Spring 2013 - Memorial Hospital of South Bend

Spring 2013 - Memorial Hospital of South Bend

Spring 2013 - Memorial Hospital of South Bend


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A This Joltre you lookingfor a seriousenergy boost? Youmay be tempted bythe latest “energydrinks” that promiseto deliver boundlessvitality, enhancedphysical performance or even weightloss. But beware: Whatever theirshort-term benefits may be, thesebeverages have the potential to behazardous to your health, too.Drinks such as Red Bull ® , FullThrottle ® and Monster ® use heavydoses <strong>of</strong> caffeine to provide thatrush <strong>of</strong> energy. The U.S. Food andDrug Administration recommendsthat cold beverages contain no morethan 65 milligrams <strong>of</strong> caffeine per12-ounce serving. Energy drinksusually contain between 100 and140 milligrams. They <strong>of</strong>ten use otherstimulant ingredients like ephedrine,guarana or ginseng to add to the kick.“It’s important to remember thatthese are not healthy drinks. TheyMay Be More ThanYou Bargained Formay <strong>of</strong>fer a burst <strong>of</strong> energy, butultimately, like pop, they are not somethingyou should drink regularly,” saysTravis Casper, M.D., family medicinephysician at Portage Medical Group.Caffeine is a diuretic, and excessamounts can cause seriousdehydration, especiallywhen mixed withalcohol. Caffeine alsoboosts blood pressureand heart rate,potentially causingheart palpitations. Itcan also cause anxiety,stomach problems and, <strong>of</strong> course,sleeping difficulties.Don’t drink energy beverages whenyou’re exercising because <strong>of</strong> therisk <strong>of</strong> severe dehydration. Skip theenergy drinks altogether if you havehigh blood pressure, heart diseaseor mental health problems, or if youare pregnant or nursing.“There are plenty <strong>of</strong> healthy alternativesto energy drinks, like wateror 100 percent orange juice,” saysDeanna Huss, family nurse practitionerat Portage Medical Group.Need a Health Care Provider?Would you like to know more about the outstanding providers at PortageMedical Group? Call 574-647-4530 or visit memorialmedicalgroup.org.Travis Casper, M.D.Deanna Huss, FNPCardiopulmonary Rehab Has New HomeThe health and well-being <strong>of</strong> peoplewith breathing- and cardiac-relatedproblems is improved short andlong term when they participate incardiopulmonary rehab, accordingto published research.<strong>Memorial</strong> Leighton Heart & Vascular’sCardiopulmonary RehabilitationProgram is helping restore the longtermhealth <strong>of</strong> people with heartM. Shakil Aslam, M.D.and lung problems by uniting cardiac and pulmonaryrehab into a single program under one ro<strong>of</strong>.Physicians and nurses work together to create an individualizedcare plan for every patient involving educationto manage disease, exercise, nutrition and other healthrelatedissues. The spacious facility features a variety <strong>of</strong>exercise equipment—free weights, treadmills, stationarybikes, a rowing machine and stretch bands—all designedto improve endurance, strength and overall function.Benefits <strong>of</strong> Cardiac rehabilitationM. Shakil Aslam, M.D., director <strong>of</strong> <strong>Memorial</strong>’s cardiac rehabilitationprogram, shares some benefits <strong>of</strong> cardiac rehabilitation:D Helps you live longer and lessen your chances for anotherheart attackD Improves symptoms related to your heart or lung conditionD Reduces your chances <strong>of</strong> hospitalizationLet Us Help YouTo learn more about how this programcan help you, call 574-647-7620 orvisit quality<strong>of</strong>life.org/heartrehab.<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong> | quality<strong>of</strong>life.org17

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