Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

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In 2013, Amy gave her first interview with a representative<strong>of</strong> the homosexual community. She said that she “firstbecame aware <strong>of</strong> her gay following when she was 18” and shehopes the gay community has responded to her work“because <strong>of</strong> its all-inclusive message” (“Amy Grant in HerFirst Gay Press Interview,” Between the Lines News, Apr. 23,2013). ough she refused to come out in favor <strong>of</strong> “gaymarriage,” the singer said that she was honored to have beeninvited to sing at a same-sex wedding and expressed her nonjudgmental,“live and let live” philosophy, with not a hintabout the Biblical necessity <strong>of</strong> repentance and the new birth.Amy praised the following statement made by one <strong>of</strong> herfriends: “When we learn to observe without judgment, thenwe have the ability to know how exhausting it is to observewith judgment all the time.”is flies in the face <strong>of</strong> God’s commandments, such as,“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works <strong>of</strong>darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:11). In a recentedition <strong>of</strong> his publication Heads Up! Pastor Buddy Smithwrote:“Amy Grant’s decision to sing music that a lost world wouldlove has been copied by countless other musicians. Sadly,pastors all over the world are discovering that their teens arebeing seduced to cross bridges that didn't even exist ageneration or two ago. ere are bridges to Rome, bridges toLas Vegas, bridges to Hollywood, bridges to Nashville, andbridges to Wall Street. Some years ago I was driving along theTexas/Mexico border near Laredo. It had been years since Iwas in the area, so I made a wrong turn and ended up at thenew bridge across the Rio Grande River. When we lived inSouth Texas there was a little two lane bridge there, but nowit is an eight lane maxi-freeway! Just so, the tiny, narrowplank bridges into the abominable moral and doctrinalsewers <strong>of</strong> a Christless world have grown into maxi-freeways<strong>of</strong> heresy and immorality that are aimed at destroying ourchurches! Amy Grant actively, knowingly built a bridge to the155

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