Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Founds’ “Lord, I Le Your Name” got a great boost inpopularity when it was featured at the ecumenical PromiseKeepers rallies in the 1990s where Roman Catholics andEpiscopalians joined their voices with Presbyterians,Methodists, Mennonites, Nazarenes, Church of Christ,Southern Baptists, and Independent Baptists to singcontemporary praise tunes.Francisco, DonDon Francisco moves in charismatic circles. In November1986, for example, he had a concert at Vineyard ChristianFellowship Southeast, Denver, Colorado. e Vineyardmovement, founded by the late John Wimber, has promotedsuch dangerous unscriptural notions as extra-biblicalprophecy, slaying in the spirit, miracle evangelism, and thelaughing revival. Francisco’s music is a mixture of “folk, rockand blues” (from the cover to his Early Works album).Francisco holds the positive-only philosophy which istypical of the charismatic-ecumenical-New Evangelicalmovements that are permeating Christianity in these apostatelast hours. Consider his testimony:“I knew from my own experience that painting a picture,RATHER THAN POINTING A FINGER, was a much moreeffective way to get the Gospel into people’s heads and hearts.”It is strange that the apostle Paul did not understand this.Consider Paul’s sermon to the unsaved pagans on Mars Hill.He preached pointedly against their idolatry and warnedthem of judgment to come (Acts 17). Sounds like “fingerpointing” to me, not in the sense of a holier-than-thouattitude, but in the sense of proclaiming God’s righteousjudgment and calling men to repentance. Consider Paul’spresentation of the gospel in the book of Romans. It beginswith nearly three chapters of God’s holiness and Hiscondemnation of man’s sin. Only aer this bad news “fingerpointing” does Paul get to the good news that Christ has110

made the atonement for sin. e love of God is not evenmentioned until chapter 5 of Romans. e preachers in theearly churches did not have the “keep it positive” philosophyof Contemporary Christian Music. In fact, just 50 years agomost preachers did not have this philosophy.When Don Francisco does give the gospel in his songs it isdelivered in vague terms. Consider the words to “Step Acrossthe Line” from his Forgiven album:“You gotta take a step across the line/ Let Jesus fill yourheart and mind/ I can show you where to look/ but you gottaseek to find.”Is that a clear presentation of the gospel? Could someonebe born again through that? Contemporary Christian Musicevangelism is typically this hazy. In this way it can beinterdenominational and ecumenical in appeal and can evenbe acceptable to the world.Consider another example. is one is from Francisco’ssong “I Don’t Care Where You’ve Been Sleeping.”“I don’t care where you’ve been sleepin’/ I don’t care who’smade your bed/ I’ve already gave my life to set you free/ere’s no sin you could imagine/ at’s stronger than mylove/ And it’s yours if you will come back home.”It is wonderfully true that Christ died for all of our sins andthat His grace is sufficient to forgive any sin, but how do wereceive His forgiveness? A hazy “come back home” is not theanswer. Come back home to what? Come back home how?e unsaved segment of Don Francisco’s audience is a mixedmultitude of pagans and religious lost. What does “come backhome” mean to them? Come back home to the RomanCatholic sacraments? Come back home to Church of Christbaptismal regeneration? Come back home to the “hold ontight because you might lose it” insecurity of a Pentecostal orHoliness gospel? CCM musicians typically do not make themessage clear because they do not have a strongunderstanding of Bible doctrine themselves and because they111

made the atonement for sin. e love <strong>of</strong> God is not evenmentioned until chapter 5 <strong>of</strong> Romans. e preachers in theearly churches did not have the “keep it positive” philosophy<strong>of</strong> <strong>Contemporary</strong> Christian Music. In fact, just 50 years agomost preachers did not have this philosophy.When Don Francisco does give the gospel in his songs it isdelivered in vague terms. Consider the words to “Step Acrossthe Line” from his Forgiven album:“You gotta take a step across the line/ Let Jesus fill yourheart and mind/ I can show you where to look/ but you gottaseek to find.”Is that a clear presentation <strong>of</strong> the gospel? Could someonebe born again through that? <strong>Contemporary</strong> Christian Musicevangelism is typically this hazy. In this way it can beinterdenominational and ecumenical in appeal and can evenbe acceptable to the world.Consider another example. is one is from Francisco’ssong “I Don’t Care Where You’ve Been Sleeping.”“I don’t care where you’ve been sleepin’/ I don’t care who’smade your bed/ I’ve already gave my life to set you free/ere’s no sin you could imagine/ at’s stronger than mylove/ And it’s yours if you will come back home.”It is wonderfully true that Christ died for all <strong>of</strong> our sins andthat His grace is sufficient to forgive any sin, but how do wereceive His forgiveness? A hazy “come back home” is not theanswer. Come back home to what? Come back home how?e unsaved segment <strong>of</strong> Don Francisco’s audience is a mixedmultitude <strong>of</strong> pagans and religious lost. What does “come backhome” mean to them? Come back home to the RomanCatholic sacraments? Come back home to Church <strong>of</strong> Christbaptismal regeneration? Come back home to the “hold ontight because you might lose it” insecurity <strong>of</strong> a Pentecostal orHoliness gospel? CCM musicians typically do not make themessage clear because they do not have a strongunderstanding <strong>of</strong> Bible doctrine themselves and because they111

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