Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature

Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians - Way of Life Literature
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eyond Scripture is mere vain speculation. Jesus came toearth to fulfill a specific, very solemn purpose and He wassingleminded in His pursuit of that purpose. e Samaritanswere offended because He wouldn’t spend time with them,but it was because He had no time for anything other thanaccomplishing His task (Luke 9:51-53). When He was withHis disciples, He was busy preparing them for His departure(John 16:4).Jesus was here to defeat the works of Satan. He didn’t sitaround and goof off aer the fashion of this presententertainment-crazed generation. He had too much to do andtoo short a time to do it in. He had three short years of publicministry, and it was packed. He came to preach the gospeland to teach about the kingdom of God, and that is how Heoccupied His time, whether publicly or privately. at is whatwe see in Scripture.e fact that the CCM crowd typically worships a differentkind of God than the “old-fashioned” Biblicist, is why theyare perfectly comfortable using music that has been identifiedas sexy by the secular world.“... that is what rock is all about--sex with a 100-megatonbomb, the beat” (Gene Simmons of KISS, EntertainmentTonight, ABC, Dec. 10, 1987).Note that Simmons was not referring to the words of rockmusic; he was referring to the music itself and particularly toits backbeat rhythm.Music researchers Daniel and Bernadette Skubik, in theirstudy on the neurophysiology of rock music, warned:“Whether the words are evil, innocuous, or based in HolyScripture, the overall neurophysiological effects generated byrock music remain the same. ere is simply no such thing asChristian rock that is substantively different in itsimpact” (“e Neurophysiology of Rock,” an Appendix to JohnBlanchard’s Pop Goes the Gospel, pp. 187ff).104

e reason that statement doesn’t bother a CCM defenderis because he sees Jesus as a rock & roll party Dude who lovesa good time.“ose who envision God as a special friend, a kind of lover,with whom they can have fun, see no problem in worshippinghim by means of physically stimulating music. On the otherhand, those who perceive God as a majestic, holy, and almightyBeing to be approached with awe and reverence will only usethe music that elevates them spiritually” (Samuele Bacchiocchi,e Christian and Rock Music).ose are mix the holy Rock Jesus Christ with the unholyrock of this world are worshiping a false god.Fischer, JohnJohn Fischer (b. c. 1947) is a CCM performer/writer andhas had wide influence. He was involved in the pioneer daysof Christian rock music, and he believes that God told himthat it is not wrong to listen to groups like the Beatles:“[In 1963] I was in high school hearing a Beatles’ song andloving the music and feeling guilty about it. I was raised as aChristian not to like that kind of music, that that music wasbad, [but I was] HAVING A SENSE THAT GOD DIDN’TTHINK IT WAS BAD. I [HAD A SENSE OF] GOD SAYING,‘Do you like this music? Well, how does it make you feel? Howdo I make you feel? e same way? I make you feel happy? Imake you feel upset? Well then, why don’t you write the musicabout Me?’ You know, it was just plain as day. And so I juststarted doing it. I had my first contract to record in late ‘69.And I would say 1970 is when everything exploded, as far as Iremember ... Groups just suddenly came out of the woodworkeverywhere. Many of them were musicians already who werebecoming Christians, and they were just being saved—almostas if Christ had just plucked them out and saved them and sentthem out singing new music” (John Fischer, cited by AprilHefner, “Don’t Know Much about History,” CCM Magazine,April 1996).105

eyond Scripture is mere vain speculation. Jesus came toearth to fulfill a specific, very solemn purpose and He wassingleminded in His pursuit <strong>of</strong> that purpose. e Samaritanswere <strong>of</strong>fended because He wouldn’t spend time with them,but it was because He had no time for anything other thanaccomplishing His task (Luke 9:51-53). When He was withHis disciples, He was busy preparing them for His departure(John 16:4).Jesus was here to defeat the works <strong>of</strong> Satan. He didn’t sitaround and go<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>f aer the fashion <strong>of</strong> this presententertainment-crazed generation. He had too much to do andtoo short a time to do it in. He had three short years <strong>of</strong> publicministry, and it was packed. He came to preach the gospeland to teach about the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God, and that is how Heoccupied His time, whether publicly or privately. at is whatwe see in Scripture.e fact that the CCM crowd typically worships a differentkind <strong>of</strong> God than the “old-fashioned” Biblicist, is why theyare perfectly comfortable using music that has been identifiedas sexy by the secular world.“... that is what rock is all about--sex with a 100-megatonbomb, the beat” (Gene Simmons <strong>of</strong> KISS, EntertainmentTonight, ABC, Dec. 10, 1987).Note that Simmons was not referring to the words <strong>of</strong> rockmusic; he was referring to the music itself and particularly toits backbeat rhythm.Music researchers Daniel and Bernadette Skubik, in theirstudy on the neurophysiology <strong>of</strong> rock music, warned:“Whether the words are evil, innocuous, or based in HolyScripture, the overall neurophysiological effects generated byrock music remain the same. ere is simply no such thing asChristian rock that is substantively different in itsimpact” (“e Neurophysiology <strong>of</strong> Rock,” an Appendix to JohnBlanchard’s Pop Goes the Gospel, pp. 187ff).104

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