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THAT BANNED HIS MICHAEL BOLTONISH HITS WEREBARRAGED WITH NASTY CALLS. ‘THEY WERE MOREANGRY WITH US THAN WITH MICHAEL ENGLISH,’ saysMark De Young at WNAZ in Nashville. ‘ey weren’tcondemning of him at all’“ (emphasis added) (“God and theMusic Biz,” Newsweek, May 30, 1994).at’s the CCM crowd, for you.Later in 1994 English gained “crossover” success recordingsecular music. He recorded the song “Healing” withWynonna. e song was featured in the R-rated movie SilentFall, which received it’s rating for “violence, gore, profanity,and vulgarity.”A photo of English adorning the cover of his 1996 album,Freedom, shows the liberated gospel singer with long hair,scruffy beard, an earring, and a hard, rebellious stare. In thesong Freedom Field from this album, English sings:“Old man religion, I’ve got your name/ e best part of myyears were wrapped up, tied up in your thang/ Should youwake one early morning, to the sound of breaking chains/ I’llbe dancin’, I’ll be dancin’.”It sounds like English is blaming religion for his problems,that he is looking upon religion as a bondage. If this is not hismeaning, it certainly is how many country-rock music fanslook at religion. In this song English makes no distinctionbetween true religion and false. e Bible uses the term“religion” five times. ree times it refers to the “Jewsreligion” (Acts 26:5; Galatians 1:13,14) and two times it refersto “pure religion,” one of the marks of which is to keeponeself “unspotted from the world” (James 1:26-27). Manywithin Contemporary Christian Music would label James aPharisaical legalist for demanding such strict separation fromworldliness.e single released from English’s Freedom album quicklyrose to the Top 20 on Billboard’s adult contemporary chartbecause it resonated with this rebellious generation, and the94

world loves nothing better than to see a “Christian” sing theirtune.Actually there is not much difference between MichaelEnglish’s secular albums and his “Christian” albums. emusic is the same and the lyrics are even similar. In Freedom,he sings about love in a worldly fashion aer the manner ofunsaved rockers. Consider the following:“I see you standing there/ ose simple things you wear/ Oh itmakes me crazy/ You take it so casually/ You’ve got that look inyour eyes/ As you pass me by/ And I just can’t keep fromwonderin’ why/ And you say. ... I wanna know what your loveis like/ What you feel inside/ Every time I look into your eyes/ Igotta know if you want it too/ Girl and if you do/ en let meask you this question/ Baby what have we got to lose...” (“IWanna Know,” from Michael English’s Freedom album).is is about “love” on a purely physical level. At least thatis the way most unsaved rock lovers will understand it. ereis nothing about marriage in the song. It could be applicableto any pre-marital or extra-marital situation. Why would aChristian sing songs like this? He had supposedly repented ofhis adultery, but he was still singing the type of songs thatfeed and encourage adultery throughout our society. As a“crossover” artist, he has the ear of a secular audience.English’s albums are sold in secular rock music stores andgiven air play on secular rock stations, but he is preachingnothing biblically convicting or even morally wholesome tothis audience.“I’ve seen the seven wonders of the world/ I’ve seen the beautyof diamonds and pearls/ But they ain’t nothin’ baby/ Your loveamazes me. ... I’ve prayed for miracles that never came/ Gotdown on my knees out in the pourin’ rain/ But only you couldsave me/ Your love amazes me/ Don’t you ever doubt this heartof mine/ You’re the only one for me/ You give me hope yougive me reason” (“Your Love Amazes Me,” from MichaelEnglish’s “Freedom” album).95

world loves nothing better than to see a “Christian” sing theirtune.Actually there is not much difference between MichaelEnglish’s secular albums and his “Christian” albums. emusic is the same and the lyrics are even similar. In Freedom,he sings about love in a worldly fashion aer the manner <strong>of</strong>unsaved rockers. Consider the following:“I see you standing there/ ose simple things you wear/ Oh itmakes me crazy/ You take it so casually/ You’ve got that look inyour eyes/ As you pass me by/ And I just can’t keep fromwonderin’ why/ And you say. ... I wanna know what your loveis like/ What you feel inside/ Every time I look into your eyes/ Igotta know if you want it too/ Girl and if you do/ en let meask you this question/ Baby what have we got to lose...” (“IWanna Know,” from Michael English’s Freedom album).is is about “love” on a purely physical level. At least thatis the way most unsaved rock lovers will understand it. ereis nothing about marriage in the song. It could be applicableto any pre-marital or extra-marital situation. Why would aChristian sing songs like this? He had supposedly repented <strong>of</strong>his adultery, but he was still singing the type <strong>of</strong> songs thatfeed and encourage adultery throughout our society. As a“crossover” artist, he has the ear <strong>of</strong> a secular audience.English’s albums are sold in secular rock music stores andgiven air play on secular rock stations, but he is preachingnothing biblically convicting or even morally wholesome tothis audience.“I’ve seen the seven wonders <strong>of</strong> the world/ I’ve seen the beauty<strong>of</strong> diamonds and pearls/ But they ain’t nothin’ baby/ Your loveamazes me. ... I’ve prayed for miracles that never came/ Gotdown on my knees out in the pourin’ rain/ But only you couldsave me/ Your love amazes me/ Don’t you ever doubt this heart<strong>of</strong> mine/ You’re the only one for me/ You give me hope yougive me reason” (“Your Love Amazes Me,” from MichaelEnglish’s “Freedom” album).95

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