Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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“I want to play hardball in this [music] business. … I want tobe on the same level professionally with performers in all areasof music. I love to hear Billy Joel, Kenny Loggins and theDoobie Brothers. Why not? I aim to bridge the gap betweenChristian and pop” (Amy Grant, interview, Time, March 11,1985).“Christians can be sexy. What I’m doing is a good thing” (AmyGrant, interview, People, July 15, 1991).e following is Amy’s own description of her thoughts andactions before a crowd of 30,000 young people in Kissimmee,Florida, in 1978.“We’re sitting there, I do my sound check. All these girls are inhalter tops, great figures, everybody’s wearing nothing, we’re inFloriday [her pronunciation of Florida]. I’m eighteen and Iknow what they’re thinking. I said, ‘I really want to know Jesusand I really want to love him except … my hormones are onten and I see you all … sitting out there getting chummy andpraying together—and we’re horny. My feeling is why fake it?I’m not trying to be gross, I’m saying let’s be honest aboutwhat’s coming down’” (Bob Millard, Amy Grant, 1986, p. 103).Amy’s House of Love album includes the environmentalmother-earthsong, “Big Yellow Taxi,” by Joni Mitchell.Mitchell is infamous for her open relationship with a spiritshe calls “Art.” Obviously, she is communing with demons,and it is unconscionable for Amy Grant to be promotingMitchell’s music to Christian young people.Grant’s song “Walking in the Light” teaches the damnableerror of baptismal regeneration:“e sun woke me up real early/ It’s a beautiful morn/ ‘CAUSEI’M GOIN’ DOWN TO THE RIVER/ TO BE REBORN/ Nowme and Jesus did some heavy/ Talkin’ last night/ So I’m goin’down to be dipped and/ Come up walkin’ in the light” (AmyGrant, “Walking in the Light”).Grant’s song “Faithless Heart” is about a woman who hasadulterous desires:152

“Faithless heart/ At times the woman deep inside me wandersfar from home/ And in my mind I live a life that chills me tothe bone/ A heart, running for arms out of reach/ But who isthe stranger my longing seeks?” (Amy Grant, “FaithlessHeart”).Amy Grant’s producer, Brown Bannister, revealed hisunscriptural philosophy and his dislike of Bible-believingfundamentalist churches in the following interview:“at’s the problem I’m having with Christian music; it’s soformula-oriented. e praise stuff is great, but even the praisestuff is formula. It’s like all the same ‘Okay, let’s name all thenames of God in the Bible’ and ‘Let’s say “I will li my hands”’;… I guess you just kind of run out of things to say when youstart talking about that stuff. You’re limited to a certain numberof phrases that are biblical and scripturally-oriented. ... Its veryconfusing because of the nature of religious education andupbringing and the separatist mentality of most churches andtheir creeds in America and their opinions on culture” (BrownBannister, record producer and promoter, producer for AmyGrant, interview, CCM Magazine, October 1988, p. 13).In October 1996 Amy Grant’s first husband, GaryChapman, was named host of the sensual television show“Prime Time Country” on TNN, e Nashville Network.e confusion caused by yoking together with the world toprovide entertainment was evident during Amy Grant’s 1995House of Love tour. e tour was financed by the retailingcorporation Target. Target’s parent company, Dayton HudsonCorporation, in turn donates money to Planned Parenthood.ough Amy Grant does not defend abortion herself and is asupporter of Nashville’s Crisis Pregnancy Support Center, shehas in this manner helped fund Planned Parenthood, whichsupports abortion on demand. For this reason her tour waspicketed by members of Operation Rescue who distributed ahandout requesting that people write Grant and “ask her tostop supporting child killing.”153

“Faithless heart/ At times the woman deep inside me wandersfar from home/ And in my mind I live a life that chills me tothe bone/ A heart, running for arms out <strong>of</strong> reach/ But who isthe stranger my longing seeks?” (Amy Grant, “FaithlessHeart”).Amy Grant’s producer, Brown Bannister, revealed hisunscriptural philosophy and his dislike <strong>of</strong> Bible-believingfundamentalist churches in the following interview:“at’s the problem I’m having with Christian music; it’s s<strong>of</strong>ormula-oriented. e praise stuff is great, but even the praisestuff is formula. It’s like all the same ‘Okay, let’s name all thenames <strong>of</strong> God in the Bible’ and ‘Let’s say “I will li my hands”’;… I guess you just kind <strong>of</strong> run out <strong>of</strong> things to say when youstart talking about that stuff. You’re limited to a certain number<strong>of</strong> phrases that are biblical and scripturally-oriented. ... Its veryconfusing because <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> religious education andupbringing and the separatist mentality <strong>of</strong> most churches andtheir creeds in America and their opinions on culture” (BrownBannister, record producer and promoter, producer for AmyGrant, interview, CCM Magazine, October 1988, p. 13).In October 1996 Amy Grant’s first husband, GaryChapman, was named host <strong>of</strong> the sensual television show“Prime Time Country” on TNN, e Nashville Network.e confusion caused by yoking together with the world toprovide entertainment was evident during Amy Grant’s 1995House <strong>of</strong> Love tour. e tour was financed by the retailingcorporation Target. Target’s parent company, Dayton HudsonCorporation, in turn donates money to Planned Parenthood.ough Amy Grant does not defend abortion herself and is asupporter <strong>of</strong> Nashville’s Crisis Pregnancy Support Center, shehas in this manner helped fund Planned Parenthood, whichsupports abortion on demand. For this reason her tour waspicketed by members <strong>of</strong> Operation Rescue who distributed ahandout requesting that people write Grant and “ask her tostop supporting child killing.”153

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