Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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and live it out/ And live it out/ is could be the start of a newday/ We could be the change/ If we take this love and live itout/ And live it out.”is is the type of message that is so typical of Christianrock, particular of those who pursue “crossover” appeal. ewords to this song more readily represent a New Agespirituality than the gospel of Jesus Christ. ere is no sin, noseparation from God, no judgment, no repentance, no cross,no blood, no atonement. It is e Shack god spirituality, aspirituality that is cool, non-dogmatic, non-judgmental. It’s agospel that believes in Heaven but not in Hell.When asked whether they received criticism from theChristian community for playing a contemporary style ofmusic, lead vocalist and guitarist Josh Engler made thefollowing telling reply:“We do receive criticism for the style of music we play.Christians can be some of the most judgmental people in theworld and they should be the exact opposite. When God savesyou, he saves all of you – your spirit, your soul, and everythingelse. We try not to pick fights. at's not what we're about atall. If you're on stage, though, people will talk about you bothgood and bad. You have to follow your heart and let God's willwork out on its own. Everyone's selfish and has an idea of whatlife should look like. It's like water off a duck's back for us. I'mopen to having coffee with anyone who wants to discussus” (“Christian Rock Band Abandon Takes over SecularTelevision,” Christian Post, Nov. 9, 2011).In typical CCM fashion, Abandon’s lead singer thinks it isalways wrong for a Christian to be “judgmental,” whereas theBible commands us to “judge righteous judgment” (John7:24). e believer is obliged to judge teachers (Mat. 7:15;Phil. 3:17), to judge doctrine (Rom. 16:17; 1 Tim. 1:3), tojudge sin in the church (1 Cor. 5), to judge the evil works ofdarkness (Eph. 5:11), and to judge the things of the world(Rom. 12:2; 1 John 2:15-16). While it is wrong to judgehypocritically (Mat. 7:1-5) and it is wrong to judge on the6

asis of personal opinion and the Bible’s silence (Rom. 14:3),it is right to take God’s Word and judge everything by it. Inthis manner, the spiritual man judges all things by the mindof Christ in Scripture (1 Cor. 2:15-16). Since God commandsus to use “spiritual” songs and forbids us to be conformed tothe world (Col. 3:16; Rom. 12:2), the believer is obligated tojudge whether music is spiritual or worldly. Since the Biblewarns about false christs, false spirits, and false gospels, thebeliever is obligated to judge the difference between the falseand the true. (See “False Christs and False Gods” in thisDirectory of Contemporary Worship Musicians.)is heretical “non-judgmental” thinking permeates theCCM world is one of the reasons why it has suchtransformational power when it enters the life of anindividual believer, a home, or a church. CCM is not just adifferent “style of music; it is not a matter of personal “taste.”CCM brings an philosophy of Christianity that isdiametrically opposed to that of a fundamentalist Biblebelievingposition.Alpha Coursee Alpha Course is supported by influential contemporarymusicians such as Stuart Townend, Tim Hughes, MattRedman, and Chris Tomlin.Alpha is an interdenominational evangelistic program thathas grown phenomenally since its inception in the early1990s. More than 18 million people have participated in theprogram in 169 countries, and the materials have beentranslated into 112 languages.It was birthed at the charismatic Holy Trinity BromptonAnglican church in London, England, and the developer,Nicky Gumbel, said that he experienced “massive electricitygoing through” his body in 1994 when the laughing revivalbroke out at the parish. One person was thrown across theroom and lay on the floor howling and laughing, another lay7

and live it out/ And live it out/ is could be the start <strong>of</strong> a newday/ We could be the change/ If we take this love and live itout/ And live it out.”is is the type <strong>of</strong> message that is so typical <strong>of</strong> Christianrock, particular <strong>of</strong> those who pursue “crossover” appeal. ewords to this song more readily represent a New Agespirituality than the gospel <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ. ere is no sin, noseparation from God, no judgment, no repentance, no cross,no blood, no atonement. It is e Shack god spirituality, aspirituality that is cool, non-dogmatic, non-judgmental. It’s agospel that believes in Heaven but not in Hell.When asked whether they received criticism from theChristian community for playing a contemporary style <strong>of</strong>music, lead vocalist and guitarist Josh Engler made thefollowing telling reply:“We do receive criticism for the style <strong>of</strong> music we play.Christians can be some <strong>of</strong> the most judgmental people in theworld and they should be the exact opposite. When God savesyou, he saves all <strong>of</strong> you – your spirit, your soul, and everythingelse. We try not to pick fights. at's not what we're about atall. If you're on stage, though, people will talk about you bothgood and bad. You have to follow your heart and let God's willwork out on its own. Everyone's selfish and has an idea <strong>of</strong> whatlife should look like. It's like water <strong>of</strong>f a duck's back for us. I'mopen to having c<strong>of</strong>fee with anyone who wants to discussus” (“Christian Rock Band Abandon Takes over SecularTelevision,” Christian Post, Nov. 9, 2011).In typical CCM fashion, Abandon’s lead singer thinks it isalways wrong for a Christian to be “judgmental,” whereas theBible commands us to “judge righteous judgment” (John7:24). e believer is obliged to judge teachers (Mat. 7:15;Phil. 3:17), to judge doctrine (Rom. 16:17; 1 Tim. 1:3), tojudge sin in the church (1 Cor. 5), to judge the evil works <strong>of</strong>darkness (Eph. 5:11), and to judge the things <strong>of</strong> the world(Rom. 12:2; 1 John 2:15-16). While it is wrong to judgehypocritically (Mat. 7:1-5) and it is wrong to judge on the6

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