Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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Fischer wants less concern for doctrinal truth and moreconcern for “the heart.” is is end-time mysticism which isbuilding the end-time apostasy. e attitude and motives ofthe heart are very important before God, but the heart is notthe standard for truth; it is too undependable. e heart ofman is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked(Jeremiah 17:9). We can judge a person’s doctrine, but it isnot possible to judge the sincerity of his heart. And if anindividual’s doctrine is unscriptural, his sincerity ismeaningless. e first thing God wants is obedience to HisTruth. e apostle John said, “I have no greater joy than tohear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4).In an article in CCM Magazine, August 1998, Fischer madethe following amazing statement which illustrates theheretical non-judgmental philosophy that permeatesContemporary Christian Music:“Some Christian artists will play in clubs and never mentionJesus from stage. ey will see this as their calling. Others willfeel led to deliver an altar call at every performance. etendency will be to judge one as being more legitimate than theother, whether by artistic or by ministry standards. Somehow Ibelieve the world is big enough, its needs are varied enoughand the Holy Spirit is creative enough to legitimize both theseapproaches. As more and more Christian artists seekacceptance outside the marketing definitions of Christianmusic, they will face many obstacles. Let’s try and make sure atleast one of those obstacles doesn’t have to be their fellowChristians” (John Fischer, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place,”CCM Magazine, August 1998, p. 62).Fischer is saying that it is wrong to judge the differencebetween a musician who preaches Jesus Christ and one whodoes not. Such thinking certainly does not come from theBible. e Bible has much to say about music, but nowheredoes God’s Word give encouragement for Christians toentertain the world or to do “lifestyle” evangelism withoutusing the name of Jesus. Where in the New Testament108

Scriptures do we see anything like crossover Christian music?e Lord Jesus Christ gave us His commission to preach thegospel to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke24; John 20; Acts 1), and that is precisely what the apostlesand first Christians did, as we see in the book of Acts. osewho preach the gospel are most definitely to be commendedabove those who do not! John Fischer might not think it isright to judge musicians by the Word of God, but he is wrong.We are commanded to “prove all things” (1 ess. 5:21), andthat certainly includes musicians. David comparedeverything to God’s Word and rejected everything that wasfalse (Psalm 119:128). Isaiah used the same standard (Isaiah8:20). One of the Christian’s responsibilities is to earnestlycontend for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3).at involves comparing everything to the New Testamentfaith and rejecting everything that is contrary.Forerunner MusicSee International House of Prayer (IHOP).Founds, RickRick Founds, author of “Lord, I Li Your Name on High,” isradically ecumenical.e ecumenical effectiveness of his’ contemporary praisemusic is described in the following statement about “Lord, ILi Your Name” -- “Methodist Junior High kids settle intothe song as sweetly as Baptist senior citizens, and it neverseems to get tiresome. Rick Founds’ little four-chord flockrockerhas become known and loved internationally. Ithurdles denominational barriers effortlessly, and is sung inevery conceivable musical style” (Worship Leader Magazine,March/April 1998).Founds has authored hundreds of other contemporarypraise songs, including “Jesus Draw Me Close,” “I Need You,”and “I Love Your Grace.”109

Scriptures do we see anything like crossover Christian music?e Lord Jesus Christ gave us His commission to preach thegospel to the ends <strong>of</strong> the earth (Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke24; John 20; Acts 1), and that is precisely what the apostlesand first Christians did, as we see in the book <strong>of</strong> Acts. osewho preach the gospel are most definitely to be commendedabove those who do not! John Fischer might not think it isright to judge musicians by the Word <strong>of</strong> God, but he is wrong.We are commanded to “prove all things” (1 ess. 5:21), andthat certainly includes musicians. David comparedeverything to God’s Word and rejected everything that wasfalse (Psalm 119:128). Isaiah used the same standard (Isaiah8:20). One <strong>of</strong> the Christian’s responsibilities is to earnestlycontend for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3).at involves comparing everything to the New Testamentfaith and rejecting everything that is contrary.Forerunner MusicSee International House <strong>of</strong> Prayer (IHOP).Founds, RickRick Founds, author <strong>of</strong> “Lord, I Li Your Name on High,” isradically ecumenical.e ecumenical effectiveness <strong>of</strong> his’ contemporary praisemusic is described in the following statement about “Lord, ILi Your Name” -- “Methodist Junior High kids settle intothe song as sweetly as Baptist senior citizens, and it neverseems to get tiresome. Rick Founds’ little four-chord flockrockerhas become known and loved internationally. Ithurdles denominational barriers effortlessly, and is sung inevery conceivable musical style” (<strong>Worship</strong> Leader Magazine,March/April 1998).Founds has authored hundreds <strong>of</strong> other contemporarypraise songs, including “Jesus Draw Me Close,” “I Need You,”and “I Love Your Grace.”109

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