tapping into tourism - Destination Melbourne

tapping into tourism - Destination Melbourne tapping into tourism - Destination Melbourne

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Contents4 Introduction7 <strong>Melbourne</strong> the <strong>Destination</strong>8 Key Tourism Organisations12 Communicating the Valueof Tourism13 Becoming part of theTourism Industry14 Local Tourism16 The Regional TourismOrganisation for<strong>Melbourne</strong>19 Starting up in Tourism20 Case Study -Wyndham City - CollectiveLeadership26 Case Study -City of <strong>Melbourne</strong>28 Co-operative Marketing30 Case Study -Chapel St Precinct32 Visiting Friends & Relatives- The Golden Opportunity34 Case Study -Frankston City Council -VFR Campaign38 Tourism Excellence40 Sustainable Tourism42 Ten Tips for Treading Lightly44 Useful Numbers22 Understanding the Market25 Visitor Servicing

Key Organisations forTourism in <strong>Melbourne</strong>City of <strong>Melbourne</strong>Takes a lead role as the capital city local government, shaping<strong>Melbourne</strong>’s local and international reputation. They providea range of visitor information services to ensure touristsexperience everything <strong>Melbourne</strong> has to offer.www.melbourne.vic.gov.auTourism AustraliaKey role is to promote Australia as a <strong>tourism</strong> destinationinternationally and domestically through campaigns such as‘There’s Nothing Like Australia’ and ‘No Leave, No Life.’www.<strong>tourism</strong>.australia.comTourism VictoriaKey role is to actively market Victoria as a premier <strong>tourism</strong>destination both domestically and internationally throughcampaigns such as ‘Lose Yourself in <strong>Melbourne</strong>’.www.<strong>tourism</strong>.vic.gov.au<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>The Regional Tourism Organisation for the Greater <strong>Melbourne</strong>Region. They provide successful co-operative marketingopportunities, leadership and industry development.www.destinationmelbourne.com.au<strong>Melbourne</strong> Convention +Visitors BureauMarkets <strong>Melbourne</strong> and Victoria nationally and internationally asone of the world’s best destinations for hosting Business Events.www.mcvb.com.auVictorian Major Events CompanyResponsible for bringing world class events that inspire, exciteand bond people, promoting and enriching <strong>Melbourne</strong> andVictoria.www.vmec.com.auVictoria Tourism Industry CouncilThe peak industry body advocating for and supporting thedevelopment of a professional and sustainable <strong>tourism</strong> industryacross Victoria.www.vtic.com.au8 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 9

Key Organisations forTourism in <strong>Melbourne</strong>The <strong>tourism</strong> industry in<strong>Melbourne</strong> is remarkablycohesive. However manypeople find the number ofdifferent organisations slightlyperplexing. Following is abasic overview that describesthe roles of key <strong>tourism</strong>organisations. The criticalelement of any successful<strong>tourism</strong> structure is a welldefined connection to thevisitor.<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> Ltd is <strong>Melbourne</strong>’sRegional Tourism Organisation; they provideleadership, industry development andsuccessful co-operative marketing of Greater<strong>Melbourne</strong> by working in partnershipwith the <strong>tourism</strong> industry. They work withbusiness, community and government tohelp <strong>Melbourne</strong> and Victoria grow as anoutstanding global destination.<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> was established in2001 as a not for profit company overseenby a skills based board of directors.Their vision is to inspire industry to grow<strong>Melbourne</strong> as an outstanding global visitorexperience.Core activities are:• Developing integrated co-operativemarketing opportunities for industry andpartners to encourage greater demand,yield and visitor dispersal.• Partnering with industry, governmentand community to support the strategicdevelopment of <strong>Melbourne</strong> as adestination.• Providing leadership for industry in thedelivery of outstanding visitor experiences.www.destinationmelbourne.com.auTourism VictoriaTourism Victoria’s primary role is to activelymarket Victoria as a premier <strong>tourism</strong>destination to Australian and internationaltravellers. Tourism Victoria works with theindustry to: “Maximise employment and thelong-term economic benefits of <strong>tourism</strong> toVictoria by developing and marketing theState as a competitive <strong>tourism</strong> destination.”Tourism Victoria’s strategic direction is basedon four broad goals:• Marketing. Increase visitor numbers,length of stay and visitor expenditure byimplementing innovative and effectivemarketing strategies to position Victoriaas a distinct and competitive touristdestination.• Leadership. Take a leadership role in the<strong>tourism</strong> industry, encourage professionalstandards and the development ofcooperative arrangements which maximiseindustry effectiveness.• Infrastructure. Improve the <strong>tourism</strong> assetsof Victoria by identifying infrastructureopportunities and facilitating developmentprojects.• Management. Maximise the effective useof resources by conducting the businessof Tourism Victoria in accordance withprofessional commercial managementprinciples.www.visitvictoria.com.auwww.<strong>tourism</strong>.vic.gov.auCity of <strong>Melbourne</strong>The City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> takes a lead role,as a capital city local government, shaping<strong>Melbourne</strong>’s local and internationalreputation as a friendly, welcoming andculturally diverse city.The municipality encompasses the centralcity, Docklands, Carlton, East <strong>Melbourne</strong>,Jolimont, Kensington, North <strong>Melbourne</strong>,Parkville, Southbank, St Kilda Road, West<strong>Melbourne</strong> and parts of South Yarra,Flemington and Port <strong>Melbourne</strong>.The City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> delivers events, citypromotions and <strong>tourism</strong> services gearedtoward increasing visitation and activating thecity and delivering information, services andinfrastructure for city visitors. These servicesbuild <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s reputation and help localbusinesses and the community engage withthe <strong>tourism</strong> market.The City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> also funds anddelivers major events such as Moomba, NewYear’s Eve celebrations and <strong>Melbourne</strong> SpringFashion Week.www.melbourne.vic.gov.au<strong>Melbourne</strong> Convention + Visitors Bureau<strong>Melbourne</strong> Convention + Visitors Bureau(MCVB) is a not for profit organisation whichmarkets <strong>Melbourne</strong> and Victoria nationallyand internationally as one of the world’s bestdestinations for Business Events - meetings,incentive travel, conferences and events.In order to promote Victoria for BusinessEvents, MCVB builds strong relationshipswith a range of partners: Governmentbodies; strategic industry partners; industrystakeholders, and its members.MCVB also partners with luminaries withinprofessional fields, including medicine,science, technology and business to attractconventions to Victoria. MCVB offers manyservices and tools to make organising eventssimple, including the <strong>Melbourne</strong> Meetings+ Events Service (MM+ES). Australia’s onlyall-inclusive event planning service, MM+ESis a free referral service providing advice andquotes on venues, accommodation, cateringand entertainment.MCVB, a member of the BestCities GlobalAlliance, offers Lloyds Register QualityAssurance certified customer service.MCVB is dedicated to providing membershipopportunities and benefits, includingcooperative marketing, tradeshows, businessleads and market briefings.www.mcvb.com.auVictorian Major Events CompanyThe Victorian Major Events Company(VMEC) is a world leading event acquisitiongroup which has created an exceptional andunrivalled calendar of international majorevents for <strong>Melbourne</strong> and Victoria.VMEC was formed in 1991, as part of aVictorian Government initiative to acquireinternational cultural and sporting eventswhich complement the State’s worldclass and state-of-the-art facilities andinfrastructure and provide a strong platformfor Victoria’s <strong>tourism</strong> and marketing activities.Major events give visitors from Australia andoverseas more great reasons to come to<strong>Melbourne</strong> and Victoria.www.vmec.com.au10 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 11

Communicating theValue of TourismBecoming part of the<strong>tourism</strong> industryAs an industry we know how significant<strong>tourism</strong> is in terms of its value to businessand communities.Top line - <strong>tourism</strong> employs approximately160,000 people and generates more than$11 billion per annum in <strong>Melbourne</strong> alone.These numbers are so big, that many peoplefind them hard to comprehend. These keymessages may help people recognise thebenefits:• Tourism creates jobs close to communities• Tourism generates cashflow like no otherindustry• Tourism encourages smart governmentsto invest in community infrastructure likeroads, rail, parks that benefit visitors andresidents• Tourism increases the choice ofrecreational and leisure activities forresidents• Tourism builds community prideSo let’s get back to basics - Tourism growswhen business, community and governmentwork together. It is not rocket science.There are three simple things we can allwork on to improve <strong>tourism</strong> in <strong>Melbourne</strong>:1. Encourage people to get out in their ownbackyard and have a good time.2. Improve the quality of the visitorexperience.3. Ensure that the value of <strong>tourism</strong> is wellcommunicated.The <strong>tourism</strong> industry in <strong>Melbourne</strong> is builton vibrant networks, collaboration and the‘Good Neighbour Principle’. There is strengthin unity.By actively participating in <strong>tourism</strong> forumsand joining a relevant <strong>tourism</strong> organisationyou give yourself more chance of success.Tourism is a people orientated industry fullof optimists and entrepreneurs. You can forgegreat networks if you invest the time andenergy in cultivating them.Tourism Industry BodiesThere are a number of membershipbased organisations in Victoria that play animportant role in building <strong>tourism</strong>.By joining a <strong>tourism</strong> industry association youwill get:• Industry updates delivered directly to yourinbox.• Opportunities to connect with theindustry through various events,conferences and unique <strong>tourism</strong> functions.• A collective voice for <strong>tourism</strong> industryissues.• Access to industry resources to connectyou to the right person, association, agencyor government.• Independent advice and consultation onissues that may be affecting your businessor destination.• An opportunity to be engaged and makea difference.Depending on your sector, you maybe a member of a number of differentassociations, or just one key body.Tourism industry bodies in Victoria include:Tourism Alliance VictoriaTourism Alliance Victoria has a strong anddiverse membership base that gives theorganisation a statewide perspective on allissues affecting Victorian <strong>tourism</strong>. It’s charterincludes promoting the development of<strong>tourism</strong> in Victoria. It provides a unique rangeof services for businesses and regions specialinterest groups and representation for a650+ strong member network.www.<strong>tourism</strong>alliance.com.auVictoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC)The Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC)is the peak policy council for the Victorian<strong>tourism</strong> industry. It represents key industryassociations, operators and governmentagencies, providing one united industry voice.www.vtic.com.auHotel, Motel & AccommodationAssociation (HMAA)HMAA aims to protect and advance theinterests of its accommodation members atlocal, state and federal government levels aswell as on issues relating to the operationalneeds of the accommodation industry.www.hmaavictoria.com.auBackpacker Operators Association ofVictoria (BOAV)BOAV is committed to assisting its memberswith their ‘bottom line’ through advocacyand representation, industry developmentand is committed to enhancing the State’sreputation as a competitive, quality drivenbackpacker destination.www.boav.com.auVictoria Events Industry Council (VEIC)The Victoria Events Industry Council(VEIC) is a peak industry policy councilof associations, corporate businesses andgovernment agencies representing eventorganisers, venues, suppliers and serviceproviders for <strong>Melbourne</strong> and regionalVictoria.www.veic.com.au12 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 13

The Regional TourismOrganisation For <strong>Melbourne</strong>Unlike other Regional Tourism Organisations,<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> is not a membershipbased organisation. If you advertise with us,attend our industry events, call us for adviceor read our newsletters you are part of theDML family.We work on the ‘strength in unity’ and ‘payingit forward’ principles. By working closelywith all three levels of government, industryassociations and our customers, we willdeliver an even better visitor experience.There are a number of simple ways you canconnect with DML:E News NetworkEvery 6 weeks <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> sendsout an industry e-newsletter to let peopleknow what is happening at the grassroots ofthe <strong>Melbourne</strong> Tourism Industry. We featurecurrent marketing opportunities, industrynews, issue updates, event information and<strong>tourism</strong> product updates. If you have newsfor the industry, send it through toinfo@destinationmelbourne.com.au. If youwould like to receive our e-newsletter, pleaseregister online at:www.destinationmelbourne.com.auFacebook<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> has a Facebook page.By becoming a fan of DML, you can keepup-to-date with the latest news, social eventsphotos and updates. The page is updatedregularly and is a great way of seeing whatthe team at <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> has beenup to and what industry events or updatesare available. Find us at:www.facebook.com<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> BlogThe <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> blog sitesupports open conversations, encouragesnew thinking and provides opportunitiesfor greater engagement. We share postson industry events, profile people whoare making a difference to the <strong>tourism</strong>industry, test new thinking and commenton developments that are relevant to theindustry. Get involved; be engaged; connectto <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> and your industry.To visit our blog go to:www.destinationmelbourne.com.au/blogIndustry Events<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> run a series ofindustry events throughout the year designedto support the growth of networks andeducate the industry about new productsand services that are coming on line in<strong>Melbourne</strong>. We also promote <strong>tourism</strong>industry events across <strong>Melbourne</strong> throughwww.destinationmelbourne.com.au/events16 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 17

Starting up in TourismIf you’ve just started a <strong>tourism</strong> business, oryou’re planning to and would like to knowmore about who to talk to, what stepsto take and how to go about it, then thisworkshop is a great place to start.Tourism Alliance Victoria, Small BusinessVictoria, Tourism Victoria and the OAMPSInsurance Brokers, have combined theirexpertise and resources to develop thisintroduction to the <strong>tourism</strong> industry fornew and potential businesses. The aim is toprovide a strategic insight across a rangeof essential business practices and improveoverall business acumen and planning.Workshop notes and a comprehensiveresource kit, including industry publicationswill be provided, as well as relevant industrycontacts and networking opportunities foryou to follow-up.The following topics are covered in thethree hour workshop:Setting up a Tourism Business• Licenses & insurance• Health & safety• Risk management• Business and marketing planningTourism Industry Overview• Tourism industry structure• Research• Networks and resources available tohelp youFor more information go towww.<strong>tourism</strong>alliance.com.au18 Tapping <strong>into</strong> TourismTapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism19

CASE STUDYWyndham City - Collective Leadership, Working With LTA’sWyndham City and the Wyndham TourismAssociation recently embarked upon a processof increasing the benefits of <strong>tourism</strong> to the localcommunity and local businesses by adopting a‘collective leadership’ model aimed at embracing andmarshalling common resources to deliver ownershipover a range of sustained and systemic outcomes.As is sometimes the case between differentorganisations, there was an initial level of apprehensionabout such an approach - this was based on thelack of a clear understanding of each organisation’sgoals and objectives. The first step in the processwas to build trust between the organisations.Extensive dialogue revealed the commonality of eachorganisation’s goals and objectives and served asthe pathway for cementing the trusted relationshipsnecessary to move forward as an effective, collectivegroup.The next step in the process was ‘co-constructing’ aproject that embodied a broader need as identifiedby the partners. The project agreed by the partnerswas the creation of an integrated destination websitefor Wyndham City. While each organisation had theirown specific website at the time, they were judged‘tired’ in addition to being confusing from a consumerperspective.With a project reflective of the partners’ needs, itwas important to ensure concrete ground rules wereestablished from a planning and implementationperspective. Critical to the success of the projectin general, and the collective leadership model inparticular, were:• clearly defined and frequently articulated roles andresponsibilities;• transparent distribution of resources;• defined expectations that held each memberaccountable to one another and the project goal/s;• celebrating successes together as a team; and• open (and frequent) communication.The development phase of the new website wentsmoothly with extensive buy-in, and participation, fromlocal operators culminating in the successful launch ofthe new Wyndham City destination website,www.visitwyndham.com.au.As with any technology-based project there wereminor teething troubles. However, the projectpartners ensured these were easily overcome in thespirit of cooperation and in the context of deliveringon a common project goal.The success of the collective leadership approachemployed by Wyndham City and the WyndhamTourism Association came about because the groupbecame ‘the leader’ rather than a specific individual ororganisation. This could only have happened throughthe establishment of trusted relationships allowing anunencumbered focus on an agreed goal.Importantly, all project partners involved agree thatthis style of engagement is cyclical; it does not happenonce and then end. In this vein, the next project iseven more ambitious - the development of WyndhamCity’s Tourism & Events Strategy.For further information contact Diane Barrera on(03) 9742 0905 or diane.barrera@wyndham.vic.gov.au20 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 21

Visitor Servicing - The Hallmark of SuccessSuccessful <strong>tourism</strong> marketing strategiesincrease the awareness of a destination,motivate visitation and deliver conversion.The best laid marketing plans will fail if thepromise does not meet expectations.While online has revolutionised the waypeople research and plan their holidays, oncepeople are in the destination the primarysource of information is either through wordof mouth, or visitor publications.Great visitor servicing is a hallmark of everysuccessful destination. The quality of thevisitor experience is one of the critical factorsin <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s success as a destination. Ifpeople have a good time, they will comeback again. They will also tell their friends andfamily about their experience.Research shows that effective visitor servicingplays a significant role in enriching thevisitors’ experience, contributes to dispersaland often increases visitor spend and thelength of stay in a destination. If visitors areable to find out more about a destination,are provided with good service, they’ll staylonger and spend more.Accredited Visitor Information Centres(VICs) are one of the success stories ofVictorian Tourism.Open seven days a week, they are staffed byfriendly, professional and trained people withextensive local knowledge. They offer a broadrange of services from accommodation andtour booking services, to local product salesand event ticketing.They are a great first step to finding out howyour destination is promoted and a chanceto get out and about in your own backyard.However not all towns require a VIC.The demand for a VIC in a destination willdepend on the depth and diversity of its<strong>tourism</strong> product, and the regions capacity tosupport it both in financial terms and withappropriate infrastructure.Good visitor servicing is about more thanbuilding a VIC, other important elementsinclude:• High quality customer service within abusiness• First-rate way finding signage• Accessible <strong>tourism</strong> publications• Effective online platforms egwww.visitvictoria.com• Familiarisations for small businessoperatorsThere is also growing understandingabout the role of residents as a sourceof information for visitors. As the layer ofgovernment closest to community, councilsshould seriously consider building communitypride by educating residents about the valueof <strong>tourism</strong> and support the developmentof attractions and experiences in theirmunicipality.“...People adore visiting the City of Yarra as it is such a vibrant,eclectic and cultural destination which offers diverse experiencesacross all areas; including food & beverage, retail and heritage.With the highest saturation of galleries of any area in <strong>Melbourne</strong>,Yarra offers a multiplicity of astonishing cultural action too.Maggie MaguireCEO, Abbotsford Convent Foundation“24 Tapping <strong>into</strong> TourismTapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism25

CASE STUDYCity of <strong>Melbourne</strong> - Visitor ServicesThe City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> takes a lead role as a capitalcity government shaping <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s local andinternational reputation as a friendly, welcoming andculturally diverse city.In 2009, 20 million international and domestic touristsvisited <strong>Melbourne</strong>. The City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> is a primaryprovider of personalised visitor information to thismarket and during 2009 Council’s visitor servicesnetwork recorded two million customer contacts.City of <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s visitor services include:• <strong>Melbourne</strong> Visitor Centre at Federation Square• <strong>Melbourne</strong> Visitor Booth at Bourke Street Mall• City Ambassador Program• Cruise Ship Program• <strong>Melbourne</strong> Greeter Service• <strong>Melbourne</strong> Town Hall Tours• <strong>Melbourne</strong> City Tourist Shuttle• Electronic tourist informationAbout the visitor service users:• 39 per cent from overseas• 36 per cent from interstate• 4 per cent from regional Victoria• 21 per cent locally from <strong>Melbourne</strong>The majority of visitors are generally free independenttravellers (FIT). Visitors often access services morethan once during their stay.Promoting <strong>tourism</strong> businessesThe City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> provides display andpromotional opportunities for <strong>tourism</strong> businesses andregional destinations to directly communicate withinternational and domestic visitors to <strong>Melbourne</strong>.Opportunities at the <strong>Melbourne</strong> Visitor Centreinclude:• standard brochure display (free)• feature brochure display• super banners and light boxes• large floor display space• multimedia displays• reception desk rental for information/ticket sales• opportunity for major events to ‘wrap’ the<strong>Melbourne</strong> Visitor Centre• light box poster displays at the <strong>Melbourne</strong> VisitorBoothFor more information, please visit:www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/<strong>tourism</strong>partnershipsEducate our volunteers and staffEncouraging visitors to stay longer and spend moreis important to the success of local businesses andcontributes to <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s reputation as the nationalcapital and one of the best places to visit in Australia.The volunteers and staff take on the added roleof promoting attractions throughout metropolitan<strong>Melbourne</strong> and regional Victoria.With more than 300 people working across our<strong>tourism</strong> services, our volunteers are well placed tohelp communicate your message to visitors.For more information on how you can tap <strong>into</strong> ourvolunteer network including presentations to thevolunteers, product familiarisations and newsletterupdates please contact the Professional DevelopmentCoordinator on (03) 9658 9949 or email<strong>tourism</strong>@melbourne.vic.gov.au“I love volunteering and helping visitors experience everything<strong>Melbourne</strong> has to offer. I get a buzz out of sharing informationwith them about <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s secrets such as our laneways andarcades, and making sure they get the most out of this beautifuland vibrant city. Visitors are always extremely thankful for theservice we provide which is a reward in itself.Barbara OlneyCity Ambassador Program volunteer for 5 years“26 Tapping <strong>into</strong> TourismTapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism27

Co-operative marketingSo you have the makings of a <strong>tourism</strong>industry in your area, the product is stackingup and people are working on enhancing thevisitor experience. It is time to share yourstory and get the word out. One of the triedand true methods is through co-operativemarketing. Tourism is traditionally dominatedby small business. The only way to get thestory out to consumers is to work togetherand share the costs.The more people know about a destination,the more they see, the more they spend andthe more they tell their friends about it.<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> provide a costeffective range of tools and tactics to helpyou promote your product to Victorian,interstate and international visitor marketsat their place of origin and on arrival in<strong>Melbourne</strong>.The opportunities reflect our commitmentto developing integrated marketingcampaigns that cut through and deliverbusiness for our partners across <strong>Melbourne</strong>.Visitor Publications<strong>Melbourne</strong> Official Visitors Guide is the<strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>tourism</strong> industry’s flagshippublication. It is a practical tool that givesvisitors to <strong>Melbourne</strong> a comprehensiveoverview of things to do while in <strong>Melbourne</strong>.The guide is produced quarterly andshowcases the experiences on offer in<strong>Melbourne</strong> during each season. (1,000,000copies per annum) A Chinese version of theguide is also produced (200,000 copies perannum).<strong>Melbourne</strong> Style Magazine is an informationalpiece that motivates regional Victorians tovisit <strong>Melbourne</strong>. It is a cost effective way ofreaching regional Victoria. Produced quarterly,each edition focuses on the key themes ofthe season providing the consumer withtimely information for visiting or planningtheir next trip to <strong>Melbourne</strong> (1,000,000copies per annum).Insiders Guide to <strong>Melbourne</strong> is a user friendlyguide to shopping, dining and cultural pursuitsin the city and surrounding areas. <strong>Melbourne</strong>is the leading destination for style, world classfood and wine and sophistication (200,000copies per annum).<strong>Melbourne</strong> Accommodation Guide is a highquality publication that showcases the rangeof accommodation available in <strong>Melbourne</strong>.It includes comprehensive information onkey features of each property, approximateprice ranges and any accreditations and starratings. Distribution of the guide ensuresthat it captures both the business and leisuremarket (50,000 copies per annum).<strong>Melbourne</strong> Official Visitors Map - Inner<strong>Melbourne</strong> provides a comprehensiveoverview of how to get around <strong>Melbourne</strong>.The map covers the inner city and immediatesurrounds, detailing <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s train andtram services and providing grid referencesto accommodation around <strong>Melbourne</strong>. Itis used by visitors to <strong>Melbourne</strong> as a keyreference tool.The Inner <strong>Melbourne</strong> Map features keyattractions within the <strong>Melbourne</strong> CBD andcity fringe areas (200,000 copies per annum).Greater <strong>Melbourne</strong> Official Visitors Map -Greater <strong>Melbourne</strong> provides an overviewof how to get around <strong>Melbourne</strong> and itssurrounding regions. The Greater <strong>Melbourne</strong>Map highlights the key regional attractionsand regions within a 90 minute radius of<strong>Melbourne</strong> and it is a perfect guide for thosewanting to explore greater <strong>Melbourne</strong>. Itfeatures key attractions in <strong>Melbourne</strong> andregional Victoria (200,000 copies per annum).CampaignsFamily Campaign<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> delivers a televisionand print campaign <strong>into</strong> Regional Victoriathemed “You can’t do this at home”. Thecampaign encourages families to visit<strong>Melbourne</strong>’s attractions throughout theschool holidays.Seasonal Campaigns<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> delivers interstatecampaigns that leverage off <strong>Melbourne</strong>’skey seasonal themes and branding. Recentcampaigns have focused on food andwine, arts, culture and blockbuster theatreproductions.Online PromotionVisit Victoriawww.visitvictoria.com is Victoria’s officialconsumer website. The website received over6.7 million visits and 26.9 million page viewsfrom consumers over the last 12 months,year ending June 2010. Visitvictoria.com isalso one of Australia’s most visited state<strong>tourism</strong> websites, receiving over 500,000visits per month.For business products listed on visitvictoria.com, this means greater online exposure andintegration with Tourism Victoria marketingactivities. Improved search engine rankings,online booking and distribution to over 40websites, including www.australia.com<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> & Tourism Victoria<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> works in partnershipwith Tourism Victoria to develop cooperativeonline marketing initiatives.Tourism Victoria are currently redevelopingvisitvictoria.com, allowing for more onlinemarketing opportunities in the future.The new site is due to launch in 2011.For more information contact John McGawor Lisa Newman on (03) 9869 2444.28 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 29

CASE STUDYChapel St PrecinctStreets Ahead Promotions Inc (SAPI) is a non-profitretail association that develops and implementsretail marketing strategies on behalf of the Chapel StPrecinct. Over 1,000 members are covered by theSAPI rateable area, which stretches from DandenongRoad in the south to Toorak Road in the north.The precinct’s allied industries including <strong>tourism</strong>, retail,hospitality and services all play a fundamental role indelivering social, environmental and economic benefitsto the City of Stonnington, <strong>Melbourne</strong> and Victoria.As a designated Victorian tourist destination, thediversity of retail stores available in the precinct tolocal, national and international visitors alike is exciting,stimulating and impressive. Within the precinct, thereare also core strengths of difference and diversity witha clear sense of personality that will increasingly appealto tomorrow’s consumer.SAPI also has an overall responsibility for the ChapelSt Precinct destination product. It welcomes thechallenges associated with providing leadership in thedevelopment of innovative products and creation ofpartnerships and aims for the delivery of a seamlessexperience for its visitors.Targeting the right market with the right messageat the right time is always difficult, especially for aretail association marketing a destination with limitedfinancial and staff resources.One invaluable resource for the association since2003 has been our partnership with <strong>Destination</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong>. This has enabled our destination toenhance it’s competitiveness by increasing our visibility,reducing costs and insuring well developed andsuitable destination marketing mixes are delivered tothe appropriate target markets.Essentially our initial interest in working with<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> was to utilise its marketingcollateral as a tool to raise the profile of the Chapel StPrecinct and attract more visitors.Over the years our partnership has also evolvedas a mechanism to facilitate <strong>tourism</strong> developmentobjectives for not only our precinct but the City ofStonnington who recently became a <strong>Destination</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> partner. This in turn will boost <strong>tourism</strong>in our city and ensure the strategic objectives of ourdestination are achieved.The <strong>tourism</strong> industry is becoming an increasinglycompetitive marketplace where only the bestmanageddestinations are likely to prosper.New-sophisticated consumers are also willing to paya premium for authentic and unique experiences, butonly if the product is significantly better than that ofcompetitors.While SAPI can influence and assist many factors thataffect the success of retail in the Precinct, ultimatelyit is the offer and the experience provided by ourmembers that will contribute to our success as a<strong>tourism</strong> destination.www.chapelstreet.com.au30 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 31

Visiting Friends and Relatives- the Golden Opportunity<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> has been workingin partnership with 28 Local Governmentsacross <strong>Melbourne</strong> to see how these Councilscan leverage off <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s growth as aglobal visitor destination.The Visiting Friends and Relatives Marketis worth $2.6 billion to <strong>Melbourne</strong> and hastraditionally been a tough nut to crack. Thecritical success factor is the mindset andbehaviour of the host - if we can educatelocals to act as effective hosts, we caninfluence the visitor behaviour to maximiseyield and dispersal.<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> undertook research<strong>into</strong> the behaviour and characteristics of theVisiting Friends and Relatives Market withsupport from datainsights.This research provided the basis forconversation and dialogue in a series ofworkshops with council officers from across<strong>Melbourne</strong>.<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> was inspired andmotivated by the quality of thinking andenthusiasm generated through the process.We recognise that Local Government plays apivotal role in generating civic pride and hasthe capacity to positively influence residents.By creating ownership of <strong>tourism</strong> withinthe community in partnership with LocalGovernment, <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> believes<strong>Melbourne</strong> can make serious in roads on amarket that has been largely ignored up untilnow.<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> is now committed tochampioning the delivery of three projectsin partnership with Local Government on aprogressive basis.These are:• ‘Discovering Your Own Backyard’ -Develop and deliver a communityengagement strategy to educate andinform hosts.• ‘Educating Your Traders and CouncilRepresentatives’ - A communicationstrategy to promote the benefits ofVisiting Friends and Relatives Market.• ‘Familiarising our overseas students andtheir visiting families’ - Research <strong>into</strong> travelpatterns and behaviour of InternationalStudents that will help inform Councils andHosts.This ‘Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism’ guide is a keydeliverable from the project. For moreinformation on VFR and this project callDenise Castro on 9869 2444 or to accessthe research on Visiting Friends and RelativesMarket go to:www.destinationmelbourne.com.au/vfr<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> acknowledges thesupport of Tourism Victoria and City of<strong>Melbourne</strong> for their financial support of thisproject.Tourism is an important business in our community - especiallythe VFR market. The value that visitors bring to the local economyis enormous and it creates a high level of employment across arange of sectors...Maggie Maguire“CEO, Abbotsford Convent Foundation“32 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 33

www.visitfrankston.comwww.frankston.vic.gov.auPlease note that your personal information will be used solely for the purposes of entering the Frankston City Award and informing you of relevant information and events within Frankston City if indicated. Information will not be passed onto any other party. For informationregarding Frankston City Council’s privacy policy please call 1300 322 322 or visit www.frankston.vic.gov.auCASE STUDY CONTINUED...Frankston City CouncilStage 2The following year, council went one step further bydeveloping a photography competition targeting localresidents to “show us” what they are proud of - Focusof Frankston. The competition aimed to:• Create a tailored campaign to inform residentsvia their preferred communication method andto steer them to the Frankston visitor informationwebsite www.visitfrankston.com• Capture resident’s creativity• Provide recognition and instil pride by providingexposure to participants work• Increase awareness of Frankston’s iconic images• Increase council’s photo database for futurepromotion• Provide the community with ownership of thepromotion and positioning of FrankstonPhotos were uploaded onto visitfrankston.com andlocal residents were invited to vote for the People’sChoice Award. This campaign helped produce acommunity “owned” <strong>tourism</strong> promotion and gavecouncil the tools to continue promotion of the citywith the ownership of residents.The <strong>Destination</strong> Frankston survey was repeated againin 2009 via local papers and the Focus on FrankstonPhotography promotion was conducted in 2009 -2010 with more than 1300 entrants.For the season 2010 - 2011, Council and FrankstonTourism are packaging up as many summer activitiesand attractions as possible and producing a 3 monthpromotional calendar that will be distributed widelyacross the municipality.Focus on Frankston Photography competition is backonce again for 2010 - 2011 and will span the majorevents season from October to March.For more information please contact Maxine Sandoon (03) 9784 1988.Feedback from the <strong>Destination</strong> Frankston survey told us that you want moredaytime, affordable and accessible community events and also love going towineries on the Mornington Peninsula with visiting friends and family.I II II Love Frankston Cup CompetitionFor your chance to WIN one of three family passes to the Love Frankston Cup and a $50 Love Frankston hamper please complete this entry form and return it toFrankston City Council, Civic Centre, Davey Street, Frankston VIC 3199 by Friday, 8 February 2008.Name: Address: Postcode:E-mail Address: Phone: Mobile:□ Yes, would like to join the Frankston City Council events database □ Yes, Tourism E-newsletterwould like to receive the FrankstonFocus on FrankstonPhotography CompetitionOver $10,000worth of prizes<strong>Destination</strong>….Frankston and beyond‘I am so proud and happy to live in such a vibrant,progressive community. I love Frankston’ - ResidentIn response, we invite you to take a closerlook at the not-to-be missed NEW activities,as listed below, taking place over summer.Proudly hosted byChampion JockeySimon Marshall andsupported by FrankstonChampions, Dee Dee(Gold 104.3FM) andRobert Harvey(St Kilda Football Club)did you knowthat all adultsattending the I LoveFrankston Cup willreceive a two for onepass to visit sandsculpting australia –Fairytales at Fablesexhibition at theFrankston Waterfront?IF you Love a great day out at the raCes, you’LL Love the I Love Frankston CupSunday, 10 February at Cranbourne Turf Club (Melway Ref: 133 J6)Tickets available at the gate. Gates open at 10:30am - Adults $12 - Under 18 Free - Free kids’ rides - Sand Sculpting Australia activities - Fillies on the Field competition.For further information phone 5996 1300 or visit www.cranbourneturfclub.com.au or www.visitfrankston.comWInery tour on the MornIngton penInsuLa - $110 per person Saturday, 23 February and Saturday, 1 March10:30am Depart Frankston Visitor Information Centre 12:30pm Depart Winery3:30pm Arrive Arthurs Seat and Hotel11:00am Arrive Jones Road Estate1:00pm Arrive Box Stallion Estate 4:30pm Depart Venue11:30am Depart Winery(lunch and tasting)5:30pm Arrive at Frankston Visitor12:00pm Arrive 5 Sons Estate3:15pm Depart WineryInformation CentreInclusions: transport, tasting fees and meals. Itinerary subject to change.For further information on what activities and attractions our city has to offer contact the Frankston Visitor Information Centre on1300 322 842 or visit www.visitfrankston.comThe Focus on FrankstonPhotography Competitionis back – bigger than ever!The competition is open NOW and you cansend entries in throughout the summerholidays until Friday, 29 January 2010.Open to residents and visitors the Focus onFrankston Photography Competition is yourperfect opportunity to show us what youlove about Frankston City and share yourfavourite memories.Whether it's meandering along Seafordforeshore, jogging through LangwarrinFlora and Fauna Reserve or playing golfat Sandhurst, you can capture yourexperience within Frankston City.Frankston City Council acknowledges the support of:GOOD LIFEpeninsula styleThis year, the competition has beenexpanded to include 10 category prizesalong with the major prizes and aPeople’s Choice Award. Go to www.visitfrankston.com or phone 1300322 322 for more information andto enter your favourite photo ofFrankston.36 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 37

Tourism ExcellenceOne of <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s key goals issupporting the development of the <strong>tourism</strong>industry. We understand that by helping ourindustry evolve and adapt we will see:• An improved visitor experience• Stronger industry leadership• Greater industry collaborationIf you are thinking it’s time to get morestrategic and are looking for ways to developyourself and your business why not give usa call. If you want to do some research first,here are some good places to start.The Tourism Excellence Program<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> actively supportsthe state-wide Tourism Excellence Program.We work in partnership with organisationssuch as Tourism Victoria, VECCI, Service SkillsVictoria, Victorian Tourism Awards Unit andTourism Alliance Victoria to facilitate industrydevelopment opportunities that will addvalue to operators and small business.Tourism Excellence has been designed tohelp <strong>tourism</strong> businesses and destinationsget the best from their workforce, deliverthe best possible visitor experience, grow<strong>tourism</strong> by working together, and ensure asustainable industry.Seven modules have been developedthat are delivered by expert facilitators incustomised workshops. These include:• Understanding visitor needs andexpectations• People Excellence• Business Excellence• Growing <strong>Destination</strong>s• Industry Participation• Fostering Innovation• Sustainability in TourismFor more information on the TourismExcellence program visitwww.<strong>tourism</strong>excellence.com.au“Walk to Art travels through <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s remarkable back streetsand laneways to discover the quirky art and hidden art spaces thatmakes <strong>Melbourne</strong> so special. Tourism has provided Walk to Art witha greater audience and I am very proud to be able to un-veil andeducate Australians about the very long journey a creative personundertakes.Bernadette AlibrandoWalk to Art Tours“Victorian Tourism AwardsThe awards are a great way for serious<strong>tourism</strong> operators to benchmark themselvesagainst others and work on their businessat the same time. <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>sponsors the awards and work withTourism Alliance Victoria to facilitate awardsworkshops in greater <strong>Melbourne</strong>.We understand that nominating for theawards is the first step in a long andsometimes challenging process. It alsorequires a measure of courage. Over theyears, many Victorian <strong>tourism</strong> businesses havehad to swallow a bitter pill when they didnot make the cut on awards night. There arealso some great stories of celebration.There are some thoughts that are worthholding onto as you work through theprocess of putting together your nomination.• Your business will be stronger as a resultof having a go, whether you feature in thewinners list or not.• The awards ceremony is a great night outand there is nothing quite like the feelingyou get being there and knowing that youare in the hunt for a trophy.• The big night is also an opportunity to gettogether with the industry and celebrateall the best things about <strong>tourism</strong> in thisgreat state.• If you win, you’ve earned it.www.victorian<strong>tourism</strong>wards.com.auAustralian Tourism Accreditation ProgramThe Australian Tourism AccreditationProgram addresses many of the issues thatare covered in the development of a businessplan and focuses on those key elements thatare part of the day to day function of any<strong>tourism</strong> operation.When <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> completedthe accreditation process we found itprovided us with a very effective businessimprovement framework.The requirements of the accreditationprocess are neatly aligned with VictorianTourism Awards submission criteria. Thismeans that while you are working on yourbusiness through the accreditation process,you are also creating the basis for an awardnomination.Councils or trader groups interestedin helping a number of businesses getaccredited at the same time can contact<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>, who can helpfacilitate group training and support.For more information visit:www.atap.net.auACCREDITEDTOURISMBUSINESSVictoria Tourism WeekVictoria Tourism Week (VTW) is a groundbreakingproject that will help peopleunderstand the social and economiccontribution the <strong>tourism</strong> industry brings tothe community. It was created by a groundswell of interest from the <strong>tourism</strong> industry.It is an opportunity to get together andcelebrate the best things about <strong>tourism</strong>.Unlike many competing destinations, <strong>tourism</strong>in Victoria is about the whole experiencenot just seeing the sights but immersing thevisitor in Victorian life.<strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> is delighted to be thelead partner in delivery of Victoria TourismWeek in partnership with VTIC and the<strong>tourism</strong> industry.For more information on Victoria TourismWeek please call 8662 5333 or visit:www.victoria<strong>tourism</strong>week.com.au<strong>Melbourne</strong> Tourism Industry LeadershipProgram (MTILP)The <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>, <strong>Melbourne</strong>Tourism Industry Leadership Program(MTILP), was launched in <strong>Melbourne</strong> in2009. MTILP is a thoughtfully constructedand professionally delivered training andeducation program, created specifically fordeveloping leadership in Victoria’s <strong>tourism</strong>industry.MTILP is an education program that isinspiring and innovative, and fulfils a nichefor specialised training of Victorian <strong>tourism</strong>industry employees with demonstratedleadership potential.The MTILP is run by <strong>Destination</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>with the support of <strong>Melbourne</strong> Airport,Tourism Victoria, the City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> andTourism Alliance Victoria.For further information please call9869 2444 or visit:www.destinationmelbourne.com.auA U S T R A L I A38 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 39

Sustainable TourismThe debate whether we are facing dramaticchanges in our physical environment due toclimate change is just about over. We are alsoseeing a fundamental shift in the value sets ofpeople living in our key source markets.Even if you don’t believe that climate changewill have an impact on our environment,our customers do. People will stop comingto destinations (even ones as cool as<strong>Melbourne</strong>) if they think we are lacking duecare and diligence for our planet.Recognising the need to act is one thing,knowing what to do is another thing alltogether. It’s time for us to stop waitingfor someone else to lead and make somepositive decisions for ourselves.Small business is well placed to make adifference. We can cut consumption ofenvironmentally unfriendly products andservices. We can also provide positiveleadership within our communities throughour people.Study after study shows that when businessesimprove their environmental performancethey save money. This thinking also applies tohouseholds. Hmmm let’s think about this...save money and do your bit to tread lessheavily on the planet.If you are a business contemplating taking thefuture in your hands, you may want to checkout this site: www.growmethemoney.com.auWorking in the <strong>tourism</strong> industry we have anopportunity to influence people to be moreenvironmentally sustainable. <strong>Destination</strong><strong>Melbourne</strong> has put together ‘10 Tips forTreading Lightly’ for visitors to <strong>Melbourne</strong>to have a green stay. We encourage youto spread the message through your ownmarketing channels.Other useful websites:www.carboncompass.com.auwww.earthcheck.orgwww.monash.edu.au/research/sustainability40 Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism Tapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism 41

10 Tips for Treading Lightly1. Step <strong>into</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s SecretsWith its hidden laneways and arcades,<strong>Melbourne</strong> is best discovered on foot.The <strong>Melbourne</strong> Walks series of guides areavailable online at thatsmelbourne.com.au/walks where you can also download manyof them as podcasts. There are eight walksranging from parks and gardens, arcades andlaneways to architecture and design.2. Take a Light Ride in<strong>Melbourne</strong> has an excellent transportnetwork such as trams (including windpoweredtrams), trains and buses which offera great alternative to taking the car. Viclinkcan bring you directly <strong>into</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong> fromregional Victoria by either coach, train orbus. If you’ve flown <strong>into</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>, why notoff-set your flight through one of the manycarbon offset programs. While you are in thecity, travel on the free <strong>Melbourne</strong> City TouristShuttle or the free City Circle Tram.3. Rediscover a Good Set of WheelsEver explored a city by bike? <strong>Melbourne</strong> hasa network of riverside and urban bike pathsthat can help you explore the city further.Not only is it great for the environment but itis great exercise as well! Pick up a copy of theTravelSmart bike map from the <strong>Melbourne</strong>Visitor Centre at Federation Square, whereyou can also find out where and how to hirebikes in the city.4. Visit our Local MarketsReduce the carbon footprint of the food youeat by sourcing local produce. <strong>Melbourne</strong>has some great markets, so why not samplesome of our fresh fruit, vegetables, cheeses,wines and meats at the Queen VictoriaMarket? Local produce is perfect for a picnicby the Yarra River in one of <strong>Melbourne</strong>’sstunning parks or gardens.5. Savour the Aroma<strong>Melbourne</strong> has a reputation for greatcoffee. So why not sit down and take in theambience. A take-away coffee in a disposablecup is never as good and disposable cupssignificantly contribute to land fill when notrecycled. So sit down, relax and enjoy thebreak.6. Support our Green StarsLook out for accommodation operators thatparticipate in accreditation programs such asthe Australian Tourism Accreditation Program,EarthCheck or AAA Tourism’s Green STARAccreditation. The Green STAR logo will helpyou find properties that have earned thisaccreditation based on their energy efficiency,waste management and water minimisation.For more information go towww.atap.net.auwww.earthcheck.orgwww.aaa<strong>tourism</strong>.com.au7. Get your hands GreenGet <strong>into</strong> the nature vibe and make an activecontribution to conserving our beautifulnatural environment. Spend a day ormore in <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s great outdoors withConservation Volunteers! Find out morewww.conservationvolunteers.com.au8. Check out <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s Green BuildingCredentialsVisit <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s green buildings to get afeel for the future of our city. Pick up a copyof <strong>Melbourne</strong>’s Sustainable Buildings map atthe <strong>Melbourne</strong> Visitors Centre at FederationSquare, and discover more about the city’sunique and sustainable buildings.9. Let’s Keep it ShortWhile on holidays it’s nice to have a littleluxury but the days of long showers arebehind us, so make sure your showers arekept short. Whether on holidays or at home,remember water is precious.10. Take what you needConsider the number of brochures youtake and where possible, download visitorinformation and podcasts online at www.thatsmelbourne.com.au/melbournebrochures.The <strong>Melbourne</strong> Visitor Centre at FederationSquare provides face-to-face travel adviceand has recently gained Green Globeaccreditation.42 Tapping <strong>into</strong> TourismTapping <strong>into</strong> Tourism43

Useful NumbersAustralian Tourism Accreditation Program www.atap.net.au (03) 9620 4199Australian Hotels Association www.ahavic.com.au (03) 9654 7100Australian Tourism Export Council www.atec.net.au (02) 8262 5500City of <strong>Melbourne</strong> www.melbourne.vic.gov.au (03) 9658 9658<strong>Melbourne</strong> Convention and Visitors Bureau www.mcvb.com.au (03) 9693 3333Parks Victoria www.parkweb.vic.gov.au (03) 8627 4699Business Events Victoria www.businesseventsvictoria.com.au (03) 9650 8399Restaurant and Catering Victoria www.restaurantcatervic.asn.au (03) 9654 5866Tourism Alliance Victoria www.<strong>tourism</strong>alliance.com.au (03) 9650 8399Tourism Australia www.<strong>tourism</strong>.australia.com (02) 9360 1111Tourism Victoria www.<strong>tourism</strong>.vic.gov.au (03) 9653 9777Travellers Aid www.travellersaid.org.au (03) 9654 2600Victorian Major Events Company www.vmec.com.au (03) 9868 4600Victorian Tourism Industry Council www.vtic.com.au (03) 8662 5333Young Tourism Network www.young<strong>tourism</strong>network.com (03) 9650 839944 Tapping <strong>into</strong> TourismPhotographer: Ben King

Level 3, Block Court 290 Collins Street,<strong>Melbourne</strong> VIC 3000(03) 9869 2444www.destinationmelbourne.com.auinfo@destinationmelbourne.com.au

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