Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad

Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad


63 Train Equipment and OperationB. Handling Equipment With Air Brakes Cut OutFollow these requirements when multiple cars have brakes cut out:1. Do not handle a car with inoperative air brakes immediatelybehind locomotives.2. The rear car must have operative air brakes.EXCEPTION: A single car with brakes cut out may behandled according to Rule 63.6.7C, Handling Car WithBroken Brake Pipe.3. When necessary to cut out brakes on two or more consecutivecars or locomotives, separate the cars or locomotives by at leastone car with operative brakes.4. Do not place more than two cars or locomotives with inoperativebrakes together.C. Handling Car With Broken Brake PipeHandle a car with a broken brake pipe behind the caboose or rear caras follows:1. Using a chain or cable, make a “figure 8” wrap between thedisabled car and the rear car.2. Cut in the air between the rear car and the closed angle cock ofthe disabled car.63.6.8 Bleeding Off CarsBleed off cars only in the following situations:• When repairing the brake system• When cutting out the brakes on a defective car• When switchingor• After applying the hand brakeJune 1, 1996 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual 63-9

63 Train Equipment and Operation63.6.9 Making Emergency Air RepairsSince there are many kinds of air brake systems, this manual cannotlist emergency repairs for every possible emergency situation.Having an understanding of the brake equipment operation will helpyou make repairs and minimize delays.When pipes are broken or leaking, try to stop the flow of air by anyof these methods:• Close a cutout cock whenever possible.• Use a plug if one is available (for example, a No. 8 vent valveplug)• Make a tight bend or smash the pipe.NOTE: After making any temporary repairs, test the brakeequipment for proper operation.63.7 Correcting Hot Wheel Journal BearingsOn Cars and Locomotives63.7.1 Friction BearingFollow these steps to correct a hot friction bearing:1. Stop the movement.2. Check the journal boxes, dust guard, decking, and side of the carfor fire. If necessary, remove the pad with a packing hook orother implement.3. Extinguish any fire.• Do not use sand, dirt, or other abrasive material to extinguisha fire in a journal box.• Do not use water or snow to cool a hot journal, except in anemergency.4. If snow or ice may have accumulated in journal boxes, make amechanical inspection of the friction bearings before the cars aremoved.63-10 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual June 1, 1996

63 <strong>Train</strong> Equipment <strong>and</strong> Operation63.6.9 Making Emergency <strong>Air</strong> RepairsSince there are many kinds of air brake systems, this manual cannotlist emergency repairs for every possible emergency situation.Having an underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the brake equipment operation will helpyou make repairs <strong>and</strong> minimize delays.When pipes are broken or leaking, try to stop the flow of air by anyof these methods:• Close a cutout cock whenever possible.• Use a plug if one is available (for example, a No. 8 vent valveplug)• Make a tight bend or smash the pipe.NOTE: After making any temporary repairs, test the brakeequipment for proper operation.63.7 Correcting Hot Wheel Journal BearingsOn Cars <strong>and</strong> Locomotives63.7.1 Friction BearingFollow these steps to correct a hot friction bearing:1. Stop the movement.2. Check the journal boxes, dust guard, decking, <strong>and</strong> side of the carfor fire. If necessary, remove the pad with a packing hook orother implement.3. Extinguish any fire.• Do not use s<strong>and</strong>, dirt, or other abrasive material to extinguisha fire in a journal box.• Do not use water or snow to cool a hot journal, except in anemergency.4. If snow or ice may have accumulated in journal boxes, make amechanical inspection of the friction bearings before the cars aremoved.63-10 ARRC <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Brakes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Train</strong> H<strong>and</strong>ling Manual June 1, 1996

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