Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad

Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad


62 Operating Locomotive Equipment62.7 Using Speed IndicatorsA locomotive used as a controlling unit at speeds above 20 MPHmust be equipped with an operative speed indicator. Follow thesespeed indicator requirements:1. Locomotive speed indicators must be accurate within:a. ± 3 MPH at speeds between 10 and 30 MPHb. ± 5 MPH speeds above 30 MPH2. If a speed indicator on a controlling locomotive fails enroute, thelocomotive may continue as a controlling locomotive at normaltrack speed only to the next repair facility.62.7.1 Verify Speed Indicator AccuracyWhen leaving the terminal, the engineer must test the speed indicatorof the controlling locomotive as follows:1. Verify the accuracy of the speed indicator at the first opportunity.2. Conduct the speed check in the 10 to 30 MPH range.3. Conduct the speed check as near maximum speed as conditionspermit.4. Report inaccurate speed indicators as follows:a. Complete the Locomotive Daily Inspection and Trip Report.b. Report verbally to the dispatcher.62.8 Moving Locomotives62.8.1 Moving Locomotives—GeneralFollow these steps to move a locomotive safely:A. Before Moving Locomotive1. Verify that hand brakes are released on all locomotives.62-20 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual June 1, 1996

62 Operating Locomotive Equipment2. If multiple locomotives will be operating from a single control:a. Couple hoses.b. Position cutout cocks and valves for MU operation.B. When Starting Out1. At a speed of 1 to 3 MPH, allow the locomotive to drift with thethrottle in IDLE (if conditions permit).2. Check that brakes or other conditions do not restrict thelocomotive’s movement.3. Make an automatic brake pipe reduction to make sure the brakesapply.4. Actuate to make sure the brakes release.C. Hostling LocomotiveMultiple locomotive consists may be moved within a terminal areawith only the brake pipe connected under these conditions:• Distance traveled does not exceed 2 miles.• Speed does not exceed 10 MPH.When starting movement with only the brake pipe connected:1. At a speed of 1 to 3 MPH, apply the automatic brake by makinga 10 psi brake pipe reduction. Make sure the brakes apply.2. After stopping, release the automatic brake and make sure allbrakes release.62.8.2 Moving Locomotives Within MechanicalDepartment LimitsWhen moving locomotives within mechanical department limits:1. Charge and properly position brake equipment before movingthe locomotive.2. Apply and release locomotive brakes to verify brake cylinderpistons are operating, and brake cylinder lines to trucks are notcut out.June 1, 1996 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual 62-21

62 Operating Locomotive Equipment2. If multiple locomotives will be operating from a single control:a. Couple hoses.b. Position cutout cocks <strong>and</strong> valves for MU operation.B. When Starting Out1. At a speed of 1 to 3 MPH, allow the locomotive to drift with thethrottle in IDLE (if conditions permit).2. Check that brakes or other conditions do not restrict thelocomotive’s movement.3. Make an automatic brake pipe reduction to make sure the brakesapply.4. Actuate to make sure the brakes release.C. Hostling LocomotiveMultiple locomotive consists may be moved within a terminal areawith only the brake pipe connected under these conditions:• Distance traveled does not exceed 2 miles.• Speed does not exceed 10 MPH.When starting movement with only the brake pipe connected:1. At a speed of 1 to 3 MPH, apply the automatic brake by makinga 10 psi brake pipe reduction. Make sure the brakes apply.2. After stopping, release the automatic brake <strong>and</strong> make sure allbrakes release.62.8.2 Moving Locomotives Within MechanicalDepartment LimitsWhen moving locomotives within mechanical department limits:1. Charge <strong>and</strong> properly position brake equipment before movingthe locomotive.2. Apply <strong>and</strong> release locomotive brakes to verify brake cylinderpistons are operating, <strong>and</strong> brake cylinder lines to trucks are notcut out.June 1, 1996 ARRC <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Brakes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Train</strong> H<strong>and</strong>ling Manual 62-21

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