Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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that God is not something “out there” but the essence ofeverything. He said, “I was going to say some sort ofdefensive, fearful statement clarifying that I’m not talkingabout pantheism. But I don’t need to be afraid [because Godis] “light and essence and love of the purest kind.” is is afoolish statement in light of the Bible’s many warnings aboutthe danger of false gods and false christs and false spirits.Gungor came to this understanding through “just beingwith God,” through “not judging yourself or your thoughts,”through imagining that “you are breathing the very presenceof God in and out of your lungs,” through imagining that“you are inhaling light into any darkness inside, and thenbreathing out ever more light into the world.” He says, “thereare no rules ... you can try anything.” What a perfect recipefor spiritual disaster!Nowhere does the Bible say that God is all things or thatGod is in all things. He created all things; He is aware of allthings; He is in ultimate control of all things; He cares andprovides for all things; all things consist by him (Col. 1:17);there is nowhere we can flee from His Spirit (Psa. 139:7). ButHe is not IN all things aer the fashion indicated in theprevious statements. e believer sees the glory of God in thecreation (Rom. 1:20), but God does not flow into us from thecreation nor is God in the creation itself. at is heresy andthe essence of idolatry.When God appeared to Elijah He brought a great wind andan earthquake and a fire, but the Bible plainly says that theLord was not in these things (1 Kings 19:11-12).Hayford, JackJack Hayford (b. 1934) is the influential Pentecostal pastorof Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, and theauthor of many popular books and 600 contemporary praisesongs, including “Majesty.”162

(e song “Majesty,” lovely though it is, promotes theunscriptural “kingdom now” philosophy, in which Christiansare thought to be able to exercise kingdom authority oversickness and the devil in this present hour. is is what thewords “kingdom authority” refer to in Hayford’s song.)Hayford belongs to the Four Square Pentecostal Church, adenomination founded by Aimee Semple McPherson indirect disobedience to the Word of God. “But I suffer not awoman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but tobe in silence” (1 Tim. 2:12).Christianity Today magazine calls Hayford “e PentecostalGold Standard” (Christianity Today, July 2005), but when histheology and practice are examined we find that his positionis not the untarnished gold of Scripture but the rust andcorrosion of extra-biblical “revelation.”Speaking at St. Louis 2000, for example, Hayford said thathis daughter approached him one day with a concern abouther “tongues speaking.” She was afraid that she was speakingmere gibberish, but he encouraged her that the believer mustfirst learn to speak in baby tongues before he speaks in adulttongues. (I attended this conference with press credentialsand heard Hayford say this.) ere is absolutely no Biblesupport for such nonsense and it denies the Pentecostal’sclaim that the Bible is his sole authority for faith and practice.Biblical tongues-speaking is not something that be learned; itis supernatural gi and there is not one example in the NewTestament of someone learning how to speak in tongues.At the Promise Keepers Clergy Conference in 1996 Hayfordurged the crowd of 40,000 to “dance in the Lord,” saying thathe learned the dance in Africa and that later the Lord said tohim, “May I have this dance?” An eyewitness called it “anAfrican witch-doctor dance” (Bruce Caldwell, “Following inthe Footsteps of the Apostate Presbyterians,” Christian News,March 11, 1996). Nowhere in the Bible do we find Goddancing with His people. Further, the Bible plainly warns,“Learn not the way of the heathen” (Jer. 10:2).163

(e song “Majesty,” lovely though it is, promotes theunscriptural “kingdom now” philosophy, in which Christiansare thought to be able to exercise kingdom authority oversickness and the devil in this present hour. is is what thewords “kingdom authority” refer to in Hayford’s song.)Hayford belongs to the Four Square Pentecostal Church, adenomination founded by Aimee Semple McPherson indirect disobedience to the Word <strong>of</strong> God. “But I suffer not awoman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but tobe in silence” (1 Tim. 2:12).Christianity Today magazine calls Hayford “e PentecostalGold Standard” (Christianity Today, July 2005), but when histheology and practice are examined we find that his positionis not the untarnished gold <strong>of</strong> Scripture but the rust andcorrosion <strong>of</strong> extra-biblical “revelation.”Speaking at St. Louis 2000, for example, Hayford said thathis daughter approached him one day with a concern abouther “tongues speaking.” She was afraid that she was speakingmere gibberish, but he encouraged her that the believer mustfirst learn to speak in baby tongues before he speaks in adulttongues. (I attended this conference with press credentialsand heard Hayford say this.) ere is absolutely no Biblesupport for such nonsense and it denies the Pentecostal’sclaim that the Bible is his sole authority for faith and practice.Biblical tongues-speaking is not something that be learned; itis supernatural gi and there is not one example in the NewTestament <strong>of</strong> someone learning how to speak in tongues.At the Promise Keepers Clergy Conference in 1996 Hayfordurged the crowd <strong>of</strong> 40,000 to “dance in the Lord,” saying thathe learned the dance in Africa and that later the Lord said tohim, “May I have this dance?” An eyewitness called it “anAfrican witch-doctor dance” (Bruce Caldwell, “Following inthe Footsteps <strong>of</strong> the Apostate Presbyterians,” Christian News,March 11, 1996). Nowhere in the Bible do we find Goddancing with His people. Further, the Bible plainly warns,“Learn not the way <strong>of</strong> the heathen” (Jer. 10:2).163

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