, “e gospel church has long been a refuge forgays and lesbians, some of whom grew up to be among thegreatest singers and musicians.”Douglas Harrison, a homosexual who grew up SouthernBaptist, said, “... you can’t swing a Dove Award withouthitting upon evidence of the longstanding, deep-set presenceof queer experience in, and its influence on, Christian musicculture at all levels” (“Come Out from among em,” ReligionDispatches, April 30, 2010).In 1 9 9 8 , C C M s t a r K i r k Fr a n k l i n s a i d t h at“homosexuality ... is a problem today in gospel music--a166

MAJOR CONCERN--and everybody knows it” (Church Boy,pp. 49, 50).James Cleveland, who has been called the “King of Gospel,”was a homosexual who died of AIDS.Other homosexual CCM artists are Anthony Williams,Marshal Stevens, Kirk Talley, Clay Aiken, Ray Boltz, andJennifer Knapp.In June 2013 Sandi Patty is scheduled to performed withthe homosexual Turtle Creek Chorale at the MeyersonSymphony Center in Dallas, Texas. In July 2012 the Choraleattended the Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses(GALA) in Denver (“Turtle Creek Chorale’s 2012-2013Season,” reason for this is not difficult to discern. Typically,CCM musicians have been accepted as Christians upon theflimsiest testimony of faith and have not been properly taughtand discipled. ey have fed their spiritual lives with aconstant diet of sensual music and have sought aeremotional highs and “signs and wonders” instead of living byfaith. ey have played with the world, which is moredangerous than any poisonous snake, instead of livingseparated lives.Houghton, IsraelIsrael Houghton’s music is oen published under the titleIsrael and New Breed. It “is a cross-cultural style that fuseselements from gospel, jazz, and rock.” Some of his popularcontemporary worship songs are “Here I Am to Worship,”“Friend of God,” and “You Are Good.”Houghton has been a worship leader at the most radical ofecumenical forums, such as Promise Keepers conferences,Franklin Graham crusades, and Hillsong conferences.Houghton is a worship leader at Joel Osteen’s LakewoodChurch where the gospel of salvation from sin throughrepentance and faith in Christ’s blood has been replaced by a167

a universalist who believes that all people are the children <strong>of</strong>God. (For more about Schuller see “Evangelicals and RobertSchuller” at www.way<strong>of</strong>, beware <strong>of</strong> Jack Hayford and beware <strong>of</strong> thoseundiscerning Christian bookstores that sell his books. ereis great spiritual danger in the average Christian bookstoretoday.Hayford represents the spiritual deception and the greatdanger that is represented by the contemporary praisemovement.Hemphill, JoelJoel Hemphill is committed to “Jesus Only” doctrine, whichdenies the Trinity and baptizes only in Jesus’ name. He wrote“He’s Still Working on Me.”(For more about Oneness Pentecostal doctrine see “GeronDavis” in this <strong>Directory</strong>.)HillsongSee “Darlene Zschech.”Homosexuality and CCMIn e Gospel Sound, which first appeared in 1971, AnthonyHeilbut said, “e gospel church has long been a refuge forgays and lesbians, some <strong>of</strong> whom grew up to be among thegreatest singers and musicians.”Douglas Harrison, a homosexual who grew up SouthernBaptist, said, “... you can’t swing a Dove Award withouthitting upon evidence <strong>of</strong> the longstanding, deep-set presence<strong>of</strong> queer experience in, and its influence on, Christian musicculture at all levels” (“Come Out from among em,” ReligionDispatches, April 30, 2010).In 1 9 9 8 , C C M s t a r K i r k Fr a n k l i n s a i d t h at“homosexuality ... is a problem today in gospel music--a166

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