National/ Timken Seals Catalog -

National/ Timken Seals Catalog - National/ Timken Seals Catalog -
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Size SectionHsg.BoreSealO.D.SealWidthLipMat’lPart No.Type/Illus.Hsg.BoreSealO.D.SealWidthLipMat’lPart No.Type/Illus.1017,00mm (.669") SHAFT (cont.).687" (11/16") SHAFT (cont.)33,80 34,00 7,00 S 17X34X7★ 32 1.125 1.129 .312* S 471297 471.331 1.339 .2761.125 1.129 .312 N 471297N 47*34,00 34,10 7,90 N 710251★ 47 1.187 1.191 .187 S 474261 471.339 1.343 .3111.250 1.254 .250 S 8773SG 2534,30 34,50 4,00 S 17X34.5X4★ 32 1.250 1.254 .250 S 471538 47*1.350 1.358 .1571.250 1.254 .250 S 481538 4834,80 35,00 6,00 S *17X35X6★ 32 1.250 1.254 .250 V 481538V 481.370 1.378 .2361.250 1.254 .375 S 410355 4134,80 35,00 10,00 S *17X35X10★ 32 1.250 1.254 .375 S 450355 451.370 1.378 .3941.250 1.254 .375 S 470355 4735,00 35,18 7,00 S 17X35X7★ 35 1.250 1.254 .375 S 480355 48*1.378 1.385 .2761.375 1.379 .250 S 471553 4735,00 35,18 7,00 S 221735★ 35 1.375 1.379 .250 S 481553 481.378 1.385 .2761.375 1.379 .312 S 451559 4535,00 35,20 7,00 V *17X35X7V★ 35 1.375 1.379 .312 S 471559 471.378 1.386 .2761.375 1.379 .406 S 410025 41*35,00 35,20 8,00 S 17X35X8★ 35 1.375 1.379 .406 S 450025 451.378 1.386 .3151.375 1.379 .406 S 470025 4736,00 36,20 7,00 S 17X36X7★ 32 1.375 1.379 .406* S 480025 48*1.417 1.425 .2761.499 1.503 .312 S 471579 4736,80 37,00 10,00 S *17X37X10★ 32 1.499 1.503 .312 S 481579 481.449 1.457 .3941.499 1.503 .390 S 410205 4137,00 37,20 7,00 S 17X37X7★ 32 1.499 1.503 .390 S 450205 451.457 1.465 .2761.499 1.503 .390 N 450205N 4537,80 38,00 10,00 S *17X38X10★ 32 1.499 1.503 .390 S 470205 471.488 1.496 .3941.499 1.503 .390 S 480205 48*38,00 38,20 7,00 S 17X38X7★ 32 1.624 1.628 .250 S 471642 471.496 1.504 .27639,80 40,00 5,00 S 17X40X5★ 32* 17,50mm (.689") SHAFT1.567 1.575 .19739,80 40,00 8,00 S *17X40X8★ 32– – – S 800160 VRS11.567 1.575 .315– – – V 800164 VRS139,80 40,00 10,00 S 17X40X10★ 32 27,50 27,70 7,00 N 710299★ #*1.567 1.575 .3941.083 1.091 .27640,00 40,23 7,00 S 17X40X7★ 32 31,80 32,00 6,00 S 17.5X32X6★ 32*1.575 1.584 .2761.252 1.260 .23642,00 42,20 7,00 S 17X42X7★ 32*1.654 1.661 .276.690" SHAFT45,00 45,20 7,00 S 17X45X7★ 32*1.772 1.780 .276– – – S 800160 VRS145,80 46,00 6,00 S*17X46X6★ 32– – – V 800164 VRS11.803 1.811 .236.997 1.003 .295 S 3667& 27146,00 46,20 7,00 S 17X46X7★ 32*1.811 1.819 .27617,60mm (.693") SHAFT46,80 47,00 10,00 S 17X47X10★ 32* 29,80 30,00 7,001.842 1.850 .394S 17.6X30X7★ 32*1.173 1.181 .27647,00 47,20 7,00 S 17X47X7★ 351.850 1.858 .27647,00 47,20 8,00 S 17X47X8★ 32.697" SHAFT1.850 1.858 .3151.220 1.227 .204 V*320242 3217,40mm (.685") SHAFT.701" SHAFT– – – S 800160 VRS1 1.160 1.164 .250 S 331173 33– – – V 800164 VRS1– – .313 99060 Redi-Sleeve18,00mm (.709") SHAFT30,00 30,20 7,00 S 710344★ 32– – .3151.181 1.189 .276*99082 Redi-Sleeve23,00 23,20 4,00 S 710297★ 34.687" (11/16") SHAFT.906 .913 .15724,80 25,00 7,00– – – S 800160 VRS1S 18X25X7★ 32*.976 .984 .276– – – V 800164 VRS1 25,80 26,00 7,001.124 1.128 .250 S 471529 47S *18X26X7★ 321.124 1.128 .250 S 1.016 1.024 .276481529 481.124 1.128 .250 N 26,00 26,10 4,00 S 710222★ 98481529N 481.024 1.028 .1571.124 1.128 .312 S 451297 45 26,80 27,00 7,00 S 18X27X7★ 321.124 1.128 .375 S 410137 41*1.055 1.063 .2761.124 1.128 .375 S 450137 45 27,80 28,00 7,001.124 1.128 .375 S 470137 47S *18X28X7★ 321.094 1.102 .2761.124 1.128 .375 S 480137 481.125 1.129 .312 S * 411297 41For Illustration and Material Data See Technical Section# Designed For A Specific Application - Not Recommended For General Use G Hydrodynamic Lip Design-CW & Flanged O.D.The U.S. customer service number is 877-4-TIMKEN. The Canadian customer service numbers are 800-565-4927 (English) and 800-565-0438 (French-Canadian).*★ Metric Seal

Size SectionHsg.BoreSealO.D.SealWidthLipMat’lPart No.Type/Illus.Hsg.BoreSealO.D.SealWidthLipMat’lPart No.Type/Illus.18,00mm (.709") SHAFT (cont.)18,00mm (.709") SHAFT (cont.)27,80 28,00 8,00 S 18X28X8★ 32 40,00 40,22 7,00 S 18X40X7★ 32*1.094 1.102 .3151.575 1.583 .27627,80 28,00 10,00 S *18X28X10★ 32 40,00 40,20 7,00 V *18X40X7V★ 351.094 1.102 .3941.575 1.583 .27628,00 28,20 6,00 S 1015★ 35 41,80 42,00 7,00 S 18X42X7★ 32*1.102 1.110 .2361.646 1.654 .27628,00 28,20 6,00 S 1015N★ 35 41,80 42,00 10,00 S *18X42X10★ 321.102 1.110 .2361.646 1.654 .39428,00 28,20 6,00 N*4400★ 341.102 1.110 .236.718" SHAFT28,00 28,20 7,00 V 18X28X7V★ 35*1.102 1.110 .2761.250 1.254 .375 L*50506 5L28,00 28,28 6,00 S 18X28X6★ 32 1.250 1.254 .375 S 470506 471.102 1.113 .23628,80 29,00 7,00 S*18X29X7★ 32.735" SHAFT1.134 1.142 .27629,80 30,00 6,00 S 18X30X6★ 32 1.248 1.252 .250 S 472878 47*1.173 1.181 .23629,80 30,00 6,00 S 18X30X6★ 3218,70mm (.736") SHAFT*1.173 1.181 .23629,80 30,00 8,00 S 35,00 35,20 7,00 N 710272★ 32*18X30X8★ 321.378 1.386 .2761.173 1.181 .31529,80 30,00 10,00 S 18X30X10★ 32*1.173 1.181 .394.737" SHAFT30,00 30,10 6,70 S 3816★& 271 1.375 1.379 .343 S 473416 471.181 1.185 .2641.375 1.382 .31230,00 30,23 7,00 S 18X30X7★ 32S * 3802 #1.181 1.190 .276.739" SHAFT30,00 30,23 9,00 S 221820★G 321.181 1.190 .35430,80 31,00 7,00 S 1.250 1.254 .407 S*18X31X7★ 32* 4084 #1.212 1.220 .276.742" SHAFT31,80 32,00 6,00 S 18X32X6★ 32*1.252 1.260 .2361.063 1.067 .187 S 7929S 3331,80 32,00 10,00 S 18X32X10★ 32*1.252 1.260 .39419,00mm (.748") SHAFT32,00 32,10 7,00 S 710156★ #1.260 1.264 .276– – .313 99076 Redi-Sleeve32,00 32,20 7,00 S 18X32X7★ 35– – .375 99075 Redi-Sleeve1.260 1.268 .27632,00 32,20 7,00 V*18X32X7V★ 35 24,80 25,00 6,00 S 19X25X6★ 32*1.260 1.268 .276.976 .984 .23632,00 32,22 8,00 S 221830★ 35 26,80 27,00 5,00 S 19X27X5★ 32*1.260 1.269 .3151.055 1.063 .19732,00 32,22 8,00 S 18X32X8★ 32 26,80 27,00 10,00 S 19X27X10★ 32*1.260 1.269 .3151.055 1.063 .39432,00 32,23 12,70 N* 4401★ # 27,00 27,20 6,00 S 19X27X6★ 351.260 1.269 .5001.063 1.071 .23633,80 34,00 7,00 S 18X34X7★ 32 27,80 28,00 7,00* S 19X28X7★ 32*1.331 1.339 .2761.094 1.102 .27634,00 34,20 8,00 S 710412★ 32 28,80 29,00 7,00 S*19X29X7★ 321.339 1.346 .3151.134 1.142 .27634,80 35,00 8,00 S 18X35X8★ 32 30,00 30,20 7,00 S 19X30X7★ 32*1.370 1.378 .3151.181 1.189 .27634,80 35,00 10,00 S*18X35X10★ 32 30,00 30,20 7,00 S 221920★ 321.370 1.378 .3941.181 1.189 .27635,00 35,18 7,00 S 18X35X7★ 32 31,80 32,00 5,00 S 19X32X5★ 32*1.378 1.385 .2761.252 1.260 .19735,00 35,20 8,00 V*18X35X8V★ 35 31,80 32,00 6,00 S 19X32X6★ 32*1.378 1.386 .3151.252 1.260 .23636,00 36,20 7,00 S *18X36X7★ 32 31,80 32,00 10,00 S *19X32X10★ 321.417 1.425 .2761.252 1.260 .39436,80 37,00 7,00 S 18X37X7★ 32 32,00 32,20 7,00 S 19X32X7★ 35*1.449 1.457 .2761.260 1.268 .27637,00 37,20 8,00 S 18X37X8★ 32 32,00 32,20 8,00 S 19X32X8★ 321.457 1.465 .3151.260 1.268 .31537,80 38,00 10,00 S *18X38X10★ 32 32,00 32,20 8,00 S 221922★ 321.488 1.496 .3941.260 1.268 .31538,00 38,20 7,00 S 18X38X7★ 32 32,80 33,00 8,00 S 19X33X8★ 32*1.496 1.504 .2761.291 1.299 .31539,80 40,00 10,00 S * 18X40X10★ 32 33,30 33,50 7,00 S *19X33.5X7★ 321.567 1.575 .3941.311 1.319 .276For Illustration and Material Data See Technical Section# Designed For A Specific Application - Not Recommended For General Use G Hydrodynamic Lip Design-CW & Flanged O.D.The U.S. customer service number is 877-4-TIMKEN. The Canadian customer service numbers are 800-565-4927 (English) and 800-565-0438 (French-Canadian).*★ Metric Seal11SIZE SECTION

Size SectionHsg.BoreSealO.D.SealWidthLipMat’lPart No.Type/Illus.Hsg.BoreSealO.D.SealWidthLipMat’lPart No.Type/Illus.1017,00mm (.669") SHAFT (cont.).687" (11/16") SHAFT (cont.)33,80 34,00 7,00 S 17X34X7★ 32 1.125 1.129 .312* S 471297 471.331 1.339 .2761.125 1.129 .312 N 471297N 47*34,00 34,10 7,90 N 710251★ 47 1.187 1.191 .187 S 474261 471.339 1.343 .3111.250 1.254 .250 S 8773SG 2534,30 34,50 4,00 S 17X34.5X4★ 32 1.250 1.254 .250 S 471538 47*1.350 1.358 .1571.250 1.254 .250 S 481538 4834,80 35,00 6,00 S *17X35X6★ 32 1.250 1.254 .250 V 481538V 481.370 1.378 .2361.250 1.254 .375 S 410355 4134,80 35,00 10,00 S *17X35X10★ 32 1.250 1.254 .375 S 450355 451.370 1.378 .3941.250 1.254 .375 S 470355 4735,00 35,18 7,00 S 17X35X7★ 35 1.250 1.254 .375 S 480355 48*1.378 1.385 .2761.375 1.379 .250 S 471553 4735,00 35,18 7,00 S 221735★ 35 1.375 1.379 .250 S 481553 481.378 1.385 .2761.375 1.379 .312 S 451559 4535,00 35,20 7,00 V *17X35X7V★ 35 1.375 1.379 .312 S 471559 471.378 1.386 .2761.375 1.379 .406 S 410025 41*35,00 35,20 8,00 S 17X35X8★ 35 1.375 1.379 .406 S 450025 451.378 1.386 .3151.375 1.379 .406 S 470025 4736,00 36,20 7,00 S 17X36X7★ 32 1.375 1.379 .406* S 480025 48*1.417 1.425 .2761.499 1.503 .312 S 471579 4736,80 37,00 10,00 S *17X37X10★ 32 1.499 1.503 .312 S 481579 481.449 1.457 .3941.499 1.503 .390 S 410205 4137,00 37,20 7,00 S 17X37X7★ 32 1.499 1.503 .390 S 450205 451.457 1.465 .2761.499 1.503 .390 N 450205N 4537,80 38,00 10,00 S *17X38X10★ 32 1.499 1.503 .390 S 470205 471.488 1.496 .3941.499 1.503 .390 S 480205 48*38,00 38,20 7,00 S 17X38X7★ 32 1.624 1.628 .250 S 471642 471.496 1.504 .27639,80 40,00 5,00 S 17X40X5★ 32* 17,50mm (.689") SHAFT1.567 1.575 .19739,80 40,00 8,00 S *17X40X8★ 32– – – S 800160 VRS11.567 1.575 .315– – – V 800164 VRS139,80 40,00 10,00 S 17X40X10★ 32 27,50 27,70 7,00 N 710299★ #*1.567 1.575 .3941.083 1.091 .27640,00 40,23 7,00 S 17X40X7★ 32 31,80 32,00 6,00 S 17.5X32X6★ 32*1.575 1.584 .2761.252 1.260 .23642,00 42,20 7,00 S 17X42X7★ 32*1.654 1.661 .276.690" SHAFT45,00 45,20 7,00 S 17X45X7★ 32*1.772 1.780 .276– – – S 800160 VRS145,80 46,00 6,00 S*17X46X6★ 32– – – V 800164 VRS11.803 1.811 .236.997 1.003 .295 S 3667& 27146,00 46,20 7,00 S 17X46X7★ 32*1.811 1.819 .27617,60mm (.693") SHAFT46,80 47,00 10,00 S 17X47X10★ 32* 29,80 30,00 7,001.842 1.850 .394S 17.6X30X7★ 32*1.173 1.181 .27647,00 47,20 7,00 S 17X47X7★ 351.850 1.858 .27647,00 47,20 8,00 S 17X47X8★ 32.697" SHAFT1.850 1.858 .3151.220 1.227 .204 V*320242 3217,40mm (.685") SHAFT.701" SHAFT– – – S 800160 VRS1 1.160 1.164 .250 S 331173 33– – – V 800164 VRS1– – .313 99060 Redi-Sleeve18,00mm (.709") SHAFT30,00 30,20 7,00 S 710344★ 32– – .3151.181 1.189 .276*99082 Redi-Sleeve23,00 23,20 4,00 S 710297★ 34.687" (11/16") SHAFT.906 .913 .15724,80 25,00 7,00– – – S 800160 VRS1S 18X25X7★ 32*.976 .984 .276– – – V 800164 VRS1 25,80 26,00 7,001.124 1.128 .250 S 471529 47S *18X26X7★ 321.124 1.128 .250 S 1.016 1.024 .276481529 481.124 1.128 .250 N 26,00 26,10 4,00 S 710222★ 98481529N 481.024 1.028 .1571.124 1.128 .312 S 451297 45 26,80 27,00 7,00 S 18X27X7★ 321.124 1.128 .375 S 410137 41*1.055 1.063 .2761.124 1.128 .375 S 450137 45 27,80 28,00 7,001.124 1.128 .375 S 470137 47S *18X28X7★ 321.094 1.102 .2761.124 1.128 .375 S 480137 481.125 1.129 .312 S * 411297 41For Illustration and Material Data See Technical Section# Designed For A Specific Application - Not Re<strong>com</strong>mended For General Use G Hydrodynamic Lip Design-CW & Flanged O.D.The U.S. customer service number is 877-4-TIMKEN. The Canadian customer service numbers are 800-565-4927 (English) and 800-565-0438 (French-Canadian).*★ Metric Seal

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