Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad

Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad


68 EOT Telemetry DevicesLCU Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies2. LCU beeps for 5seconds.3. [NO DATA]message4. [SERVICE]messagea. Display cableplugged into wrongconnectora. Faulty display cable —b. Connectors notplugged incompletelya. Faulty RDU or LCU(not CDU)5. [NO COM] message a. Thumbwheel settingis incorrectb. Front or rear of trainin tunnelc. Train has separated;EOT out of rangePlug the display cableinto the correctconnector.——Set LCU thumbwheelsto the EOT unit’s IDnumber.Normal display willresume upon exit fromtunnel.6. [NO AIR] message a. Possible vandalism Someone may haveclosed the air cockahead of the last carand opened the aircock on the last car.7. No reports fromEOT (display showsall segments of alldigits on)a. Incorrectthumbwheel settingb. LCU antenna notplugged inc. Interference onradiochannel—d. Faulty EOT —Set LCU thumbwheelsto the EOT unit’s IDnumber.Plug in LCU antennacable.Try again.June 1, 1996 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual 68-37

68 EOT Telemetry DevicesLCU Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies8. Incorrect pressuredisplay9. Pressure display fartoo high10. Incorrect odometerdisplay11. W or F appears onleft side of displaya. Air cock closed Open air cock.b. Pinched air line Straighten air line.c. Incorrectthumbwheel setting.You are monitoringanother train’s EOTunit!d. Marginal radiosignal frominterference, tunnels,metal structures, etc.a. Internal jumper notcut. The display isshowing kilopascals,not psi.a. Odometer cable notplugged inb. Odometer notcalibratedc. Locomotive iscabled incorrectly.a. EOT battery weakorfailingTable 68-I. LCU Troubleshooting Chart.Set LCU thumbwheelsto your EOT unit’s IDnumber.—Have LCU serviced.Plug in odometercable.Calibrate the odometerover a measured mile(see Rule 68.8.3(C)).Make sure thelocomotive has thecorrect cables for thetype of axle generator(20 or 60 pulses perwheel revolution).Replace EOT battery.68-38 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual June 1, 1996

68 EOT Telemetry DevicesLCU Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies8. Incorrect pressuredisplay9. Pressure display fartoo high10. Incorrect odometerdisplay11. W or F appears onleft side of displaya. <strong>Air</strong> cock closed Open air cock.b. Pinched air line Straighten air line.c. Incorrectthumbwheel setting.You are monitoringanother train’s EOTunit!d. Marginal radiosignal frominterference, tunnels,metal structures, etc.a. Internal jumper notcut. The display isshowing kilopascals,not psi.a. Odometer cable notplugged inb. Odometer notcalibratedc. Locomotive iscabled incorrectly.a. EOT battery weakorfailingTable 68-I. LCU Troubleshooting Chart.Set LCU thumbwheelsto your EOT unit’s IDnumber.—Have LCU serviced.Plug in odometercable.Calibrate the odometerover a measured mile(see Rule 68.8.3(C)).Make sure thelocomotive has thecorrect cables for thetype of axle generator(20 or 60 pulses perwheel revolution).Replace EOT battery.68-38 ARRC <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Brakes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Train</strong> H<strong>and</strong>ling Manual June 1, 1996

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