Malawi NI 43-101 - December 2011 - Gold Canyon Resources Inc.

Malawi NI 43-101 - December 2011 - Gold Canyon Resources Inc. Malawi NI 43-101 - December 2011 - Gold Canyon Resources Inc.
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56(a) Appearance The general appearance of a roadside bank initially sampledby Ishikawa (CHA-4) and resampled by the author is shown in Figure 13. A thinrooty grey A soil layer overlies a pale yellow-brown B soil horizon.(b) Grain sizes. The size distributions of two screened samples are listed inTable 15. Material coarser than 0.25 mm is shown for E686956 as Figure 14,forms a large part (79% by weight) of this sample and consists of corrodedlookinggrey-white feldspar with scattered flakes of golden-brown biotite.Table 15 Grain size of two samplesSize E686 956 E686 964mm gram % gram %+5 0.0 0 0.0 0-5+1 20.5 14 10.2 6-1+0.5 30.4 20 26.0 14-0.5+0.25 67.4 45 31.6 17-0.25+0.15 28.5 19 55.4 30-0.15 4.4 3 60.8 33Total 151 100 184 100Figure 14 Screened fraction of sample E686956 coarser than 0.25 mm. Field ofview 5 mm. Mainly composed of corroded (weathered) K’spar.

57Figure 15. Photomicrograph of sample E686956 . Crossed polars. Field ofview=4.5 mm. Abundant fragments of K’spar and biotite in clay.Figure 16. Same area as above figure. Plain light. Surprisingly fresh K’spar andfresh (right side grain) and altered biotite (left side dark grain) in clay.

56(a) Appearance The general appearance of a roadside bank initially sampledby Ishikawa (CHA-4) and resampled by the author is shown in Figure 13. A thinrooty grey A soil layer overlies a pale yellow-brown B soil horizon.(b) Grain sizes. The size distributions of two screened samples are listed inTable 15. Material coarser than 0.25 mm is shown for E686956 as Figure 14,forms a large part (79% by weight) of this sample and consists of corrodedlookinggrey-white feldspar with scattered flakes of golden-brown biotite.Table 15 Grain size of two samplesSize E686 956 E686 964mm gram % gram %+5 0.0 0 0.0 0-5+1 20.5 14 10.2 6-1+0.5 30.4 20 26.0 14-0.5+0.25 67.4 45 31.6 17-0.25+0.15 28.5 19 55.4 30-0.15 4.4 3 60.8 33Total 151 100 184 100Figure 14 Screened fraction of sample E686956 coarser than 0.25 mm. Field ofview 5 mm. Mainly composed of corroded (weathered) K’spar.

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