Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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the unsaved. ey didn’t use worldly methods to attract mento a holy gospel. e CCM philosophy is spiritual confusion.When God grants men conviction of their sin andrepentance, they are ready to turn from the world and its vainpleasures. ey yearn for something different, somethingholy. When the Lord gave me repentance at age 23, frankly, Iwas ready to sing the traditional songs and hymns. I stilledloved rock music for a short time, but I knew that it wasintimately associated with the evil of my old lifestyle and Iyearned for something holy and set apart from this wickedworld. I did not find the old hymns boring or corny. In fact, Istill enjoy the very songs and hymns my godly grandmotherloved. ough I was a rock-loving hippie I didn’t need anytype of rock music to draw me to the gospel, and I don’t needrock music to help me worship God.Franklin defends his close relationship with the licentiousworld of secular rock by claiming to be a light in thedarkness. His philosophy of witnessing, though, is notscriptural. He holds the non-judgmental philosophy of theecumenical movement.“Sometimes I’m an ear. ey [secular musicians] know they’retalking to somebody who’s not going to judge them. ... Youknow, to reach the secular world, you don’t beat them over thehead with the Bible. You do it the way Jesus did it. You feedthem first, then you preach to them” (Kirk Franklin, CCMMagazine, December 1998, p. 38).is is a biblically ignorant statement. In His earthlyministry, Christ preached to people long before He ever fedthem. e first thing the Lord Jesus Christ did in Hisministry was cry out “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is athand” (Mat. 4:17). Christ’s “negative” preaching eventuallycaused the crowds to stop following Him (John 6:61-66).Christ preached righteousness and holiness (e.g., Matthew5-7). e unsaved world has always found such preaching tobe “judgmental.” e fact that it is God’s judgment and notman’s makes no difference to those who are rebellious.116

Ephesians 5:11 says, “And have no fellowship with theunfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” IfFranklin truly followed in Christ’s footsteps he would not beso popular in the secular music field.Franklin mocks Bible-believing Christians who do not likehis rock music. His 1998 album, e Nu Nation Project,contains a skit titled “e Car,” which depicts someonesearching for more traditional gospel music on the radio.When the person comes across Franklin’s rock music, instead,he snorts: “Oh, Lord Jesus! at’s that old Kirk Franklinmess ... I’d know that old filth anywhere.” Franklin and hisfellow CCM artists intend to rock on regardless of who theyoffend and regardless of whether or not they cause youngpeople to go astray into the filthy world of pop music becauseof the bridges built by CCM.Like other CCM musicians, Franklin slanders “oldfashioned” Bible-believing Christians as “hard-nosedtraditionalists” and “legalists.”“e only thing those hard-nosed traditionalists can see is thatthese musicians are really wild and seem pretty far out forgospel singers. Ever since that first meeting back in 1992 whenwe laid out the basic outlines of the Family, we’ve beenconcerned about the LEGALISM in the church. We’ve beenhurt by it, but I can honestly say it’s a lot better today than itwas five years ago. ose who live by RIGID LEGALISM maynot be able to see the obvious. And too oen they can’t evensee how their attitudes are driving young people out of thechurch and into the streets and the gangs and the clubs” (KirkFranklin, Church Boy, p. 173).is statement is laughable in light of Franklin’s immoralityand the immorality practiced by other members of his group.(Franklin’s keyboard player, Bobby Sparks, has been withFranklin’s group since its inception, but he did not “give hislife to the Lord” until August 1997. Prior to that Sparks wasliving in deep sin, yet he was playing Gospel music.) Franklinhas admitted this is rife, and the cause is not some sort of117

Ephesians 5:11 says, “And have no fellowship with theunfruitful works <strong>of</strong> darkness, but rather reprove them.” IfFranklin truly followed in Christ’s footsteps he would not beso popular in the secular music field.Franklin mocks Bible-believing Christians who do not likehis rock music. His 1998 album, e Nu Nation Project,contains a skit titled “e Car,” which depicts someonesearching for more traditional gospel music on the radio.When the person comes across Franklin’s rock music, instead,he snorts: “Oh, Lord Jesus! at’s that old Kirk Franklinmess ... I’d know that old filth anywhere.” Franklin and hisfellow CCM artists intend to rock on regardless <strong>of</strong> who they<strong>of</strong>fend and regardless <strong>of</strong> whether or not they cause youngpeople to go astray into the filthy world <strong>of</strong> pop music because<strong>of</strong> the bridges built by CCM.Like other CCM musicians, Franklin slanders “oldfashioned” Bible-believing Christians as “hard-nosedtraditionalists” and “legalists.”“e only thing those hard-nosed traditionalists can see is thatthese musicians are really wild and seem pretty far out forgospel singers. Ever since that first meeting back in 1992 whenwe laid out the basic outlines <strong>of</strong> the Family, we’ve beenconcerned about the LEGALISM in the church. We’ve beenhurt by it, but I can honestly say it’s a lot better today than itwas five years ago. ose who live by RIGID LEGALISM maynot be able to see the obvious. And too oen they can’t evensee how their attitudes are driving young people out <strong>of</strong> thechurch and into the streets and the gangs and the clubs” (KirkFranklin, Church Boy, p. 173).is statement is laughable in light <strong>of</strong> Franklin’s immoralityand the immorality practiced by other members <strong>of</strong> his group.(Franklin’s keyboard player, Bobby Sparks, has been withFranklin’s group since its inception, but he did not “give hislife to the Lord” until August 1997. Prior to that Sparks wasliving in deep sin, yet he was playing Gospel music.) Franklinhas admitted this is rife, and the cause is not some sort <strong>of</strong>117

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